Wolfeborough,Centre Harbor, Mer- edith, Gilford, and Alton, and over- looked by other deligtful towns.
The waters of the Winnepisiogee are remarkably pure, and its depth in soipe places is said to be unfath- omable. Its sources are principally from springs within its bosom. Its outlet is the rapid river of its own name. Its height above the level of the sea is472 feet. It is stored with a great variety of excellent fish: in the summer season, steam "boats, sloops and smaller 'vessels ply on its waters, and in the win- ter season it presents an icy ex- pansion of great usefulness and beauty.
Like Casco bay and Lake George, tbis lake is said to contain 365 islands. Without supposing the days of the year to have been con- sulted on the subject, the number is very great; several of which comprise farms of from 200 to 500 acres.
The beauties of this lake were thus described, by the celebrated Dr. Dwight, many years ago.
“ The prospect of this lake, and its envh^BSy4&ueoch5miing.; and its beauties are seen with great advan- tage from a delightful elevation a little distance from the road towards Plymouth. The day was remarka- bly fine. Not a breath disturbed the leaves, or ruffled the surface of the waters. The sky was se- rene and beautiful. The sun shone with a soft and elegant lustre; such as seems peculiar to that de.- lightful weather, which from (he 20th of September to the 20th of October,, so often elicits from the mouths of mankind the epithet of charming. Mildness tempered the heat; and serenity hushed the world into universal quiet. The Winnepisiogee was an immense field of glass ; silvered by the lus- tre which floated on its surface. Its borders, now in full view, now dimly retiring from the eye, were formed by those flowing lines, those masterly sweeps of nature, from which art has derived all its apprehensions of ease and grace; alternated at the same time by the intrusion of points, by turns rough and bold, or marked with the high- est elegance of figure. In the centre a noble channel spread twenty-two miles before the eye, uninterrupted even by a bush or a rock. On both sides of this avenue a train of islands arranged them- selves, as if to adorn it with the finish, which could be given only by their glowing verdure,- and graceful forms. |
“ Nor is this lake less distinguish- ed by its suite of hills, and moun- tains. On the northwest ascends a remarkably beautiful eminence, called the Red Mountain; limited every where by circular lines, and in the proper sense elegant in its figure beyond any other mountain, among the multitude, which, I have examined. On the south ascends Mount Major; a ridge, of a bolder aspect, and loftier height. At a still greater distance in the south- east rises another mountain, more obscure and misty ; presenting its loftiest summit, of an exactly semi- circular form, directly at the foot of the channel above mentioned, and terminating the watery vista between the islands, by which it is bordered, in a magnificent manner. On the northeast the great Ossipee raises its long chain of summits with a bold sublimity, and proudly looks down on all the surrounding region.
“ As we did not cross the Winne- pisiogee, I am unable to determine in what manner an excursion on its waters might be compared with that which I made on Lake George. That the internal and successive beauties of the Winnepisiogee strongly resemble, and nearly ap- proach those of Lake George, I can- not entertain a doubt.. That they exceed them seems scarcely credi- ble. But the prospect from the hill |