These villages are neatly built, and are flourishing places of busi- ness. The lakes add much to the beauty of the town. The descent of their banks is gently sloping, with a dispersion of acclivities, which serve to heighten the beauty of the scenery : their waters are deep, clear, and are stocked with an abundance of trout, pickerel, perch, and other fish.
There is in this town an elevated tract of land containing an inex- haustible quantity of iron ore, or the material from which copperas is manufactured. Large quantities of copperas were made here during the late war, and it is thought that this ore might be advantageously used in times of peace.
Winthrop is an excellent farming town, and the moral character of its inhabitants is said to be uncoth- monly good. It was incorporated in 1771. Population, 1837, 2,003. Wheat crop, same year, 5,194 bush- els.
Wiscasset, Me.
Lincoln co. Shire town. Wis- casset is-a port of entry, situated on the west sicfe of Sheepscot riv- er, 20 miles from the sea ; 24 miles S. S. E. from Augusta, 42 N. E. from Portland, and 10 N. E. from Bath. It was incorporated in 1760. Population, 1S37, 2,246.
Wiscasset contains a noble har- bor for vessels of the largest class : it is easy of access and seldom ob- structed by ice. For many years previous to the commencement of the commercial restrictions, in 1807, Wiscasset was one of the most ac- tive and flourishing sea ports in Maine. During the disastrous pe- riod which followed, Wiscasset suf- fered severely, in common with all towns largely engaged in naviga- tion.
Since the termination of the war the town has been slowly but safely progressing in wealth and prosperi- ty. In addition to its commerce in
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lumber and ship ^building, this place is largely and profitably en- gaged in the fishery, for which pur- suit it is admirably located. The tonnage of this district in 1837, was 11,662 tons.
The village of Wiscasset is de- lightfully situated on rising ground, in view of the harbor. The court house, churches, stores, and dwell- ing houses are built with taste, and many of them with elegance. A more beautiful village is rarely seen.
Woburn, Mass*
Middlesex co. This town is sit- uated 10 miles N. W. by N. from Boston, 12 E. by N. from Concord, and 14 W. from Salem. It was incorporated in 1642, and first set- tled in 1640. Population, 1830, 1,977; 1837, 2,643.
There are some elevations in Wo- burn which give the surface a vari- egated and pleasing aspect. There is considerable wood land in the town, and some pine plain land; but the soil is generally strong, fertile and well improved. It con- tains some beautiful farms.
The manufactures of the town consist of leather, boots, shoes, in- dia rubber, chairs, door sashes, blinds, tin, cabinet and wooden wares : total value, the year end- ing April, 1, 1837, $421,042.
Horn Pond in this town is a de- lightful sheet of water, surrounded by evergeens, and is so remarkable for its rural beauties as to attract many visitors from a distance. This pond serves as a passage for the Middlesex canal; it also furnishes the town with a water power of some value. The waters of this and several smaller ponds in Wo- burn fall into Mystic river, through Mystic pond in Medford.
Wolcott, Vt.
Lamoille co. Wolcott is well watered by Lamoille river, and by Green and Wild Branch, its branch- |