Lake Michigan, situated in the N. E. part of the county.
Nueces River, Ts. This large river rises in a lake, flows S. E., and empties into the Gulf of Mexico through Corpus Christi Pass.
Nulhegan River, Vt., rises in the towns of Aver- ill and Wenlock. The N. branch takes a S. course through Averill, Lewis, and a part of Bloomfield, and the W. branch flows in an E. direction through Wenlock and a part of Brunswick. They unite in Bloomfield, and flow- ing S. E., fall into the Connecticut just above the N. E. corner of Brunswick. The course of this stream is generally rapid, except that part which runs through Wenlock and Brunswick. Through this and Clyde River the Indians formerly had their navigation from Lake Memphremagog to Connecticut River. They had a carrying-place of about 2 miles from the head of one river to that of the other. The Nulhegan waters about 120 square miles, and is about 3 rods wide at the mouth.
Oak Creek, Otsego co., N. Y., the outlet of Canaderga or Schuyler's Lake, flows S. through the town of Otsego, and falls into the Susque- hanna River.
Oak Creek, Milwaukee co., Wn., drains the S. part of the county, and empties into Lake Michi- gan.
Oalftsland, N. Y., lies S. of Long Island, in the Great South Bay.
Oak Neck, N. Y., is situated in the town of Oyster Bay, Queen's co., on the N. side of Long Island.
Oakhill Landing, Livingston, Columbia co., N. Y., is situated 5 miles S. of the city of Hudson, on the E. side of Hudson River.
Oak Orchard Creek, N. Y., rises in Genesee co., flows N., and enters Lake Ontario in Orleans co.
Obed's River, Morgan co., Te. A W.. branch of Emery's River.
Obed's River, Te., rises in two principal forks, which unite in Overton co. It then flows in a N. W. direction, and enters Cumberland River at Celina.
Obion River, Te. A large extent of country is drained by this river and its tributaries. The prin- cipal head branches rise in Henry and Carroll counties, and the river pursues a S. W. course until its entrance into the Mississippi.
Oblong Creek, N. Y., rises in Dutchess co., and falls into Ten Mile River, which enters the Hou- satonic in the state of Connecticut.
Occohannock Creek, Va., forms part of the boun- dary between Northampton and Accomac coun- ties, and falls into Chesapeake Bay.
Occoquan River, Va. This stream rises in Fau- quier and Prince William counties, flows S. E., separating Fairfax and Prince William counties, and empties into the Potomac.
Ochee River, Wn. It rises in the S. E. part of Columbia co., flows S. S. E., and empties into Nauneesha River in Dodge co.
Ocheyedan Lake, Io. Situated near the N. border of the state, at the head of Ocheyedan River.
Ocheyedan River, Io. It rises in Ocheyedan and another small lake, flows S. E., and falls into the Inyan Tankey or Little Sioux River.
Ochapah Lake, Ma. Situated E. from Marxah Tankah Lake, and connected with the Minesota or St. Peter's River by Tchankaska River.
Ocilla River. This river rises in the S. part of Georgia, flows in a S. S. W. direction through |
Florida, separating Madison and Jefferson coun- ties. and empties into Appalachee Bay'.
Ocklawaha Rh'er, Fa. This river has its source in Lake Griffin, flows N. and E., and enters St. John's River just above Lake George.
Ockmulgee River, Ga. This river, the main branch of the Alatamaha, rises in Gwinnett and De Kalb counties, and flowing 200 miles in a S. S.E. direction, is joined by the Oconee on the S. border of Montgomery co., where they form the Alata- maha. It is navigable to Macon for steamboats.
Oconee River, Ga, The head branches of this river water Jackson co., and flowing in a S. S. E. direction, it unites with the Ockmulgee 280 miles below Mi Hedge ville, to which place it is navigable for steamboats.
Oconto River, Brown co., Wn. It rises near the centre of the county, flows S. and E. into Green Bay.
Ocracofce Inlet, N. C. This is a narrow pass from the Atlantic Ocean to Pamlico Sound. There are 14 feet of water on the bar at low tide, and at the side of the passage are dangerous shoals.
Octavo Creek, Pa. and Md., separates Lancaster and Chester counties, Pa., and falls into the Sus- quehanna in Md., about 5 miles below the state line.
Ogeechee River, Ga., rises in Green co., 7 miles N. W. of Greensboro', and flows into Ossabaw Sound, 17 miles S. of Savannah, after a course of more than 200 miles. It is navigable for sloops 30 or 40 miles from its mouth, and for boats of 30 tons to Louisville, Jefferson co.
Ogunquit River, York co., Me., rises in two branches, and enters the Atlantic just above Cape Neddock.
Ohio River. The Ohio River, from the extent of the area drained by its waters, the large facil- ities which it affords to internal commerce, and its relative position in the heart of the country, connecting the largest maritime states with the west, is second in importance only to the Mis- sissippi. It is the great N. E. tributary of the “ Father of Waters." Its general course is from the N. E. to the S. W., making about 10° of Ion. and 3^° of lat.; and, flowing from the border of N. Y. through Western Pa., it separates the states of Va. and Ky., on the S., from O., Ia., and Is. on the N. Physically considered, the River Al- leghany, which rises in Potter co., Pa., on the W. slope of the Alleghany Mts., and which is navi- gable for boats of 100 tons for 270 miles above Pittsburg, is one river with the Ohio, although it does not receive this name until it forms a junc- tion with the Monongahela, another large tribu- tary of the Ohio, coming down from the Alle- ghanics in the opposite direction. This river, though a less important stream than the Allegha- ny, is about equal to it in width at their confluence, and is navigable, at a good stage of water, for boats of a large size for about 100 miles from its mouth. The Ohio proper is formed by the confluence of these two rivers at Pittsburg, where the elevation is 680 feet above tide water, and 380 feet above the point of junction with the Mississippi. Its average descent is not quite five inches to the mile. Immediately below the junc- tion the Ohio is 600 yards wide, and is a placid and beautiful stream. The French called it La Belle Riviere, the beautiful river. Its name, how- ever, according to Heckewelder, is an abbreviation of the Indian word Ohiopekhanne, meaning a |