Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 488
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Bennington, 80 miles, 180; Brat-
tleborough, 40-^-220 ; Keene, 20—
240 ; Concord, 55—295 ; to tbe base
of the mountains, 106; total dis-
tance, 401 miles.

These mountains are the highest
in New England; and, if we except
the Rocky mountains, whose height
has not been ascertained, they are
the most lofty of any in the United
States. Their great elevation has
always rendered them exceeding-
ly interesting both to the aborigi-
nal inhabitants and to our ances-
tors. They were visited by Neal,
Jocelyn, and Field as early as
1682 : they gave romantic accounts
of their adventures, and of the ex-
tent and sublimity of the mountains.
They called them the

Since that time this mountainous
region has been repeatedly explor-
ed by hunters and men of science.
Their height has been a subject of
much speculation; but from the
best surveys, Mount Washington
is 6,234 feet above the level of the
sea. The following is ' the height
of the principal mountains above
Connecticut river at Lancaster,
to wit:

Mount    Washington,    -    5,850 feet.

“    Adams, -    -    5,383

“    Jefferson,    -    5,281

“    Madison, -    -    5,039

“    Monroe, -    -    4,932

“    Franklin,    -    4,470

“    La Fayette,    -    4,839

Although these mountains are 65
miles distant from the ocean, their
snow white summits are distinctly
visible, in good weather, more than
50 miles from shore. Their ap-
pearance at that distance is that of
a silvery cloud skirting the horizon.

The names here given are those
generally appropriated to the differ-
ent summits.
Mount Washington
is known by its superior elevation,
and by its being the southern of
the three highest peaks.
is known by its sharp termi-
nating peak, and being the second
north of Washington.
is situated between these two.
Madison is the eastern peak of
the range.
Monroe is the first to
the south of Washington.
is the second south and is known by
its level surface.
LaFayette is
known by its conical shape, and be-
ing the third south of Washington.
The ascent to the summits of these
mountains, though fatiguing, is not
dangerous; and the visitant is rich-
ly rewarded for his labor and curi-
osity. In passing from tlie Notch
to the highest summit, the . travel-
ler^crosses the summits of Mounts
La Fayette, Franklin and Monroe.
In accomplishing this, be must pass
through a forest, and cross several
ravines. These are neither wide
nor deep, nor are they discovered at
a great distance ; for the trees fill
them up exactly even, with the
mountain on each side, and their
branches interlock with each other
in such a manner, that it is very
difficult to pass through them, and
they are so stiff and thick as almost
to support a man’s weight. Mount
La Fayette is easily ascended. Its
top, to the extent of 5 or
6 acres,
is smooth, and gradually slopes
away in every direction from its
centre. It even has a verdant ap-
pearance, as it is every where cov-
ered with short grass, which grows
in little tufts to the height of four
or five inches. Among these tufts,
mountain flowers are thinly scat-
tered, which add life and beauty to
the scene. The prospect from this
summit is beautiful: to the N. the
eye is dazzled with the splendor of
Mount Washington; N.
W. are
seen the settlements in Jefferson;
W. the courses of the Amonoosuck,
as though delineated on a map: S.
W< the Moosehillock and Haystack
are discovered.; S. Chocorua peak;
S. E. the settlements and moun-
tains in Bartlett; E. only dark
mountains and forests. On descend-
ing this mountain, a small patch of
water is found at its base; from


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