Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 485
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White mountains were called by
one of the eastern tribes
Waumbekket signi-
white, and methna, mountains.

Before we attempt a description
of these mountains, we shall en-
deavor to direct the traveller in
his course, from the east, the south
and the west, to this magnificent
exhibition of Almighty power.

Routes from Boston, through
, JY. H. Travellers take
the rail road to Lowell, pass to
Nashua, by rail road, and then by
stage through Amoskeag to Concord,
or take the Mammoth road at Low-
ell, through Manchester and Lon-
donderry, or pass through Andover
and Haverhill, Mass. The distance
from Boston to Concord, by the
Mammoth road, is 65 miles : by
Nashua, 72, and by the way of
Haverhill, 70 miles. From Con-
cord you pass to Meredith bridge,
either by the Shaker village in
Canterbury, 12 miles; or Sanborn-
ton bridge, 16 miles from Concord.
The distance from Concord to Mer-
edith bridge is 26 miles. From
Meredith bridge to Meredith vil-
lage, is 9 miles; from thence to Cen-
tre Harbor, at the north western
extremity of Winnepisiogee lake,
is 4 miles. Here you have a fair
view of the lake for 15 miles, and
here you can be accommodated
with a passage down the lake, to
Alton, any day in the season of nav-
igation. From Centre Harbor to
Moultonborough is 5 miles, to Sand-
wich, 2, to Tamworth, 12 ; to Eaton,
6, to Conway, 8, to Bartlett, on the
south east side of the mountains,
10 ; to the entrance of the Notch,
12 miles; and from thence to the
“ Crawford House,” is 12 miles.
The Crawford house is about
9 miles
from the summit of Mount Wash-
ington. -About two thirds of this
distance is traveled by horses, pro-
cured at the accommodation house
of Crawford the residue is traveled
on foot, by a pretty good path, cut
for the purpose. The total distance
from Boston to the base of Mount
Washington, is 171 miles. These
are very pleasant routes : you pass
through the capital of New Hamp-
shire, a beautiful town ; you enjoy
a great variety of delightful and ro-
mantic river and lake scenery, and
are accommodated with good houses,
gentlemanly landlords, skillful and
obliging stagemen.

There is another route from Con-
cord to these hills, hy the way of
Plymouth, through the Franconia
Notch, that is very pleasant and
frequently traveled. From Con-
cord through Boscawen, Frank-
lin, Andover, Hill, Bristol, and
Bridgewater, to Plymouth, is 40
miles; from thence, through Camp-
ton, Thornton, Peeling, Lincoln,
to Littleton, through the Franconia
Notch, is 40 miles. From Littleton
to Crawford’s, is 18 miles. Total
distance from Boston, by this route,
163 miles.

From Plymouth to Littleton the
roads are remarkably good, and
the landscape delightful; but the
scenery is not so beautiful as by the
Winnepisiogee, nor so magnificent
as through the Notch of the White

The Portsmouth and Dover
, from Boston, is very pleasant:
you exchange the beautiful scene-
ry along the Merrimack, for a visit
to some of our most delightful At-
lantic towns. On this route we pass
through the principal towns of Sa-
lem, Beverly, Ipswich, Newbury-
port, Hampton, to Portsmonth, 56
miles from Boston. From thence we
go to Dover, 12 miles, to Alton,
at the southeastern extremity of
Winnepisiogee lake, 28 miles; from
thence up the lake, by steam boat,
to Centre Harbor, 20 miles, and
from thence, to Crawford’s, at the
base of Mount Washington, as by
the Concord route. Total distance,
by this route, 183 miles.


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