if they would make a settlement, he would annually supply them with corn, and give them eighty beaver skins.
“ The governor of Massachusetts, although he treated the sachem and hfs company with generosity, paid no attention to his proposals. Mr. Winslow, the governor of Plymouth, judged it worthy of at- tention. It seems that soon after that, he went into Connecticut, and discovered the river and the adja- cent parts. It appeared that the. earnestness with which the sachem solicited the English to make set- tlements on the river, originated from the distressed state of the riv- er Indians. Pekoath, the great sa- chem of the Peqqots, was at war with them and driving them from the country, and they imagined that if the English made settle- ments on the river, they would as- sist them in defending themselves against their too powerful enemies.
“Governor Winslow of Plymouth, being pleased with the appearance of the country, having visited it, the Plymouth people made prepar- ations for erecting a trading house, and establishing a small company upon the river. In 1633, William Holmes, with his associates, having prepared the frame of a.house, with boards and materials for covering it immediately, put them on board of a vessel and sailed for Connecticut. Holmes landed and erected his house a little below the mouth of Farmington river, in "Windsor. The house was covered with the utmost dispatch, and fortified with patisa- does. The Plymouth people pur- chased of the Indians the land on which they erected their house. This, governor Wolcott says, was the first house erected in Connecti- cut. |
“ In June, 1634, the Dutch sent Jacob Van Curter to purchase lands on the Connecticut. He made a purchase of about twenty acres at Hartford, of Nepuquash, a Pequot captain, on the 25th of October Curter protested against Holmes, the builder of tbe Plymouth house. Some time afterwards, the Dutch governor, Van Twiller, of Fort Amsterdam, sent a reinforcement to Connecticut, in order to drive Holmes from the river. A party of seventy men under arms, with banners displayed, .assaulted the Plymouth house, but they found it so well fortified, and the men who kept it so vigilant and' determined, that it could not be ‘taken without bloodshed. They therefore came to a parley, and finally returned in peace.
“ A number of Mr. Wareham’s people came, in the summer of 1635, to Connecticut, and made prepara- tions to bring their families and make a permanent settlement. Af- ter having made such preparations as they judged necessary, they be- gan to remove their families and property. On the 15th of October, about sixty men, women and chil- dren, with their horses, cattle and swine, commenced their journey from Massachusetts, through the wilderness, to Connecticut river. After a tedious and difficult journey, through swamps and rivers, over mountains and rough grounds,which were passed with great difficulty and fatigue, they arrived safely at the places of their respective des- tination. They were so long on their journey, and so much time and pains Were spent in passing the river, and in getting over their cattle, that after all their exertions, winter came upon them before they were prepared.
“About the beginning of Decem- ber, provisions generally failed in the settlements on the river, and famine and death looked the in- habitants in the face. In their dis- tress, some of them in this severe season attempted to go through the wilderness to the nearest settlement in Massachusetts. A company of thirteen, who made the attempt, |