Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 504
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miles S. by E. from Montpelier,
105 N. W. from Boston, 55 N. E.
from Bennington, 95 S. S.’ W. from
Burlington, and 127 miles above
Hartford, Ct. Population, in 1820,
2,956; 1830, 3,134.

The village of Windsor is on el-
evated ground, on the bank of the
river: it is compactly, and some-
what irregularly built, but very
beautiful. There are but few vil-
lages iu our country which make a
more delightful appearance. It
contains a great number of hand-
some dwelling houses and stores.
Some of the private houses, church-
es and other public buildings are in
a style of superior elegance. This
is the site of the Vermont State
prison. The streets are wide and
beautifully shaded. The. scenery
around Windsor is highly pictur-
esque ; from the high lands across
the river, in Cornish, which is uni-
ted to Windsor by a bridge, or on
the Ascutney at the south part of
the town, some of the best land-
scapes in our country are presen-
ted to view.

Windsor, Mass*

Berkshire co. This town is situa-
ted on the ridge of high lands which
divides the waters of the Hous-
atonick and Connecticut. Branch-
es of the Housatonick and West-
field rivers rise here. There are
some good fish ponds in the town,
but no important streams. The
surface of the town is much brok-
en, but the soil is warm and finely
adapted for grazing. There are
some excellent farmers in Windsor,
and the production^ of the dairy
and of cattle are considerable. In
1837, there were 7,157 sheep in
the town, principally of the Saxo-
ny and Merino breeds. Their wool
weighed 21,3S7 lbs., and sold for
$10,521. This town is remarka-
ble for the longevity of its inhab-
itants ; which is doubtless owing to
the purity of its air and water.

Windsor contains beds of serpen-
tine and soapstone. It is 117 miles
W. by N. from Boston, 18 N. N. E.
from Lenox, and 12 E. N. E. from
PitJsfield. Incorporated in 1771.
Population, 1837, 887.

Windsor, Ct.

Hartford co. This most ancient
town in Connecticut is situated on
the west side of Connecticut river,
6 miles N. from Hartford. Popu-
lation, 1830, 3,220. The surface
of the town is generally level, hav-
ing some extensive plains. The
soil is various, and free from stone :
some of it is light, but a large pro-
portion of it is fertile, containing
extensive tracts of rich meadow.

Farmington river passes through
the town, and meeting tbe Con-
necticut, gives the town a good hy-
draulic power.

There are in Windsor 4 paper
2 manufactories of cotton
batting, and factories of satinet,
Kentucky jean, wire, &c. The
business in these manufacturing
establishments is very considerable.
At a place called Pine Meadow, at
the commencement of the locks on
the Enfield canal, a variety of ship
and other timber is prepared for
market. Pine Meadow is opposite
to Warehouse Point, in East Wind-

The centre village in Windsor is
pleasantly extended on the banks of
the Connecticut: it is well built,
well shaded, and commands de-
lightful prospects.

Poquonnuck village is a few
miles N. from the centre. It is a
manufacturing village, delightfully
situated at the head of navigation
on Farmington river.

“ In 1631, Wahquimacut, an Indi-
an sachem, living near Connecticut
river, made a journey to Plymouth
and Boston, and earnestly entreat-
ed the governors of each of the
colonies to send men to make set-
tlements on the river. He repre-
sented the fruitfulness of the coun-
try, and promised the English, that


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