Saugatuck River, Ct. See Westport.
Savage Creek, Ky., runs on the boundary be- tween Greenup and' Carter counties, and empties into the Big Sandy River.
Savannah River, Ga., is formed by the junction of Tugalo and Kiowee Rivers, in the S. E. part of Franklin co., 100 miles above Augusta, and flows S. E., forming the boundary between Ga. and S. C., until its entrance into the Atlantic, through Tybee Sound, in 32° N. lat. The largest vessels ascend to Five Fathom Hole, 13 miles from the ocean, and 3 miles below Savannah. Large brigs come to the wharves in Savannah. Steamboats ascend to Augusta, 340 miles from its mouth, and pole boats go 150 miles farther. The tide flows 25 miles up the river.
Sawkill Creek, Dutchess co., N. Y., rises in the town of Milan, flows W., and enters Hudson River at the town of Redhook.
Saw Mill River, Westchester co., N. Y. This stream, on which are situated several factories and mills, flows in a S. W. direction, and enters the Hudson at the village of Yonkers.
Saxton's River, Vt., is formed in Grafton by the union of several streams from Windham, and running in an E. direction about 10 miles, through the S. part of Rockingham, falls into Connecticut River in the N. E. comer of West- minster, about 1 mile below Bellows Falls.
Scantic River, Ct. See East Windsor.
Scapan Pond, Aroostook co., Me. This is a pretty large sheet of water, the outlet of which flows into Aroostook River.
Scarhoro' Creek, Brown co., Wn. A branch of Kewanee River, which it enters from the S. W.
Schlosser Landing, Niagara co., N. Y.. is situ- ated on the E. side of Niagara River, in the town of Niagara, about a mile and a half above the Falls, and opposite Chippewa village, Canada. It has become famous as being the place where the steamboat Caroline was destroyed by the British, December 29, 1837. It was suffered to be precipitated over the Falls, having been pre- viously set on fire.
Schoharie Creek, N. Y., rises among the Cats- kill Mts., in Greene co., flows N. through Scho- harie co., and enters the Mohawk in Montgomery co. This large stream and its tributaries afford extensive water power.
Schoodic Lakes, Me. These lakes are about twelve in number, lying in the N. part of Wash- ington co., and from them issue the Schoodic, or W. branch of the St. Croix River. The most E. of these lakes is called the Big Lake. The true Indian name is Gena-sau-ca-naw-gum. It is of a very irregular form, and about 9 miles in length. It is connected by a very rapid stream, 3 miles long, with Grand Lake, whose Indian name is Wid-i-wau-cau-gum. This is a splendid sheet of water, 15 miles in length, is very deep, and the water remarkably clear. It is well stocked with fish. Beyond this, on the S. W., is Pocumcus Lake, 4 miles long, and the Waboosis, 3 miles long. In a W. direction lies the Sic-la-dob-sis, 10 miles in extent. Farther N. is the Horse-shoe Lake, so called from its form; also the Junior Lake, 6 miles long. Still farther on is the Scrag- gled Lake, of an irregular shape; also the Pleas- ant Lake, 5 miles long, with some others of less size. These are all connected by considerable- sized streams, and, except between the Big and Grand Lakes, there is a continuous boat naviga- tion of nearly 100 miles in extent. The charac- ter of these waters, which are very extensive, and of the surrounding country, which is very fertile and well wooded, may be expressed in nearly the same words as those applied to Moose Head Lake.
Schooley's Mountain, N. J., is a peak of the chain which extends across the N. W. part of the state. It crosses the N. W. part of Morris co., has a height of 600 feet above its base, and about 1100 feet above the level of the ocean. A min- eral spring near its top has rendered it quite cele- brated, and a turnpike road leading from New York to Easton crosses it.
Schroon Lake, N. Y., lies in Essex and Warren counties. It is 10 miles long, from 1 to 2 wide, and abounds with fish. Deer and other wild game are found in the forests on its borders.
Schroon River, N. Y. This stream rises in Essex co., flows S., and unites with the main branch of the Hudson in Warren co.
Schuyler, Fort, N. Y. See Throg's Point and Utica.
Schuyler's Lake, N. Y. See Canaderaga.
Schuylkill River, Pa. The three principal branches of this river rise in Schuylkill co., and, flowing S. E., it enters the Delaware 7 miles below Philadelphia. It is about 140 miles long. The most important of its tributaries are Tulpe- hoclcen Creek, from the W., and Perkiomen Creek, from the E. Vessels of from 300 to 400 tons ascend to the W. wharves of Philadelphia, where its average depth at common tides is from 13 to 14 feet. By means of canals and pools, it is navigable 108 miles, from Fairmount Dam, above Philadelphia, to Port Carbon, in Schuylkill co. An immense quantity of coal is transported on it.
Sciota River, O., rises in Hardin co., and, flow- ing through Marion and Delaware into Franklin co., receives Whetstone or Olentangy River, just above Columbus, whence it flows nearly S. to its junction with the Ohio, at Portsmouth, where it is 150 yards wide. It flows about 160 miles through a very fertile country, and is navigable 130, to the mouth of Little Sciota River.
Scraggy Neck Island, Barnstable co., Ms. Situ- ated between Cataumut and Red Brook Har- bor.
Scull Creek, Colleton district, S. C. The E. and largest branch of Ashepoo River.
ScuWs Creek, Emanuel co., Ga. A small trib- utary of the Ogeechee River.
Scupernong Creek, Wn; It rises in the S. W. part of Waukesha co., and flows W. into Jeffer- son co., where it enters Rock River.
Scultock Point, Me. A small cape situated in Ion. 67° 58' W., and lat. 44° 18' N.
Seaconnet Rocks, or Point, R. I. See Little Compton.
Sebago Lake, Cumberland co., Me. This beau- tiful lake receives the waters of Long and several other ponds, and of Crooked River. It is 12 miles in length, and its greatest width is from Baldwin to Raymond, a distance of about 7 miles. Its outlet is Presumpscut River, which empties into Casco Bay. The Cumberland and Oxford Canal passes from this lake to Portland.
Sebasticook River, Me., rises on the borders of Penobscot and Piscataquis counties, flows S. W. and S. through a part of Somerset co., which it divides, for a short distance, from Waldo co.; thence it flows S. W. through a part of Kennebec co., and enters Kennebec River, opposite Water- ville. This stream flows 50 miles through a beau- |