sources of the Mississippi do not reach the Delta before the beginning of August, about 100 days after the breaking up of winter, and more than a month after the inundation has been abating. The average height of the floods, below the mouth of the Missouri, is 15 feet. Erom the Missouri to the Ohio it rises 25 feet, and for a great distance below the mouth of the Ohio it l'ises 50 feet. Before reaching Natchez, the height of the floods begins to decline. At Baton Rouge it seldom exceeds 30 feet, and at New Orleans 12. This gradual diminution in the flood, in the lower part, has been supposed by some to result from the draining through the numerous effluxes of the river, conveying away such considerable portions of its waters by separate channels to the sea. So greatly does the quantity of snow and rain differ in different years, that it is quite im- possible, even for those who have had the longest experience, to anticipate, with an approach to certainty, the elevation which the flood will attain in any given year. Some years the waters do not rise above their channels, and no inundation takes place. As the banks of the river in the Delta, from the cause above noticed, are higher than the general level of the country, constituting an alluvial margin of from half a mile to a mile and a half wide, it becomes important to protect some of the more valuable tracts in the rear from the annual overflow of the river, from which they could not easily be drained. For this purpose an artificial embankment has been raised at great expense upon the margin of the river, called the Levee. On the E. side this embankment com- mences 60 miles above New Orleans, and extends down the river more than 130 miles. On the W. side it commences 172 miles above New Orleans. The vast trade of the valley of the Mississippi centres at New Orleans. Vessels are often from 5 to 30 days ascending the river to this port, un- less they employ the steam tow-boats, though they will often descend with a favorable wind in 12 hours. Before the introduction of steam- boats it required 8 or 10 weeks to go to the mouth of the Illinois. The use of steamboats has nearly superseded all other vessels for ascending the river. Boats of 40 tonS ascend more than 2000 miles, to the Falls of St. Anthony. The passage from Cincinnati to New Orleans and back has been made in 19 days. The first steamboat on the western waters was built at Pittsburg in 1811, and there are now over 300 on the Mississippi and its tributaries, many of them of great bur- den. By the opening of the Illinois Canal from Chicago to the head of navigation in the Illinois River, a connection has been formed between the waters of the River St. Lawrence and the Mis- sissippi, of sufficient draught to admit the passage of small vessels, laden with their cargoes of mer- chandise. Some time in the autumn of 1849, the first vessel was reported at New Orleans as hav- ing arrived from the St. Lawrence, via the Wel- land Canal, the great lakes, the Illinois Canal and River, and the Mississippi. Returning by the Atlantic coast, she might then have circum- navigated the United States.
Mississinewa River, la. and O. This river rises in the N. W. part of Dark co., 0., flows N. W. into la., and empties into the Wabash River in Miami co. |
Missouri River. The sources of this great river take their rise in the Rocky Mts., and some of their springs are within a mile of other springs which discharge themselves W., through the Co- lumbia River, into the Pacific Ocean. The three principal streams which constitute the head waters of the Missouri are the Jefferson, the Madison, and the Gallatin, which unite at the same point in lat. 45° 10' N., and Ion. 110° W. From their confluence at this point, the river takes the name Missouri, and flows onward, receiving numerons tributaries in its course, through a distance of more than 3000 miles, to its junction with the Mississippi, in lat. 38° 51' N., and Ion. 90° W. Its course is at first N. and N. E., to the mouth of White Earth River, lat. 47° 25'; thence S. E., about 220 miles, to the Mandan villages, or Indian settlements. From this point, the river takes a S. course, through a distance of several hundred miles; and then, being inflected more to the E., it pursues this general direction to the Mississippi. Although it loses its name at its confluence with the Missis- sippi, it is, before it reaches this point, much the longest and largest river of the two, and, phys- ically considered, is entitled to be denominated the principal, rather than the secondary. The Missouri is already a very large river, when it approaches and passes the sources of its very inferior rival. If it be ranked according to physical preeminence, as including the Missis- sippi from its confluence with that river to its mouth, it has an entire length of about 4350 miles, and is probably the longest river of the earth. Ranking it as a secondary to the Missis- sippi, and having reference to the area drained by its channel, it is the largest river of that class in the world. A direct line drawn along its valley, from its junction with the Mississippi River to the head of Maria's River, one of its most N. W. sources, is nearly 1400 miles in extent, and the width of the upper valley of the Missouri, as that part is called which is above the confluence of the Yellowstone, is not less than 600 miles across the sources, and has a mean of 300 miles in the general direction of the streams. The entire valley, drained by the Missouri proper, includes an area of 523,000 square miles, or a surface more than double that of the whole Atlantic slope of the United States. The upper valley of the Mis- souri presents a surface, on the W. side, broken by mountains, and gradually spreading into plains, as the rivers descend in their courses. The whole face of the country, with partial ex- ceptions along the rivers, is open prairie, exhibit- ing a strong resemblance to the steppes of Asia, in nearly the same latitude. The surface of the lower valley is also extensively occupied with prairie, the alluvial and fertile soil on the rivers not having a very great breadth. The first large tributary of the Missouri is the Yellow- stone. This river, 800 yards wide at its mouth, and probably the largest tributary of the Mis- souri, enters it on the S. W. side, about 1800 miles from its junction with the Mississippi. The Yellowstone, at its junction, is as large as the Missouri. Steamboats ascend to this point, and can ascend farther by either branch. After their junction, the united waters of the Yellow- stone and Missouri form a river as large in volume, and as wide and deep, probably, as at its entrance into the Mississippi. Chienne River, 400 yards wide at its mouth, enters the Missouri on the S. W. side, 1310 miles from its mouth: White River, 300 yards wide, enters it on the S. W. side, 1130 "miles from its mouth; Big |