Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 470
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killed one, named Nahor Rice,
about '5 years of age, who was the
first white person buried in the
town. The men made their escape
to the house. One of the boys was
redeemed^ the others remained and
mixed their posterity with the
French and Indians. Timothy Rice,
the youngest, 7 years of age' when
taken, ■ became a chief of the Oog-
nawaga Indians. He visited West-
borough ih .1740, and remembered
the hodse where he had lived, and
the field where he was captured*,
and some aged people. He had
lost the English language, and'w&s
accompanied by an interpreter. He
was sent-for and'visited Gov. Bel-
cher, at Boston, but cho$e to return
to; his Indian habits. • ' ’

The Waters of'this town consist of
some of the sources of Concord and
Blackstone- rivers, which furnish a
good water power. There are sev-
eral handsome ponds in the town,
well stocked with fish.

The manufactures consist of
boots, shoes, leather, axes, chairs,
cabinet and tin warqs, ploughs^
straw bonnets, sleighs, and harnes-
ses ; total valufe, the year ending
1, 1837, $169;476, of which
amount $148,774 was for boots and
shoes. '

This is a Very pleasant town :
the surface is diversified by hills
and valleys: the soil is good, and
appears to be cultivated by me»
who understand their business. A
brief statement of the products of
Mr. Samuel Chamberlain’s farm of
about 100 acres, in 1$33, is here

Butter, 3,486, ibs.    $767.

Cheese, 3,836,    221.

Beef,    -    _    603.

Pork,    -    .    652.

Veal,    -    .    152.

Total,    $2,395.

This is the native place of Eli
IVhitney. Soon after he gradua-
ted at \ ale College, he went to
Georgia, where he resided

years. He died, and was huried in
the city of New Haven. The fol-
lowing is inscribed on his monu-

Eli Whitney,
the inventor of the -
Cotton Gin.

Of useful Scienfce and Arts-,
the efficient patron
and improver.

Bom December 8th, 1765. Died
Jan. 8th,1825.

In the. social relations of life,
ainodel'of excellence.

While private

•affection weeps at his tomb, his
country honors his

SeeWew Haven, Ct.

West Boylston, Mass.

Worcester co. This territory
was a part of Boylston until 1808,
and was , first settled, about the
year 1720. It Is 42 miles W. from
Boston, and
8 N. from Worcester.
Population, in 1S30, 1,053; 1837,
1,330. The surface of the town is
very pleasant; the soil good, and
weft, cultivated. The Quinepoxet
and Stillwater rivers meet theNash-
ua in this town. These streams fer-
tilize a large portion of the town,
and afford a watdr power to propel
a numher of mills;

There are in the town 7 cotton
mills, and manufactures of boots,
shoes, leather, palm-leaf hats, cot-
ton machinery, baskets,boxes, straw
braid, hatchets and school appara-
tus; annual value about $

The venerable Robert B. Thomas,
author of the Farmer’s Almanac, is
a resident of this town. There are
some mineral treasures id West
Boylston, and a spring, the waters
of which are strongly impregnated
with iron.

West Bridgewater, Mass.

Plymouth co. This is the sec-
ond daughter of the venerable
Bridgewater, who found it difficult
to find names for her progeny. This


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