Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 473
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by W. from Northampton. Popu-
lation, 1837,3,039. -

Westford, Vt.

Chittenden co. This township
was settled soon after the revolu-
tionary war, by Hezekiah Parme-
lee and others. It lies 13 miles N.
N. E. from Burlington, and 32 N.
W. from Montpelier.

Westford is well watered by
Brown’s river, a branch of the-La-
moille. The surface rs rough, and
the soil good for grazing. Between
3,500 and 4,000 sheep are kept.
Population, 1830,-1,290.

Westford, Mass.

Middlesex co. This is a good
farming town, on elevated'ground,
26-miles N- W.-from Boston, aiid 10
N.W; from Concord. Incorporated,

1729. Population, 1837,1,451. The
surface and soil of the town are
well adapted to the growth of grain,
grass and fruit, and large quanti-
ties of hay and vegetables are an-
nually sent to Boston and Lowell.
Quantities of fine granite, common-
ly called “Chelmsford granite,” are
found here, quarried and transpor-
ted. Westford is watered by sev-
eral beautifuf ponds, and by Ston'ey
brook which rises in the town and
gives it mill privileges.

The manufactures of Westford,
consist of bar iron, shoes and leath-
er: annual value, about $25,000.

The village is handsomely situa-
ted on a swell of fine land, com-
manding a beautiful prospect, of
great extent, and contains an Acad-
emy of ancient date and respect-
able standing.

West Greenwich, R. I.

Kent co. This town was taken
from East Greenwich in 1741, by
which it is hounded on the east. It
lies 18 miles S. W. from Provi-
dence. Population, 1830, 1,818.
Thisftown possesses a primitive ge-
ological character, and its surface
presents a diversity of hills and
valleys. Hopkin’s Hill, affords an
agreeable view of the surrounding
country. The waters of the town
consist of the south branch of the
Pawtuxet, which rises here ; and of
the upper branches of Wood river,
which pass through it. There are
some manufactures in the town*
but the people are generally en-
gaged in agricultural pursuits.

Westhaxnpton, Mass*

Hampshire co. This township is
rough, but the soil is generally good,
particularly for grazing. There
is a Valuable lead mine in the town ;
1,000 merino sheep are kept,
and some hats and leather are man-
ufactured. It lies
8 miles W. by S.
from Northampton. Incorporated,

1772. Population, 1837, 818.

West Haven, Vt.

Rutland co. This town was set
off from Fair Haven in 1792. It
lies 19 miles W. from Rutland, and
is bounded W. by lake Champlain,
and S. by Whitehall, N. Y. ,

This town is well watered by
Hubbardston and Poultney rivers,
and Cogman’s creek; on the for-
mer of which are handsome falls
and mill sites. The soil is produc-
tive of grain , and grass.: there is
much limestone and clay in the
town, and a large number of sheep
are annually sheared.

'The site of the village is pleas-
ant ; it is a place of some trade,
navigation and manufactures. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 724.

Westminster, Vt*

Windham co. ” This town is
bounded N. hy Rockingham, E. by
Connecticut river, and S. by Put-
ney. It lies 82 miles S. from Mont-
pelier, and 13 N. E. from New-
fane. Population, 1830,1,737.

This town was one of the first
settled townships in the state, and
being situated near a fort for the
protection of the country, it pros-
pered rapidly. For some years the


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