he died. The surface of Westmore- land is legs varied by mountains, vales, rivers and ponds-, than the neighboring towns.
West Newbury, Mass*
Esfeex co. This is a part of the ancient town of Newbury, and was taken from it in 1819.
This pleasant town lies on the S. side of Merrimack river; 33 miles N. from Boston, 20 E. from Lowell, and 4 W. from Newburyport. Pop- ulation, 1837, 1,448.
This is a fine township of land, and many excellent farms and coun- try seats are found within its limits. Asbestos and marble are found here.
Although most of the inhabitants of the town are professional farm- ers, still there are manufactures of bar iron, combs,'chaises, leather, and shoes: annual ‘ value, about $75,000.
Weston, Me.
Washington co. This town was incorporated in 1835. It is tbe half township granted to Hampden academy. It lies a few miles west from Grand Lake : it is watered by Baskahegan river, and is about 90 miles N. E. from Bangor. Popu- lation, 1837, 21$. Wheat crop, same year, 4,706 bushels.
Weston, Vt.
Windsor co. West river passes through this town, and on its banks are some good land, some manufac- tures and two pleasant villages. It was set off from Andover in 1790, and organized as a town in 1800.
Weston lies 66 miles S. by W. from Montpelier, and 22 S. W. from Windsor, Population, 1830, 972.
Weston, Mass.
Middlesex cp. This is a town- ship of good land with a neat and flourishing village. It lies 14 miles W. from Boston, 9 S. by E. from Concord, and is watered by Stony brook. Population, 1837, 1,105. |
The manufactures of the town consist of boots, shoes, leather, ma- chinery, ploughs, chairs, harnesses, pottery ware, &c. : annual value, about $60,000. Incorporated, 1712
Weston, Ct.
Fairfield co. Weston was taken from Fairfield in 1787. It was set- tled in 1738. The town is watered by Saugatuck and Mill rivers, and a pleasant brook, which furnish a good water power. There are some valuable mills for manafactures in the town, but the chief business of the inhabitants is agricultural. The soil is a gravelly loam, with an uneven surface.
Weston is 60 miles S. W. from Hartford, and is bounded N. W.by Fairfield. Population, 1830, 2,997.
“ On Monday, the 14th of Decem- ber, 1S07, at about the break of day, or a little after, the weather being moderate, calm, and the at- mosphere somewhat cloudy and foggy, a meteor or fire ball, passiiig from a northern point, disploded over the western part of this state, with a tremendous report. At the same time several pieces of stony substance fell oa the earth in Fair- field county. One mass was driven against a rock and dashed in small pieces, a peck of which remained on the spot. About three miles distant, in the town of Weston, an- other large piece fell upon the earth, of which a mass of about thirty pounds weight remains en- tire, and was exhibited the same day at town meeting. A small mass has been sent to Yale College, and examined by a number of gen- tlemen. It was immediately per- ceived by Professor Silliman to contain a metal,, arid on presenting it to a magnet a powerful attraction proved it to be iron. This is, we believe, the first instance in the United States, in which the sub- stance of this species of meteor has been found on the earth, though it has often been found in Europe.** |