Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 486
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The Portland route, from Bos-
ton, by steam boat and stage, is
another very pleasant way to reach
this mountainous region. You
leave Boston in the evening, on
board one of our beautiful, sea-
worthy steamers, and take an early
breakfast, the next morning, at
our friend Haskell’s, at the “ Elm
House,” in Portland. The distance
from Boston to Portland is about 120
miles ; but distance, in this case, is
generally lost in sleep. After
breakfast you take the northern
stage, and passing through Gorham
and other towns, to Fryeburgh, you
arrive at Conway, (the centre of all
the eastern routes,) 57 miles from
Portland, and find excellent accom-
modations for the night. The next
day you have ample time to go to
the Crawford house, and to prepare
for an aerial excursion the next
morning. The distance from Bos-
ton, in this way, is 211 miles. This
is the most expeditious route, and
has the charms of both ocean and
inland scenery.

The Connecticut River route, to
the “ Crystal Hills,” is full of
beauty in almost all its course. You
leave Hartford and ascend one of
the most delightful rivers in the
world, to Littleton, N.H.,a dis-
tance of 1SS miles. Some of this
distance may be travelled by water,
but the most agreeable mode of
travelling is by land, on either
side of the river. As you pass
the principal towns of Springfield,
Northampton, Deerfield, Green-
field, Brattleboro’, Walpole, Wind-
sor, Hanover, Norwich, Haverhill
and Newbury, you are charmed
with all the varieties of scenery,
which elevated mountains, placid
and rapid waters, a wide, luxuriant
and densely populated alluvial basin
can yield. The distance from Lit-
tleton through Bethlehem to Craw-
ford’s House is 18 miles. Total dis-
tance from Hartford, by this route,
206 miles.    i


The Hudson River Route. Ex-
cursions to these mountains from
New York by the Hudson river,
Lake Champlain, and back by the
way of Boston or Hartford, affords
our southern and western friends
a rich repast of New York and New
England scenery.

The distances on the Hudson
from New York to Troy are given
Long Island Sound.

From Troy to the far famed Min-
eral Springs, at
Ballston and Sara-
is a pleasant ride, by the rail
road. The distance to the former
is 25, and to the latter 32 miles.
The distance from Albany to Sara-
toga Springs, by the way of Sche-
nectady, is 36 miles.

The waters of these springs have
long been justly celebrated for their
medicinal and exhilarating quali-
ties ; and a vast number from all
parts of the United States, and even
from foreign countries, resort to
them, either for health, or to join
the gay and fashionable throng who
hold an annual festival around these
hygeian fountains.

The accommodations at these
villages, for the entertainment of
strangers, are of the first order:
no expense seems to be spared to
render them acceptable to their
numerous visitants.

These springs are numerous, but
generally contain the same sub-
stances, only in a greater or less
quantity. The most celebrated of
them is the
Congress, at Saratoga,
which has given, in analysis, 471,5
grains muriate of soda; 178,4 3-4
carbonate of lime ; 16,5 carbonate
of soda; 3,3 1-2 carbonate of mag-
nesia, and 6,1 3-4 carbonate of iron,
to one gallon of water: carbonic
acid gas, 343 cubic inches. Tem-
perature through the year, 50° of

A few miles east from Saratoga
village is Fish Creek, memorable
as the scene of the surrender of
Burgoyne’s army, of 5,791 men,


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