Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 498
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in its vortex, which in some.places
was not more than
20 rods and in
others 40 or 50. It passed from
Northfield. through Warwick and
Orange, to tire southwesterly part
of Royalston, where its force was
broken by Tully Mountain. Its path
was. strewed for the distance of 25
miles, through the towns of Royals*
ton, Winchendon, Ashburpham and
Fitchburg, with fragments of build-
ings, sheaves of grain, bundles of
corn stalks, clothing, &.c.

“ Several persons were killed
and wounded, numerous houses,
barns, &c. demolished, and many
domestic animals, in the track of the
tornado, were destroyed. Large
trees werd taken
200 feet into the
air, and logs which would require
4 oxen to remove them were swept
outof the bed of.Tully river where
they had lain for more than half a
century. .The ground was torn up
from the river to the mountain,
about 40 rods, from 1 foot to
6 feet
deep. The surface of the earth
was broken throughout the whole
course of the whirlwind, as with
the ploughshare of destruction.
Stones of many hundred pounds
weight, were rolled from their beds.
Lots of wood were whirled into,
promiscuous heaps, with roots and
3, and tops and roots. The ap-
pearance presented by the track of
the whirlwind, indicated, as near as
the writer can judge from actual in-
spection, that the form of the'cloud,
ai^d the body of air in motion, was
that of an inverted pyramid, draw-
ing whatever came within its in-
fluence towards the centre of mo-

Winchester, N. II.

Cheshire co. This pleasant town
is bounded N. by Swanzey and
Chesterfield, E. by Richmond, W.
by Hinsdale, and S. by Massachu-
setts line. It lies 13 miles S. W.
from Keene, 65 S. W. from Con-
cord, 80 W. from Boston,80 N. from
Hartford, Ct., and 12 E. from Brat-


tlebo’, Vt. Population, 1837, 2,500.
The face of this town is diversified
with hills.and valleys. The soil is
of an excellent quality, furnishing
in abundance, all the agricultural
products natural to this section of
the country. Ashuelot river pass-
es through the centr'e of this town,
affording- a number of mill privi-
leges, and is bordered on each bank
by extensive intervales, of a fer-
tility rarely excelled.

There are other small streams run-
ning in various directions through
the town, affording facilities for wa-
ter power.

The centre village is on the S.
E. bank of the Ashuelot, and the
principal street, running parallel
yvith its border, has a number of
dwelling houses, w.ith stores and
shops, 3 meeting houses, an elegant
district school house, saw and grist
mills, shops for turning wood and
iron, an extensive establishment
for the manufacture of musical in-
struments of all kinds, and
2 organ
manufactories; and, at the lower
end, the street is adorned with a
beautiful row of native ever-green
trees, which extends nearly half a

Two miles west is another con-
siderable village, containing
1 large
woolen* factory,
1 cotton factory, I
satinet factory, saw, grist and oil
mills, two furnaces, together with
shops, stores, meeting houses, &.c.

In the S. E. part of the town
there are. saw mills, grist mills,
clothier’s works, and
1 satinet fac-

This town was sacked by the In-
dians, and the inhabitants taken
prisoners or driven off in 1745 or ’
and did not return under about 5
years to resume the settlement of
the place. The former name of the
town was Arlington, and it was in-
corporated by its -present name in

Winchester, Ct.

Litchfield co. Winchester was


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