ed a sermon to his fellow captives.
Williams’ river, in .Massachu- setts. See West Stockbridge.
Williamsburglx, Me.
Piscataquis co. This town was incorporated in 1820. In 1834 the easterly part of the town was set off and called Barnard: this fact was unknown to the editor when the first pages of this edition were printed.
The lands in Williamsburgh and Barnard are undulating, heavily wooded,, with a fertile soil. The population of Williamsburgh, in 1837, was 120.
Williamsburgh and Barnard are at present but thinly settled; but in consequence of a vast body of slate for roofing houses and other purpo- ses being found within their limits, the lands within these towns must enhance in value and increase in population. ' These quarries are common to both towns; they lie at an elevation of from 150 to 200 feet above Pleasant river, a branch of the Penobscot, which passes their northern and eastern borders, about two miles distant.
These quarries are inexhaustible in quantity, and are stated to be fully equal to the celebrated Welsh slate. They are situated 40 miles N. from Bangor; and, by the Ban- gor and Piscataquis rail road, now in operation to Orono; and in pro- gress from Orono to these quarries, the Bangor of the new-world seems likely to become as celebrated for its fine slate as the Bangor of the old. See Barnard.
Williamsburgb, Mass.
Hampshire co. The surface of this town is elevated and uneven-; but it is pleasant, and has a warm and fertile soil. It is watered by a good stream which meets the Connecti- cut at Northampton. It lies 8 miles N. W. from Northampton, and 100 W. from Boston. Incorporated in 1771. Population, 1837, 1,345.
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The manufactures ot the town consist of woolen cloth, (3 mills,) boots, shoes, leather, hats, iron cast- ings, axes, gimlets, screw drivers, augers, punches, bitts and bitt stocks, flexible and japan buttons, stocking yarn, and lather boxes; annual value, about $200,000.— The value of buttons, manufactur- ed the year ending April 1, 1837, was $102,500.
In 1837, there were 2,815 sheep sheared in this town, whose fleeces weighed 8,362 pounds, and sold for 5,017.
Williamstown, Vt.
Orange co. This town lies on the height of land between Onion and White rivers ; 10 miles S. E. from Montpelier, and about the same dis- tance N. W. from Chelsea. First settled,' 1784. ' Population, 1S30, 1,487. This mountain town pro- duces good crops of grain and hay. It pastures about 7,500 sheep.
The “Gulf Road,” so called, between Royalton and Montpelier, passes through this town. This mountain pass is some miles in length, wild and picturesque. The mountains on each-side of the gulf are very high, and the sides are so steep as to leave only a narrow passage for the turnpike, and a gurgling branch of White, river On the south side, and of a branch of Onion river on the/north.
Williamstown, Mass.
Berkshire co. . This town is situ- ated in a large and fertile valley, surrounded by romantic elevations, and watered by Hoosack and Green rivers. These beautiful streams unite their hydraulic powers and fertilizing qualities, to render this remote valley a scene of compe- tence and peace, and a delightful retreat for the muses.
Williamstown lies at the N. W. corner of tbe state, on the lines of Vermont and New York; 135 miles W. by N. from Boston, 27 N. from |