Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 244

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St. Michael's River, Talbot co.. Md., flows S.
10 miles towards Tread Haven Bay, then turns
N. W., and flows 6 miles to Chesapeake Bay,
which it enters opposite the S. part of Kent
Island, by a broad estuary.

St. Michael River, Ca., flows N. W., and empties
into Grand River.

St. Raphael River, Ca. flows S. W., and empties
into Green River.

St. Regis River, N. Y., rises in Eranklin co.,
flows N. W., through a part of St. Lawrence co.,
into Canada, where it enters the St. Lawrence
River a few miles above the line.

St. Simon's Islands and Sound, Ga. This sound
lies off Glynn co., between Alatamaha Sound on
the N,, and Jykill Sound on the S. It contains
St. Simon's, Little St. Simon's, Long, and some
other islands.

Sakpam River, On. A small stream flowing
W. into Admiralty Inlet.

Sal, Point, Ca. Situated on the Pacific coast,
N. from Arguello Point.

Salamanic River, la. This stream is formed by
the junction of two branches near the centre of
Jay co., flows N. W., and empties into the Wa-
bash River in Wabash co.

Saline Bayou, Sevier co., As. A tributary of
Little Rock River.

Saline Creek, Mo. This small stream falls into
the Mississippi in the S. E. part of St. Genevieve
co. Salt has been manufactured here from the
salt springs, which are numerous on its banks.

Saline River, Is. This river is formed near
Equality, Gallatin co., by the union of N., S., and
Middle Forks, and falls into the Ohio 12 miles be-
low Shawneetown. There are several extensive
salt works on its borders.

Saline River, As., rises in the Masserne moun-
tains, 20 miles S. W. of Little Rock, and falls
into the Wachita, after a southerly course of 50

â– Saline River, La., rises in Claiborne parish, and
flows S. W. into Black Lake, 8 miles N. E. of
Natchitoches. Its length is 50 miles.

Salkehatchie River, S. C. This stream rises in
the interior of Barnwell district, flows S. E., and
unites with the Jackson branch to form the Com-
hahee River.

Salmon Brook, Aroostook co., Me., rises in two
large forks, and flows S. into Aroostook River.

Salmon Creek, N. Y. There are several streams
of this name in the state, the most important of
which rise in Oswego, Wayne, and Monroe coun-
ties, and empty into Lake Ontario.

Salmon Falls River, Me. and N. H. See Pis-
There is a remarkable fall in this river,
between the towns of Rochester and Lebanon,
Me. The river is confined between two rocks,
about 25 feet high, the breadth at the top of the
bank not exceeding 3 rods. It is called the
Flume, is about 4 rods in length, and varies from
less than a foot to 2^ feet in breadth; but the
water has a subterraneous passage. In the rocks
are many cavities, mostly cylindrical, from 1 to 7
feet in diameter, and from 1 to 4 in depth.

Salmon Falls River, N. H. See Piscataqua.

Salmon River, Penobscot co., Me., flows S.
about 30 miles, and enters the Penobscot about
4 miles below the junction of the E. and W.
branches of that river.

Salmon River, Ct. This fine mill stream rises
in the high lands in Tolland co., flows S., receiv-
ing many valuable tributaries, and enters the

Connecticut at East Haddam, where it produces
a beautiful cataract.

Salmon River, N. Y., rises in Lewis co., flows
W. through Oswego co., and enters Lake Onta-
rio, through Mexico Bay, at Port Ontario village.
It has a tolerably good harbor at its mouth, and
is boatable, at high water, 14 miles, to the falls
at Orwell. These falls may be classed among
the greatest natural curiosities of the country.
The current of the river is gentle for 6 miles or
more above, then follow 2 miles of rapids, and
then it falls almost perpendicularly 107 feet. At
high water the sheet is 250 feet wide, but at
low water it contracts to half that width. The
banks are rocky precipices of from 70 to 90 feet
in height above the falls, and about 200 feet be-
low them. The river below the falls abounds in
salmon, trout, and other fine fish.

Salmon River, N. Y. This stream rises in the
E. part of Franklin co., flows N. W. into Canada,
where it enters the St. Lawrence River.

Salmon River, On. It rises among the Salmon
Mts., in the E. part of the territory, flows N. of
W., and. empties into Lewis Fork of Columbia

Salmon River Mountains, On. A range extend-
ing through the E. interior of the territory nearly
parallel with Salmon River.

Salmon Trout River, Houghton co., Mn. A
small stream W. from Portage Lake, and flow-
ing N. into Lake Superior.

Salt Creek, Porter co., Ia. A small branch of
the Calumic River.

Salt Lakes, Ts. Two small lakes lying N. W.
from the battle-ground of Palo Alto.

Salt Lake, Ts. A small sheet of water supply-
ing one of the head branches of Brazos River.

Salt River, Ky. Its head waters drain Mercer
co., and flowing N. into Anderson co. it turns W.,
and enters the Ohio at West Point, 20 miles be-
low Louisville, between Jefferson and Meade
counties. It is 200 yards wide at its mouth, and
boatable 150 miles. On the S. side, 15 miles
from its mouth, it receives a branch nearly as
large as itself, called the Rolling Fork, which
also receives a large branch in Nelson co., called
Beechy Fork. Some of the most fertile parts
of the state are watered by this river and its

Salt River, Mo., rises in Io., and flows S. S. E.
to Ralls co., where it pursues a very winding N.
E. and S. W. course, until it enters the Missis-
sippi 85 miles above Missouri River. It is nav-
igable to a limitpd extent.

Salt River, Mn., waters the N. E. part of Isa-
bella co., flows E., and empties into Tittibawasee
River in Midland co.

Salt River, Ca. This is a large river flowing
S. W. into the Rio Gila.

Saltpetre Creek, Md., falls into Gunpowder
River 12 miles E. N. E. from Baltimore.

Saluda River, S. C. This large stream rises
in the N. W. part of the state, flows S. E., sep-
arating Greenville, Laurens, and Newberry from
Pickens, Anderson, Abbeville, and Edgefield dis-
tricts, crosses Lexington district, and unites with
Broad River at Columbia to form the Congaree.

Samphire Islands, St. Bernard parish, La. A
group of small islands lying N. from the Macons.

Sampit Creek, Georgetown district, S. C. A
small stream which enters Winyaw Bay at

San Antonio River, Ts. It rises near the sources

A Gazetteer of the United States of America by John Hayward.

Hartford, CT: Case, Tiffany and Company. 1853. Public domain image

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