to the Americans, under General Gates, October 17, 1777.
From Troy to Whitehall, N. Y., is 70 miles by stage, and 72 by tbe Champlain canal. In this distance we pass Bemis5 Heights, and forts Miller, Edward, and Anne; im- portant stations during the revolu- tionary war.
IVTiitehall is at the southern ex- tremity of lake Champlain, and at the junction of the canal with the lake. This place is an important location for trade on Lake Cham- plain, and of an extensive tract of country. The lake is navigable here for all classes of lake vessels ; and from this place steam boats ply along the shores of this beautiful lake to St. Johns in Lower Canada. This is a pleasant and flourishing town, and a great thoroughfare for travelers in the season of naviga- tion. It is situated in the county of Washington, and contains a pop- ulation of about 3,^00.
About a dozen miles west from Whitehall lays Lake George, cele- brated for the purity of its waters, its enchanting island and mountain scenery,,its salmon trout, and above all, for its history, as connected with the memory of our fathers in their glorious struggle for liberty.
This lake is about 35 miles in length, and averages about 2 miles in breadth. It discharges’its wa- ters into Lake Champlain, near the ruins of Ticonderoga, by an outlet of 3 miles in length; in which dis- tance the fall is about 150 feet.
On some of the islands in this lake, crystals of quartz are found of uncommon transparency and per- fection of form.
Rogers' Rock, is on the west side of the lake, near the outlet. It rises abruptly between 300 and 400 feet. It received its name from a Major Rogers, who, to elude his Indian pursuers, deceived them by asscending the rock, throwing his pack into the lake, and chang- ing his snow shoes heels foremost; |
thus inducing them to believe that he had leaped into the lake.
This is indeed one of the most beautiful and romantic sheets of water in the world.
From Whitehall to Burlington, Vermont, is 70 miles. On this route we pass the memorable for- tresses of Ticonderoga and Crown Point; Mount Independence, and a great number of beautiful towns which skirt the lake on each side.
Opposite to Charlotte, Vermont, 11 miles S. from Burlington, in the town of Essex, N. Y., is Split Rock, a great natural curiosity. This rock projects into the lake 150 feet. The point is separated from the main rock about 20 feet: it con- tains about half an acre, and is cov- ered with trees. Tbe height of the rock, on each side of the opening, is about 20 feet; and appears to have been rent asunder by some great convulsion.
From the beautiful town of Bur- lington we cross the mountains to Montpelier, situated in a delightful valley amid the hills. The distance is 38 miles. On this route we travel along the romantic banks of the Winooski; we listen to the rushing of its waters down its mountain course ; view its foaming cataracts, and stop to admire the wonderful fissures and fantastic mechanism, which, in the course of ages, that stream has wrought, by its ceaseless current, amid these adamantine hills.
From Montpelier we pass to Con- necticut river, and Littleton, N. H., a distance of 40 miles, and from Lit- tleton to the base of Mount Wash- ington, a distance of IS miles.
By this route from the city of New York, the distance is 386 miles: from that city by the way of Stonington, Providence, and the nearest route from Boston, the dis- tance is 383 miles. This route may be varied so as to enjoy the beauties of Winnepisiogee lake, by leaving Troy, 150 miles, for |