Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 496
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rough and hard to till. There are
a number of mills of various kinds
in the town, and a pleasant and
thriving village.

Wilmington was ‘settled before
the revolutionary war,-but increas-
ed but slowly until the peace. It
lies 46 miles S. S. W. from Wind-
sor, 14 S. W. from Newfane, and
IT E. from Bennington.* Popula-
tion, IS30rT,flfi7.

Wilmington, Mass.

Middlesex .co.. The surface *of
this town is generally level, with a
light and sandy soil. The wood is
chiefly pine, and much charcoal is
made. This kind of soil, although
unfit for the generality of crops, is
well adapted for the growth of
hops, of which large quantities', of
a fine quality, are produced in
Wilmington, and which frequently
afford the cultivator a large profit.

. During the period of .32 years,
1806—1837, inclusive, there were
^inspected at Charlestown, Mass.
76,860 bags of hops, weighing
16,467,182 lbs. The price varied
from 34 to 5 cents a pound. The
highest price was in 1817, the low-
est, in 1819 ; average price, 13 1-5
cents. Total value, $2,169,430.

The town is watered by a branch
of Ipswich river: the Middlesex
canal passes through jt, and adds
much to the beauty of its scenery.
Wilmington was incorporated in

1730. It is 14 miles N. N. W.from
Boston, and 10 S. E. by E. from
Lowell. Population, 1837,-795.

Wilmot, ar. II.

Merrimack co. Wilmot is 30
miles N.' W. from Concord, and
87 from Boston. The streams form-
ing Blackwater river have their ori-
gin in the vicinity of Wilmot.—
They afford a number of good mill
seats. The 4th INf.- H. turnpike
from Concord to Hanover passes
through this town. It was made in
1803, through an entire forest, with-
out any inhabitants for 14 miles

I above, and about 6 miles below
Wilmot. The land near the turn-
pike appears rude and barren ; but
the acclivities on either side are
susceptible of cultivation. The
town is composed of hilirsnthval-
leys, presenting a rough surface.
There are no large collections of
water, nor any mountains, excepting
Kearsarge, whose summit formsthe
southern boundary. It was incor-
porated June 18, 1807. It receiv-
ed its name in honor of Dr. Wilmot,
an Englishman, who, at one time,
was supposed to he the author of
the celebrated letters of Junius.
Population, 1830, 835.

Wilson, Me.

This town was incorporated in
1836, as “ township number 9 in
the 9lh range, north of the Waldo
Patent in the county of Somerset.”
We repeat, that but very little in-
formation respecting a town is gain-
ed from its act of incorporation.
We beg our friends “ Down East”
to write to us.

Wilton, Me.

Franklin eo.. This is one of. the
most flourishing^agricultural town-
ships in the state. It has a fertile
soil, a beautiful surface, and two
pleasant villages. It lies a little
distance from "Sandy river, 5 or
miles S. W. from Farmington, and
38 W. N. W. from Augustai

Wilton has an adequate water
power for common purposes, pro-
duced by streams issuing from
beautiful ponds in the town. The
people.are principally agricultural-
ists, and tested their skill in that
delightful'pursuit, in 1837, by pro-
ducing 11,071 bushelsof good clean

Wilton was incorporated in 1803.
Population, in 1830, 1,140; 1837,

Wilton, N. II.

Hillsborough co. This town is
bounded S. by Mason, and W. by


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