Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 205

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James River, Va., is formed by the conflu-
ence of Jackson and Cowpasture Rivers, which
rise in the Alleghany Mts., and run in S. W.
courses, nearly parallel to each other, for about
50 miles, until they form a junction near the
N. W. angle of Bottetourt co. The river here
assumes a S. course for a few miles, and receives
Craig's Creek from the S. It then takes a more
easterly direction, bearing first S. E., then N. E.,
about 35 miles, to the W. base of the Blue
Ridge, where it receives the North River from
Augusta co. Here the river begins to break
through the Blue Ridge, and, being now a fine
navigable stream, it traverses a gap in this moun-
tain range about 15 miles N. E. of the Peaks of
Otter. Its general course through the mountains
is S. E., in which course it continues for 30 miles
farther, forming the dividing line between Am-
herst co. on the N. and Bedford and Campbell
counties on the S. Here, traversing another lat-
eral chain of mountains, the river is inflected to
the N. E., and pursues this course 40 miles, be-
tween Amherst and Nelson counties on the N.,
and Appomattox and Buckingham on the S. It
then assumes a course a little S. of E., which it
pursues in general about 70 miles, to the head
of tide water, separating Albemarle, Fluvanna,
Goochland, and Henrico counties on the left,
from Buckingham, Cumberland, Powhattan, and
Chesterfield on the right. It receives the Appo-
mattox River from the S. at City Point, 34 miles
below Richmond. This is the largest tributary
of James River, being about 150 miles long, and
navigable for large merchant vessels 20 miles, to
Petersburg, and for boats through nearly its
whole course. After meeting the tide, James
River increases considerably in width, and con-
tinues by comparative courses about 100 miles
in a S. E. course, until it passes through Hamp-
ton Roads, and merges in Chesapeake Bay,
between Old Point Comfort and Point Willough-
by. The whole distance from the farthest source
of James River in the Alleghany Mts., to its
mouth, following all the windings of the stream,
is about 500 miles. Its comparative length
through the centre of its valley is about 370
miles. A line drawn in a S. S. W. direction from
Old Point Comfort to the Alleghany Mts. 225
miles, will pass very nearly through the centre
of that portion of the valley of James River
which* lies E. of the mountains. Its broadest
part, including those of its confluents, is W. of
the mountains, where it has a width of 90 miles ;
but the mean width of the entire valley is about
45 miles, and its area something over 10,100
square miles. Lynchburg on the S. side, and
Richmond on the N., are the principal places
on James River. The river is navigable for ships
of large size as far as Jamestown. Vessels of
200 tons may go up to Warwick, and of 120 tons
to Rockets, the port of Richmond. 110 miles
from its mouth. Here are falls which entirely
obstruct ship navigation. A canal, however,
connects the tide waters below with the boatable
waters above the falls, at Richmond, which are
thence navigable for bateaux 220 miles. The
first English settlement in the United States was
made on this river in 1608. It was on a point
of land projecting into the river from the north
side, 32 miles from its mouth. A few ruins are
all that now remain of this ancient and once
important place.

James River, Mo., pursues a S. S. W. course
through Greene and Taney counties, and falls
into White R iver.

Jefferson Mount, On. This is an elevated peak
of the Cascade range, situated S. from Mount

Jeffrey's Creek, S. C., falls into the Great Pedee
River in Ion. 79° 29' W. and lat. 34° 8' N.

Jessup, Lake, Orange co., Fa., lies S. from Lake
Monroe, with which it is connected by an outlet.

Jessup's or Indian River, N. Y., rises in Hamil-
ton co., and flows N. E. into Indian Lake.

Jewell's Island, Me., lies in Casco Bay, off the
town of Cumberland, Cumberland co., and about
10 miles E. of Portland.

Jilico Creek. A small stream rising in the N.
part of Campbell co., Te., and flowing N. into the
Cumberland River, which it enters in Whitely co.,

Jocoe Fork, On., rises among the Rocky Mts.,
flows W., and empties into Clark's Fork of the
Columbia River.

Joe's Pond, Yt. See Danville.

Joe's Rock Hill, Wrentham, Ms. Height 486

John's River, N. H., a branch of the Connecticut,
has its principal source in Pondicherry Pond, in
the town of Jefferson. Its other branches rise in
Carroll, Whitefield, Dalton, and Lancaster.

John's River, N. C., rises in the Blue Ridge,
Burke co., and empties into the Catawba.

John Day's River, On. A large stream rising
among the Blue Mts., and flowing N. W. into
Columbia River.

. Johnson's Creek, N. Y., rises in Niagara co., flows
N. E., and empties into Lake Ontario in Or-
leans co.

Jonathan's Creek, Ky. A small branch of the
Tennessee River, which it enters in Marshall co.

Janes Creek, Kent co., De. This stream rises
in the N. W. part of the county, and flows S. E.
itfto Delaware Bay.

Jones Creek, Ware co., Ga. This stream, which
is one of the head branches of the Suwanee, flows
through the W. part of Okefinokee Swamp, and
unites with the Suwanuchee near Fort Gilmer.

Jones Creek, McIntosh co., Ga. A branch of
the Alatamaha.

Jones Falls Creek, Baltimore co., Md. A small
branch of the Patapsco River, which it enters at

Johnson's Creek, Ky. A branch of Licking
River, which it enters from the E. in Nicholas co.

Judith, Point, R. I., is situated in the town of
South Kingston, 11 miles S. S. W. from Newport,
in N. lat. 41° 24', W. Ion. 71° 35'. A light-house,
the tower of which is 35 feet high, was erected
here in 1810. The Point is about midway be-
tween Vineyard and Long Island Sounds, Mon-
tauk, on Long Island, being about 30 miles S. W.,
and Gay Head, on Martha's Vineyard, E. by S.
about 35 miles.

Juliet Lake, Houghton co., Mn. A small sheet
of water lying in the N. W. part of the county.

Juniata River, Pa. This river is formed by the
Raystown and Franktown branches, which rise
at the foot of the Alleghany Mts. It unites with
the Susquehanna 15 miles above Harrisburg.
Its length is about 200 miles. The Pa. Canal runs
parallel with the Juniata and Franktown Rivers
to Hollidavsburg.

Jykill Island and Sound, Ga. They are situated
at the mouth of Turtle and Scilla Rivers, on the
S. E. shore of Glynn co.

A Gazetteer of the United States of America by John Hayward.

Hartford, CT: Case, Tiffany and Company. 1853. Public domain

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