nal, from Providence, R. I.,45 miles in length, terminates here; and here is a permanent depot on the great western rail road from Boston to the Hudson river.
This is the seat of many religious, literary, and philanthropic societies,
The State Lunatic Asylum, es- tablished in this town in 1832, is an institution honorable to the nature of man. It is a beautiful building, delightfully located, and admirably conducted. Its plan and arrange- ments are so excellent as to render it a model for similar institutions in other states.
This institution is a receptacle for all persons arraigned as crimi- nals, but found to have committed the offences in a state of insanity ; of paupers, and of those who are so furiously mad as to render their continuance at large dangerous to the community.
Although the worst cases of in- sanity are found here, yet experi- ence has proved that there are very few cases of derangement which may not be ameliorated by the kindly influence of humane treat- ments The average recoveries, to the present time, is about 56 pr. ct.
The American Antiquarian So- ciety, was founded in 1812. By the liberality of the late Isaiah Thomas, LL. D., one of its first benefactors, a spacious hall was erected in 1820, for the reception of its large and valuable cabinet of antiquities, and its library of about
12,000 volumes of American pub- lications, particularly of all works pertaining to American history, and literature generally.
Mr. Thomas was the father of New England printers. He pub- lished the first newspaper in this town, in 1775, and, a few years af- ter, the first bible in America. He was a gentleman of great patri- otism and liberality. He was born in Boston, January 19th, 1749, and died in this town, April 4,1831. |
Worthington, Mass*
Hampshire co. This town has a good soil: it is pleasantly situated on elevated ground: it has some mineral treasures, and is washed by a branch of Westfield river. It is 103 miles W. from Boston, 55 E. from Albany, N. Y., and 17 W. N. W. from Northampton. Incorpora- ted, 1763. Population, 1837,1,142.
The manufactures of Worthing- ton consist of leather, boots, shoes, curtains, children’s wagons, and hats: annual value, about $50,000.
In 1837, there were sheared in this town 9,050 merino sheep : the wool weighed 27,000 pounds, and sold for $16,875.
Wrentham, Mass.
Norfolk co. There is a large pond near the centre of this town, from which issue several streams which flow to the Charles, Nepon- set and Taunton. In this town are one woolen and four cotton mills, an axe manufactory; boat build- ing to a considerable extent; and manufactures of boots, shoes, hats, hoops and straw bonnets. The to- tal -value of the manufactures of this town, for the year ending April 1, 1837, was $204,806; of which $77,815 was for straw bonnets.
Wrentham is a pleasant town, with a tolerable soil and diversified surface. It was taken from Ded<- ham in 1673. Population, 1837, 2,817.
A family of Indians once resi- ded in a cavern in this town, called “ Wampum’s Rock,” which place is rather a curiosity. The Indian name of the town was Walloma- pogge.
Wrentham is 27 miles S. by W. from Boston, and 15 S. by W. from Dedham. This town is bounded S. E. by Mansfield, and within the re- gion of a vast bed of anthracite coal.
Yantic River, Ot.
New London co. This stream |