Monomoy Island, Barnstable co., Ms. A long, narrow island, lying off the town of Chatham.
Monongahela River, Pa. This river has its source in Randolph co., Va., at the foot of the Laurel Mts., and after flowing 300 miles in a N. direction, unites with Alleghany River at Pitts- burg, to form the Ohio. It is crossed by a bridge at its mouth, where it is nearly 400 yards wide. It is navigable for large boats 60 miles to Browns- ville, and for small boats 200 miles from its mouth. It is entered on its E. side by Cheat and Youghiogeny Rivers, its principal tributaries.
Monroe, Lake, Orange co., Ea. A small lake which is supplied by the waters of St. John's River. On its S. border is Fort Mellon.
Montauk Point, N. Y., lies 140 miles E. from the city of New York, and about 60 miles W. S. W. from Gay Head light-house on Martha's Vine- yard, Ms. Near this place are high and rugged cliffs, against whose base the waves of the At- lantic dash with almost continued violence, any thing like a perfect calm being of rare occur- rence. There is a sublimity and wildness, as well as solitariness, here, which leave a powerful im- pression on the heart. In a storm, the scene which the ocean presents is awfully grand and terrific. At this place are fine sea air and bath- ing, and many resort here, during the summer months, for health and pleasure. At the extrem- ity of this point is a light-house, one of the most important beacons to mariners on the American coast. We copy the following beautiful lines, descriptive of the place, written by Mrs. Sigour- ney, the celebrated American poetess : —
“ Ultima Thule ! of this ancient isle,
Against whose breast the everlasting surge,
Long travelling on, and ominous of wrath,
Forever beats. Thou lift'st an eye of light Unto the vexed and storm-tossed mariner,
Guiding him safely to his home again.
So teach us, 'mid our own sore ills, to wear The crown of mercy, and, with changeless Eye, look up to Heaven."
Montezuma or Cayuga Marshes, N. Y., extend 14 miles along the outlet of Cayuga Lake and Seneca River. They are from 2 to 3 miles wide, and in summer are covered with rank grass from 3 to 4 feet high.
Montgomery, Fort, N. Y. This old fortress, and that of Fort Clinton, both on the W. side of the Hudson River, 6 miles below West Point, were memorable spots during the revolutionary war.
Montreal River. Tllis small river rises in small lakes in La Pointe and Portage counties, flows N. W. on the boundary between Wn. and Mn., and falls into Lake Superior.
Moore's Creek, N. J., falls into the Delaware about 6 miles above Philadelphia.
Moose Mountain, N. H., is the name of a peak situated between Middleton and Brookfield, and also of a mountain' in Hanover. See Brookfield and Hanover.
Moose Lake lies in the town of Wilmurt, Her- kimer co., N. Y., in an uncultivated and almost uninhabited region of the state.
Moose River, Me. This large tributary to Moosehead Lake rises in the W. part of Somer- set co., and in its course flows through Atieh, Woods, Brassua, and several other ponds.
Moose River, N. II. This stream rises on the N. side of the White Mts., near the town of Ran- dolph, through which it passes, and unites with the Androscoggin in Shelburne.
Moose River, Vt., is an E. branch of the Pas- sumpsic, and rises in Granby and East Haven. Taking a S. W. course through Victory, Brad- leyville, and a part of St. Johnsbury, it falls into the Passumpsic, opposite St. Johnsbury Plain. Length 24 miles.
Moose River, N. Y., rises in Hamilton co., flows W., and enters Black River, a short distance above High Falls, in Lewis co.
Moose Head Lake, Me. This lake, the outlet of which is the source of Kennebec River, lies in the county of Piscataquis. Its form is very irregular. Its length is between 40 and 50 miles, and its breadth, in the widest part, about 12 miles. The tributaries are numerous, and flow from almost every direction. It contains a number of islands, the largest of which is Sugar Island, containing 5440 acres, and Deer Island, containing 2000 acres. These islands are fertile, as is the whole country surrounding the lake, except in some places where the banks are high and precipitous. The waters are deep, and abound in trout of an extraordinary size. It is remarkable that the territory surrounding this inland sea, possessing in rich abundance all the necessary requirements for the uses and comforts of man, and within three hundred miles of the capital of New Eng- land, should be left a wilderness garden, unin- habited and almost unexplored, while thousands of New England men are pressing to distant regions, less healthful, and less productive, when markets for surplus produce are considered. A steamboat plies up and down the flake, for the purpose of transporting passengers, more par- ticularly those who are engaged in felling timber, and for the purpose of towing the timber down to the Kennebec outlet. The lumber business on this lake is very extensive, and doubtless lucrative ; but the time is not very distant when this and other sections of Maine will be as much valued for the fruits of the soil, and, under the wise system of geological exploration, adopted by the legislature, for the quarries of slate, lime, granite, marble, and even coal, as they are now for their forests of timber. This lake may be divided into two bays. A little above the centre of it is a narrow pass, of rather less than a mile across. At this place, on the western side, is Mount Keneo, an elevation of 500 or 600 feet, projecting over the water. From this height a picturesque view of the lake, its islands, and a boundless wilderness, is presented.
Moosehillock Mountain, N. H., is a noble emi- nence, in the S. E. part of Benton, and ranks among the highest mountains in New England. Baker's River rises on its E. side.
Mooseluckmaguntic Lake, Me., lies about 2 miles S. of Molechunkamunk Lake, into which it empties.
Moreau Creek, Mo., is formed in Cole co., by the junction of its two forks, flows E., and enters the Missouri River, a little above the Osage.
Morehouse Lake, N. Y., the head source of East Canada Creek, lies in the town of Morehouse, Hamilton co.
More's Hill, Goshen, Ms. Height 1713 feet.
Moriah, Mount, N. H., an elevated peak of the White Mountains, situated in the S. part of Shel- burne.
Mormon Creek, Crawford co., Wn. A small branch of the Mississippi.
Morrison's Island, Colleton district, S. C., lies |