at the head of Centre Harbor is much superior to that from Fort George; a fact of which hardly any thing could have convinced me, except the testimony of my own eyes. The Winnepisiogee presents a field of at least twice the extent. The islands in view are more numerous; of finer forms, and more happily arranged. The shores are not inferior. The ex- pansion is far more magnificent; and the grandeur of the mountains, particularly of the Great Ossipee, can scarcely be rivalled. It can- not be remarked without some sur- prise, that Lake George is annually visited by people from the coast of New England ; and that the Win- nepisiogee, notwithstanding all its accumulation of splendor and ele- gance, is almost as much unknown to the inhabitants of this country, as if it lay on the eastern side of the Caspian.” See Centre Harbor.
Winnepisiogee River, N. H.,
Is the great outlet to the lake of that name; and issues from the southwest arm of the lake. It thence passes through two bays between Meredith and Gilford, en- tering the Great Bay in the north- east part of Sanbornton. From thence it passes through two other bays, forming the boundary between Sanbornton on the northwest, and Gilmanton and Northfield on the southeast; and unites with the Pemigewasset a short distance be- low Webster’s falls. The stream is rapid in its course, and has a fall of 232 feet from the lake to its junction with the other branch of the Merrimack : this name being given to the confluent stream.— There are numerous bridges over the Winnepisiogee; which also furnishes many excellent privileges for factories or other machinery. See Merrimack River.
Winnicut River, N. H., |
Or the Winniconett, a tributary of the Piscataqua, rises in a swamp between Hampton and N. Hamp- ton, and passes north into the Great Bay at Greenland.
Winooski City, Vt.
See Burlington.
Winslow, Me.
Kennebec co. This is a beauti- ful town, opposite to Waterville : it is watered by Kennebec and Sebas- ticook rivers, by several ponds, and by a fine stream, a branch of the Sebasticook. Its water power is constant and abundant. The soil of the town is fertile ; the surface is diversified, and rendered pro- ductive by industrious and indepen- dent farmers. Winslow is 18 miles N. by E. from Augusta. It was incorporated in 1771. Population, in 1837,1,557. Wheat crop, same year,'6,910 bushels.
Wintkrop, Me.
Kennebec co. This town is fine- ly situated, having a fertile soil, an undulating surface, and comprising six beautiful sheets of water; the Cobbessecontee and some of its trib- uj&ries. The largest of these lakes or ponds is ten miles in length, and from one to three miles in width. These waters give to Winthrop a valuable water power, and which is partly improved by a large cotton mill, a flour mill, carding and cloth dressing establishments, saw mills, &c. There are also in the town extensive manufactures of leather, boots and shoes.
The principal village is delight- fully located, in the form of a cres- cent, at the union of the North lake, extending into Readfield, about six miles, with the South lake extending into Monmouth, about the same distance. This village is 10 miles W. from Augusta. The East village likewise is pleasantly situated at the northern extremity of the large lake, and is about 6 miles from Augusta. |