parative course of the river to this point is about 800 miles. Lewis River takes its rise in the ele- vated regions of the Chippewayan system, about 10 degrees of latitude S. of the sources of Clarke River, and is, perhaps, of the two rivers, the main constituent of the Columbia. It pur- sues a northwesterly course, receiving large tribu- taries from both sides, particularly from the E., until, after a course of about 520 miles, it unites with Clarke River, the great northern tributary at Wallawalla. The valley of Lewis River ex- ceeds an area of 100,000 square miles. Com- bining the two valleys of Lewis and Clarke Rivers, and measuring from the most northern source of the latter to the most southern source of the former, gives an entire breadth, for the source's of the Columbia, along the sides and summits of the Chippewayan range, of about 1000 miles from N. to S. After the confluence of these two large streams, the Columbia, which now carries a volume of water 3500 feet wide, and has yet to traverse a distance of about 300 miles, and make a descent of nearly 1300 feet, before reaching the Pacific, takes its final direc- tion to the westward, pursuing a rapid course for 80 miles, to its passage through the range of Cascade Mountains, so called from the series of falls and rapids over which the waters of the river are carried, at this point, opposing an insur- mountable obstruction to boat navigation. Erom Wallawalla to this pass, the Umatilla, Quisnel's, John Day's and Chute Rivers are received from the S., and Cathlatate's River from the N. Erom these falls there is still water navigation for 40 miles, when it is again interrupted by rapids. Thence to the ocean, a distance of 120 miles, the river is navigable, even at the lowest stages, for vessels requiring 12 feet of water, though ob- structed more or less by many sand bars. In this part of its course, it receives the Willamette from the S., and the Cowelitz from the N. The width of the Columbia is greatly enlarged within the last 20 miles, and where it enters the ocean, between Point Adams and Cape Disappointment, it is about 7 miles across. There are flats and sand bars which extend nearly across the mouth between these points, and render the entrance of ships somewhat dangerous; though it would ap- pear, from surveys and soundings, that there are about 20 feet of water over these flats at low tide ; and that, in the channel, which lies near to Cape Disappointment, the depth of water is not less than 24 feet. The tide from the ocean flows back into the river nearly the whole distance to the grand rapids; and the reflux at Cape Disap- pointment, where the rise is about 9 feet, is gen- erally, in the spring, 5 or 6 knots an hour. On the 7th of May, 1792, Captain Robert Gray, in the ship Columbia, of Boston, discovered and entered the mouth of this majestic stream, and, giving it the name of the vessel in which he sailed, called it the Columbia River. He was the first person who established the fact of its exist- ence, and gave the title, from discovery, to the United States. In 1804-5, Lewis and Clarke made the first exploration of the river ever made by civilized men, and passed the winter of 1805-6 at its mouth. The Missouri Eur Company, in 1808, established a trading-house on Lewis River, the first ever formed on the waters of the Columbia; and, in 1811, Astoria was founded, at the mouth of the river, by the Pacific Eur Company, under John Jacob Astor, of New York. |
Columbus, Fort, N. Y. See Governor's Island.
Comite River, Mi. and La., rises in Mi., and running into La., unites with the Amite 12 miles E. from Baton Rouge.
Compadre River, Ca. It rises in two widely- spread forks, which unite and flow N. W. into Eagle River.
Conception Point, or Punta Conception, Ca. Sit- uated on the Pacific coast W. from the town of Santa Barbara.
Concord River,'Ms., is formed at Concord by the junction of Assabet and Sudbury Rivers: after passing through the towns of Bedford, Bil- lerica, and Chelmsford, it falls into the Merrimac, between Lowell and Tewksbury.
Concordia Lake, La., was evidently, in former times, the bed of the Mississippi, and in seasons of very high flood, the water from the Mississippi flows into it, through a small bayou, and passes into Bayou Tensas.
Conecuh River rises in Pike co., Aa., and flows through Fa. into Pensacola Bay. Two miles below the Ea. line, it. unites with the Escambia, a river of inferior size, the name of which, however, it afterwards assumes. It is navigable for more than 100 miles, but the country is sterile.
Conedogivinit Creek, Pa., runsE., and discharges its waters into the Susquehanna, a little above Harrisburg.
Conemaugh River, Pa. It rises in the Alle- ghany Mts., and flows W. N. W. into the Alle- ghany, 29 miles N. N. E. of Pittsburg. In the lower part of its course it takes the name of Kiskeminetas. Fifteen miles N. E. of Greens- burg it has salt works on both its banks. Its length is about 150 miles.
Conequenessing Creek, Pa., falls into the Mahon- ing, 12 miles from its mouth.
Conescheague Creek is formed by two branches, which rise in Pa., and unite 3 miles N. of Md. line; it then passes through Md., and empties into the Potomac, at Williamsport.
Ooneseus 'Lake, Livingston co., N. Y. This lake is 9 miles long, 1 mile wide, and is said to exceed 300 feet in depth. It is well stocked with fish, and its waters are pure and cold.
Conestoga River, Lancaster co., Pa., enters the Susquehanna 10 miles below Columbia.
Conewago Creek, or River, Pa., rises in Adams co., and after a course of 40 miles, falls into the Susquehanna, opposite Bainbridge.
Conewago Creek, Pa. This river enters the Susquehanna 5 miles below Middletown, after a W. S. W. course of 15 miles.
Coney Island, King's co., N. Y., forms a part of the town of Gravesend. It is much resorted toby visitors for sea air and bathing, as it directly faces the Atlantic, being divided from the main land by a narrow channel, over which is a toll bridge. There is no more convenient and de- sirable watering-place in the vicinity of New York than this island. It is 4i miles long, and averages half a mile in width.
Congaree Creek, Lexington district, S. C. A branch of the Congaree River, which it enters a little below Columbia.
Congaree River, S. C., which is formed by the union of the Broad and Saluda at Columbia after a course of 30 miles, unites with the Wa- teree to form Santee River.
Conhocton River rises in Steuben co., N. Y., and unites with the Tioga to form Chemung River, near the village of Painted Post. There are a |