which the ascent is gradual to the summit of Mount Franklin. After crossing this mountain, you pass over the east pinnacle of Mount Monroe, and soon find yourself on a plain of some extent, at the foot of Mount Washington. Here is a fine resting-place, on the margin of a beautiful sheet of water, of an oval form, covering about 3-4 of an acre. The waters are pleasant to the taste, and deep. Not a living creature is to be seen in the waters, at this height on the hills ; nor do vegetables of any kind grow in or around them, to obscure the clear rocky or gravelly bottom on which they rest. A small spring discharg- es itself into this pond at its south- east angle. Another pond, of about 2-3 its size, lies N. W. of this. Directly before you, the pinnacle of Mount Washington rises with majestic grandeur, like an immense pyramid, or some vast Kremlin in this magnificent city of mountains. The pinnacle is elevated about 1,500 feet above the plain, and is compo- sed principally of huge rocks of granite and gneiss piled together, presenting a variety of colors and forms.
In ascending, you must pass enor- mous masses of loose stones; but a walk of half an hour will gener- ally carry you to the summit. The view from this point is wonderfully grand and picturesque. Innumer- able mountains, lakes, ponds, riv- ers, towns and villages meet the de- lighted eye, and the dim Atlantic stretches its waters along the east- ern horizon. To the N. is seen the lofty summits of Adams and Jeffer- son ; and to the east a little detach- ed from the range stands Mount Madison. Mount Washington is supported on the N. hy a high ridge, which extends to Mount Jefferson; on the N. E. by a large grassy plain, terminating in a vast spur extend- ing far away in that direction ; E. by a promontory, which breaks off abruptly at St. Anthony’s Nose; S. |
and S. E. by a grassy plain, in sum- mer, of more than 40 acres. At the southeastern extremity of this plain, a ridge commences, which slopes gracefully away towards the vale of the Saco; upon which at short distances from each other, arise rocks, resembling, in some places, towers; in others, repre- senting the various orders of archi- tecture.
It would be vain in us to attempt a description of tbe varied wonders which here astonish and delight the beholder. To those who have vis- ited these mountains, our descrip- tions would be tame and unin- teresting ; and he who has never ascended their hoary summits, can- not realize the extent and magnifi- cence of the scene. These moun- tains are decidedly of primitive formation. Nothing of volcanic origin has ever yet been discover- ed on the most diligent research. They have for ages, probably, ex- hibited the same unvarying aspect. No minerals are here found of lhuch rarity or value. The rock which most abounds, is schistus, intermix- ed with greenstone, mica, granite and gneiss. The three highest peaks are composed entirely ot fragments of rocks heaped together in confusion, hut pretty firmly fix- ed in their situations. These rocks are an intermediate substance be- tween gneiss and micaceous schis- tus ; they are excessively rough and coarse, and grey, almost black, with lichens. The mica in them is abundant, of different colors, red, black, and limpid, and though some- times several inches in diameter,yet most often irregularly stratified. The granite contains emerald, tour- maline, of which are found some beautiful specimens, and garnets, besides its proper constituents. Crystals of quartz, pyrites, actin- ote, jasper, porphyry, fluate of lime, and magnetic iron ore, are some- times obtained.
During 9 or 10 months of the |