Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 492
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had been erected a few rods dis-
tant. This shelter, whatever it
might have been, was completely
overwhelmed : * rocks weighing
to 50 tons being scattered about the
place, and indeed in every direc-
tion,.rendering escape utterly im-
possible. The house remained un-
touched, though large stones and
trunks of trees made fearful ap-
proaches to its walls, and the mov-
ing mass, which separated behind
the building,
again united in its
The house alone could
have been their refuge from the
horrible uproar around, the only
spot untouched by the -crumbling
and consuming power of the storm.

The family consisted nf 9 per-
sons ; Capt. Willey, his wife, 5 chil-
dren, and two men by the names
of Nickerson and Allen.

Travelers visiting this section of
country, in autumn, will be gratified
with tbe rich and varied beauties of
Autumnal foliaget common in this
country, but more particularly so
at the north ; and which is thus
described by Dr. Dwight.

“ The bosom of both ranges of
mountains was overspread, in all the
inferior regions, by a mixture of
evergreens, with trees,whose leaves
are deciduous. The annual foliage
had been already changed by the
frosts. Of the effects of this change
it is, perhaps, impossible for an in-
habitant of Great Britain, as I have
been assured by several foreigners,
to form an adequate conception,
without visiting an American for-
est. When I was a youth, I re-
marked, that Thompson had entire-
ly omitted, in his seasons, this fine
part of autumnal imagery. Upon
enquiring of an English gentleman,
the probable cause of the omission,
he informed me, that no such scene-
ry existed in Great Britain. In this
country it i
3 often among the most
splendid beauties of nature. All.
the leaves of trees, which are not
evergreens, are by the first severe
frost changed from their verdure
towards the perfection of that color,
which they are capable of ultimate-
ly assuming, through yellow, or-
ange, and red, to a pretty deep
brown. As the frosts affects differ-'
£nt trees, and the different leaves
of the same tree, in very different
degrees ; a vast multitude of tinc-
tures are commonly found on those
of a single tree, and always on
those of a grove or forest. These
colors, also, in all their varieties
are generally fuli; and in many in-
stances are among the most exquis-
ite, which are found in the regions
of nature. Different sorts of trees
are susceptible of different de-
grees of this beauty. Among them
the maple,, is preeminently distin-
guished by the prodigious varie-
ties, the finish, beauty, and the in-
tense lustre, of its hues; varying
through all the dyes, between a rich
green and the most perfect crimson ;
or more definitely, the red of the
prismatic image.”

Whiting', Me*

Washington co. This town lies
at the head of Machias bay, and is
watered by several ponds and a
good mill stream. It lies 152 miles
E. N. E. from Augusta, and
6 N.
E. from Machias. Incorporated,
1825. Population, 1837, 462.

Waiting, Vt.

Addison co. Whiting lies 40
miles S. W. from Montpelier, and
10 S. from Middlebury. It is
washed on the eastern border by
Otter Creek, but is without any
valuable mill stream.

This is a fine farming town: the
soil is Composed partly of marl, and
affords excellent crops of grain and
hay: about 7,000 sheep . are kept
here. Soma years since fish were
introduced from the lake, to Otter
Creek, at this place, and have been
found to multiply exceedingly.

Whiting was first settled in 1772.
It was named in honor of John


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