Windsor, Me*
Kennebec co. Windsor was in- corporated by the name of Malta, in 1809. In 1821 it took the name of Gerry, and in 1822 it received its present name. It lies 12 miles from Augusta, by which it is bound- ed on the west. Population, 1837, 1,660. Wheat crop, same year, 5,947 bushels. /
This town is watered by the up- per branches of Sheepscot river, and by several handsome ponds. The surface of the town is diversi- fied : the soil is generally gOQd, and its agricultural condition improv- ing. There are some manufactures in the town.
Windsor, Sf.'H.
Hillsborough co. This town con- tains only 5,335 acres. It is diver- sified with hills: its soil is strong, good for grazing,and for bread stuffs, of which quantities sufficient for use at home, and some for the markets are raised. Black pond, near the centre, is said to be-JfiO rods long and 80 broad; and one near the S. E. corner of the town, is about SO rods long and 40 wide-
Windsor was formerly called Campbell's Gore. It was incorpo- rated with town privileges in 1798. Population, 1830, 226.
Windsor County, Vt.
Woodstock is the county town. This county is bounded N. by the county of Orange, E. by Connecti- cut river, S. by Windham county, and W. by Rutland and a part of Addison counties. It contains an area of about 900 square miles. Population, 1810, 34,877; 1820, 38,233; 1830, 40,625: population to a square mile, 48. Incorporated in 1781. |
Windsor county is watered by ■White, Queechy, Black, West and Williams’ rivers, and by other ex- cellent mill streams. The surface of the county is uneven, and in some parts mountainous, but gen- erally, it is not too elevated to ad- mit of cultivation. The soil pro- duces fine crops of grain, hay, veg- etables and fruits: the lands are peculiarly adapted for grazing, and about 200,000 sheep graze on its varied surface of hills and valleys
The beautiful Connecticut, which washes its whole eastern boundary, gives to this county large tracts of alluvial meadow land, and affords it a-navigable channel to the sea boaFd, for its surplus productions, and for its wants from abroad.
The hydraulic power of Windsor county is very large, and its local position is such as to induce men of enterprize and capital to embark in manufacturing operations, which are annually increasing with fair prospects of success.
Windsor, Vt.
Windsor co. Windsor was first settled in 1764. Its surface is un- even, but there are but few parts of it unfit for cultivation. It con- tains large tracts of alluvial mead- ow, and the uplands are generally fertile. Mill brook waters the south part of the town, and fur- nishes it with excellent mill sites. The manufactures of the town are numerous and valuable. The ag- ricultural interests are also valu- able : 10,000 sheep are annually sheared in the town, and many neat cattle, horses and productions of the dairy are annually transpor- ted to its various markets.
This town has become the cen- tre of an important commerce, both from the river and a fertile interior country. The favorable position of Windsor, as a place of trade, was early discovered,' and it has been fortunate in possessing a suc- cession of men, who, by their en- terprise and wealth, have rendered it one of the most flourishing towns on Connecticut river.
Windsor is situated on the west side of that delightful river, 55 |