Addison county, about 60 miles. It passes through Hancock,Rochester, and Pittsfield, in Rutland county, and Stockbridge, Bethel, Royalton, and Sharon, in Windsor county, to its fall into the Connecticut at Hart- ford, about 5 miles above the mouth of Queechy river. White river receives many large tributaries; the most considerable of which are the three branches, so called, from the north; and Broad brook and Locust creek from the south. This stream and its branches, afford a great hydraulic power; and large tracts of country are fertilized by Rs waters. It passes through a country of lofty mountains, deep ravines and fertile valleys; the scenery of which is much enhanc- ed by the devious course of this beautiful river.
Wbite Cap Mountain, Me*
See Andover.
Wbitefield, Me*
Lincoln co. Sheepscot river pass- es through this town, giving it fer- tility, beauty, and a good water power. It lies 16 miles S. E. from Augusta, and 14 N. from Wiscas- set. Incorporated, 1809. Popula- tion, in 1837, 2,136. Wheat crop, same year, 3,637 bushels.
Wbitefield, X. H.
Coos co. This is an irregular township, lying S. from Lancaster, W. from Jefferson, N. from Carroll and Bethlehem, and E. from Dalton. It is 120 miles N. from Concord. Its soil is generally thin and light, of easy cultivation and tolerably good ; though in the N. part low spruce swamps abound. In this town lie part of Blake’s, Long, Round and Little river ponds, be- side two other small ponds. The second of these is a beautiful pond of considerable size, abounding with fish. John’s river passes through this town. Whitefield was granted JuJy 4, 1774, to Josiah Moody and others, and soon after settled by Maj. Burns and others. Popula- tion, 1830, 685. |
Wbitebead, Me.
Lincoln co. An Island off the town of St. George, with a light and tower 30 feet in height. The light bears about S. W. by S. 9 miles from Owl’s Head.
Wbite Mountains, X. H<
These mountains are situated in the county of Coos, in the north part of the state. They extend about 20 miles from S. W. to N. E., and are the more elevated parts of a range extending many miles in that direction. Their base is about 10 miles broad and their cen- tral latitude is 44° 15' N., and 71° 20' W. longitude.
The Indian name of these moun- tains, according to Dr. Belknap, was Agiocochook. An ancient tra- dition prevailed among the savages, that a deluge once overspread the land, and destroyed every human being, except a single powow and his wife, who sheltered themselves in these elevated regions,'and thus preserved the race from extermi- nation. The fancy of the natives peopled this mountain with beings of a superior rank, who were invis- ible to the human eye, but some- times indicated their presence by tempests, which they were believ- ed to control with absolute authori- ty. The.savages therefore, never attempted to ascend the summit, deeming the attempt perilous, and success impossible. But they fre- quented the defiles and environs of the mountain, and of course propa- gated many extravagant descrip- tions of its appearance ; declaring, among other things equally cred- ible, that they had seen carbun cles at immense heights, which, in the darkness of night, shone with the most brilliant and dazzling splendor.
President Alden states, that the |