Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 471
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daughter was horn in 1822, and al-
though not so stout as her sisters, is
healthy, comely and industrious.
The manufactures of West Bridge-
water consist of iron castings, shov-
els, forks, hoes, ploughs* boots and
shoes: annual value, about $
000. West Bridgewater is suppli-
ed with mill privileges by a branch
of Taunton river; and is miles
S. from Boston,'19 TST. W. from
Plymouth and 9 N. N. E. frorti
Taunton. The number of her. chil-
dren in 1837, was 1,145; increase
m 7 years, 103.

In 1820, ancient Bridgewater
contained 5,662 children
*. the whole
family, in 1837, consisted of 7,865

Westbrook, Me,.

Cumberland co. , This flourishing
town was taken from Falm'outh.in'

1814. It is 52 milds S.’S. W. from.
Augusta, and is bdunded E* by
Portland, The. Presumpscot river
passing through the town from west
to east, furnishes it wiith rich inter-
vales, and numerous valuable mill
privileges. The Cumberland and
Oxford canal also passes through
the town. This town Is noted for
its working cattle which are said to
equal any in the country.

The principal place of business
in Westbrook, is at the pleasant vil-
lage of Saccarappa, where are large
operations in the manufacture of
lumber, and where has recently
been erected, by citizens of Port-
land, a large brick cotton mill, con-
taining 2,900 spindles, and 104
looms, and which is in successful

Stroudwater, another village, has
some navigation employed in the
fishery and coasting trade, and has,
been celebrated for' the fine ships
built there. In Westbrook are ex-
tensive manufactures of tin ware
and corahs, which are sent to all
parts of the United States.

The scenery along the canal, and
about the falls on the Presumpscut,

is yery pleasant. Population, 1830,

3,238; 1S37, 3,755

West Cambridge, Mass.

Middlesex co. This was a par-
ish of Cambridge, called “.Meno-
tomy,” until its incorporation, in
1807. A part of theTands are low
and swampy, but the general fea-
6f the town are pleasant.
Spy, Littfoi and a part of Fresh
ponds lie- in this town ; they abound
.with fish, and add: much to the
beauty of the placei These ponds
cover an area of about
200 acres,
and furnish large quantities'of ice
for transportation. In this town are
some very pleasant villages, nu-
merous country seats, and well cul-
tivated farms. Large quantities of
milk are daily, taken to the Boston
market, and this place is a consid-
able mart for cattle from the inte-
rior country.

Sucker brook, though a small
stream, furnishes a good waterpow-
er. The' descent of this Stream is
so great, that dams are erected in
the town for appropriating its wa-
ter nine different times. The me-
chanical operations of West Cam-
bridge consist of dying and printing
calico, pulverizing drugs, medi-
cines and dye-stuffs, a turning and
sawing mill, and the manufacture
of saws, cards, boots, shoes, cabi-
net \v a re and chairs'; total value,
tbe yiear ending April 1, 1837,
$312,500. West Cambridge is.
miles N.-W. from Boston, and 12 E.
by S. from Concord. Population,
1830, 1,308.

Westerly, R. I.

Washington co. Westerly is'
washed by the Atlantic ocean on
the south, and Pawcatuck river,
which separates this state from
Connecticut, on the west. This
maritime town has its principal har-
bor at the mouth of the Pawcatuck,
in which vessels are built, and in
which some navigation is employed
l in the fishery and domestic trade.


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