The Pawcatuck affords a grealt va- riety of scale and shell fish.
The surface of the town is gen- erally uneven; in some parts it presents rugged features. Its soil varies from good to bad, but its av- erage quality is well adapted to the culture of all the varieties of grains, grasses, fruits-and vegetables com- mon to the climate. The business of the dairy is extensive and lucra- tive.
The milage of Pawcatuck is ve- ry, handsome; it is finely located 6 miles from the sea, at the head of navigation on'the Pawcatuck, and at the falls on that stream. This village is the site of valuable man- ufactures, and of a large interior trade. It is crossed by the, Provi- dence and Stonington rail road, and lies 40 mile's S. S. W. from Provi- dence, 5 N.'N. E. from.Stonington, and 85 W. by S. from Newport.
There are a number of pleas- ant ponds in the town, well stored with fish. Westerly was incorpo- rated in 1669. Population, 1830, 1,904. Its Indian name was Mis- quamicut. ^
West Fairlee, Vt.
Orange co. This town is water- ed by Ompomponoosuc river, and by a part of Fairlee pond. The surface is rough and mountainous, hut capable of sustaining a consid- erable number of cattle.
West Fairlee was chartered in connexion with Fairlee, in 1761; and incorporated as a distinct town in 1797. It lies 28 miles S. E. from Montpelier, and 12 E. by S. from Chelsea. Population, 1830, 841.
Westfield, Vt.
Orleans co. A number of the branches of Missisque river meet in this town, and afford a good wa- ter power. A part of the sur- face of Westfield is mountainous; through which is the pass in the Green mountains, called Hazen’s |
Notch. Westfield was first settled about the year' 1800, It lies 42 miles N. from Montpelier, and 44 N. E. from Burlington. Population, 1830, 353.
Westfieljl River, Mass.
This river, often called the Aga- wam, rises, in the north part of Berkshire county. It has many tributaries, and is exceedingly wild and romantic in many plaees. Its main branch traverses the towns of Plainfield, Cummington, Goshen, Worthington, Chesterfield, Nor- wich, Montgomery, Russell, and Westfield(and meets the Connec- ticut at West Springfield, 30 miles N. froip Hartford, Ct.
Westfield, Mass.
Hampden oo. This is a place of singular beauty, on Westfield river. It lies in a valley or basin of about 4 miles in diameter, sur- rounded by high hills, and is sup- posed to have been the bed of a lake whose waters burst the Mount Tom range of mountains and dis- charged itself into Connecticut riv- er.
The Hampshire and1 Hampden canal passes through this town, and promises great advantages to its trade and hydraulic power.
About a third part of the popula- tion of the village is engaged in making whips. The annual amount of that article manufactured here isr about $160,000. There are also three powder mills in the town, and manufactures of tin ware, ploughs, boots, shoes, leather, cigars, palm- leaf hats, chairs, cabinet and wood- en wares: total annual value, about $250,000.
The Westfield academy is in high standing : it has considerable funds, and its annual number of scholars is about 400.
Westfield was first settled in 1659. Incorporated in 1669. It lies 99 miles W. S. W. from Boston, 9 W. by N. from Springfield, and 16 S. |