courts of law were held here ; here- the legislature of, the state held several sessions, and here the mas- sacre of the 13th of March, 1775, was perpetrated.
The surface and soil of this town are favorable for agriculture; and various articles of produce are an- nually sent to market. In 1837, 13,766 sheep were sheared in West- minster , '
The principal and oldest village is delightfully situated in the east parish, on the bank of Connecticut river. The main street, which is perfectly level, crosses a table of land about one mile in diameter, considerably elevated above the river, and also above the large and fertile, meadows by which it is ap- proached on the north and south; and the whole is enclosed by a semi- circle of hills which touch the river about two miles'above and be- low the town. It is this barrier which, while it contributes to the natural beauty of the place, has, by turning the water course in an- other direction, deprived it of all those facilities of access, and of water power, which have so much contributed to the rapid growth of some of the neighboring villages.
Westminster, Mass.
Worcester co. This town lies on the range of high lands whieh separate the waters of the Connec- ticut and Merrimack. From the village a prospect is presented of lake and'mountain with all the va- ried scenery which renders a New- England town peculiarly delight- ful.
Several streams, rising from large ponds in this town and its neigh- borhood, produce a considerable water power, which is improved for manufactures of various kinds. These waters are so elevated and constant that, with a small expense, they might be rendered exceeding- ly valuable. They deserve par- ticular attention of those in search 39* of mill sites in this part of the state.
This town lies 50 miles W. N. W. from Boston, 20 N. by W. from Worcester, and 7 S. W. from Fitch- burgh. Incorporated, 1759. Pop- ulation, 1830, 1,640.
The manufactures of Westmin- ster consist of chairs, cabinet and wooden wares, hats, boots, shoes, straw bonnets, palm-leaf hats, card boards, saddlery, and leather: an- nual value, about $60,000.
Westmore, Vt.
Orleans co. This town contains Willoughby’s lake, a handsome sheet of water, surrounded by mounts Hor, Pico, and other eleva- tions. This lake is about 6 miles in length, and one and an half in width. Branches of Barton, Clyde and Passumpsie rivers rise in this and other ponds in the town.
Westmore appears to be too high for the habitation of many people or sheep: in 1830, it contained 32 inhabitants, and in 1837,10 sheep.
Westmoreland, HT. H. ~
Cheshire'co. Westmoreland is bounded N. by Walpole, E. by Sur- ry and Keene, S. by Chesterfield, and W. by Dummersfon and Put- ney, Vt. Its distance from Con- cord is 65 miles S. W, Population, 1830, 1,647.
This town is watered by several small streams which empty into the Connecticut. The one issuing from Spafford’s lake in Chesterfield is the largest, and afiords some of the best water privileges in town.
The present charter of the town was granted by New Hampshire, in 1752. The first settlement was made in 1741. The early settlers were several times attacked by the Indians. In one of their excur- sions, they killed William Phips, the first husband of Jemima How; and in another, carried Nehemiah How, the father of her second hus- band, a captive to Canada, where |