Sioux River, 110 yards wide, enters it 853 miles from its mouth, on the N. E. side; Platt Riv- er, 600 yards wide, enters it on the S. W. side, 600 miles from its mouth; Kansas River, 233 yards wide, enters it on the S. W. side, 340 miles from its mouth; Grand River, 190 yards wride, enters it on the N. E. side, 240 miles from its mouth ; La Mine River, 70 yards wide, enters it 200 miles from its mouth; Osage River, 397 yards wide, enters it on the S. W. side, 133 miles from its mouth; and Gasconade River enters it on the S. W. side, 100 miles from its mouth. The largest of these tributaries are navigable from 100 to 800 miles. Through the whole course of the Missouri there is no serious obstruction to the navigation, except, perhaps, from the shallow- ness of the water, during the season of the greatest drought, before arriving at Great Falls, about 260 miles from the Mississippi. The Mis- souri is over half a mile wide at its mouth, and through the greater part of its course it is wider than this. It is a rapid and turbid stream, and generally carries along a powerful volume of water; but owing to its passing through a dry and open country, and being subject to extensive evaporation, it becomes low at certain seasons, hardly affording sufficient water for steamboat navigation. From much greater relative eleva- tion, from higher latitudes, and from the pecu- liar courses of some of its tributaries, the flood in the Missouri is the latest in order, and does not reach the Mississippi proper until after the flood in that river, the Ohio, Arkansas, and Red Rivers have in great part subsided. At the Great Falls, distant about 2600 miles from the Mississippi, the river descends, by a succession of rapids and falls, 375 feet, in about 16A miles. The lower and greatest of these falls has a perpendicular pitch of 87 feet, the second of 19 feet, the third of 47 feet, and the fourth of 26 feet. These falls, next to those of Niagara, are the grandest on the continent. At the distance of 110 miles above these falls is a remarkable pas- sage of the river through the mountains, denomi- nated the Gates of the Rocky Mts. The scenery at this place is exceedingly grand. For a dis- tance of about 6 miles, the rocks rise perpendicu- larly from the margin of the river to an eleva- tion of 1200 feet. The river is compressed to the width of 150 yards, and for the flrst 3 miles, there is only one spot, and that only of a few yards, on which a man could stand between the water and these perpendicular walls of the mountain. Nothing can be imagined more gloomy and impressive than the passage through this deep chasm.
Mobile Bay, Aa. This bay is connected with the Gulf of Mexico by two straits, one on each side of Dauphin Island. The strait on the W. side will not admit vessels drawing more than 5 feet of water: that on the E. side, between the island and Mobile Point, has 18 feet of water, and the channel passes within a few yards of the point. There is a bar across the upper end of the bay, which has only 11 feet of water. The length of the bay is 30 miles, its average width 12 miles.
Mobile River, Aa. The Alabama and Tom- bigbee unite, 40 miles above Mobile, to form this river. A few miles below the junction it divides into several channels. The main W. channel is called the Mobile ; the main E., which is widest and deepest, the Tensaw. It is navigable to St.
Stephen's for vessels drawing 5 or 6 feet of water, by the Tombigbee branch, and to Claiborne by the Alabama branch. The two branches unite in 31° 6' N. lat, and 11° 5' W. Ion. from Washington. The river sometimes rises 50 or 60 feet in time of flood.
Mob Jack Bay, Ya. An arm of Chesapeake Bay, lying between Matthews and Gloucester counties.
Moffet's River, Augusta co., Va. A small stream flowing into Middle River, a branch of the Shenandoah. ,
Mohawk River. N. II., rises among the moun- tains of Dixville, and in its course through Cole- brook, receives some considerable branches from Stewartstown, and falls into the Connecticut.
Mohawk River, N. Y., the principal branch of the Hudson River, rises in Oneida co., near the source of Black River, and runs S. about 20 miles, to Rome, and thence nearly E. to the Hudson River, which it enters at Waterford, be- tween Albany and Saratoga. Its whole length is about 135 miles. The river has many rapids, and two large falls in its course. At Little Falls, it de- scends over a stony bed, and through a remarka- ble gorge in the mountain, 42 feet in the course of a mile. At Cohoes Falls, about 2 miles from its mouth, it pours its waters down a perpendicu- lar descent of about 70 feet. Three fourths of a mile below this point is a bridge over the river, from which a fine view of the cataract is obtained. The Erie Canal now passes along, chiefly on the S. bank of the Mohawk, nearly through its whole course; consequently the channel of the river is but little used for navigation. The banks of the river are very level, and in some parts very fertile, particularly in Herkimer co., though in other parts they are poor and rocky.
Moltchunkamunk Lake, Me., lies about 80 miles N. by W. from Portland, and is one of the chain of large lakes extending N. W. from Umbagog Lake, through Oxford and a part of Franklin co., and emptying into the Androscoggin River. The borders of these lakes are thinly settled, but the soil is extremely fertile, and the scenery equal in beauty to that of the celebrated Winni- pisiogee.
Molly's Pond, Yt. See Cabot.
Molumkus River, Me. This large stream rises mostly in Aroostook co., flows in a S. direction, and falls into the Matawamkeag about 8 miles from its mouth.
Momsco Bay, Chippewa co., Mn. A branch of the Straits of St. Mary, opposite St. Joseph Island.
Momsco River, Michilimackinac and Chippewa counties, Mn., flows N. E., and empties into Momsco Bay.
Mongaup Creek, or River, N. Y., rises in the N. part of Sullivan co., and flows S. into Delaware River.
Monistique Lake, Mn. Situated on the S. bor- der of Schoolcraft co.-
Monistique River, Mn. This river and its nu- merous branches drain the E. part of School- craft co., and empty their waters into Lake Michigan.
Monk's Hill, Kingston, Ms. Height 313 feet.
Monocacy River, Pa. and Md. This river rises in Adams co., Pa., flows S. S. W., and empties into the Potomac at the S. angle of Frederick co., Md.
Monody Creek, Pa., falls into the Swatara 12 miles W. from Lebanon. |