N. E. corner of the state, on the southern shore of Lake Erie. The soil is various, but generally good. Grand River, Ashtabula, and Conneaut Creeks are the most important streams; these afford a valuable water power. They flow north- westwardly into Lake Erie; the land, which is mostly level, descends in that direction. The first settlers of this county emigrated from New England, and they and their descendants are re- markable for thrift and intelligence.
Ashtabula, 0. Township and borough, Ashta- bula co., on Ashtabula River, near its mouth, and 191 miles N. E. from Columbus.
Ashville, Aa., c. h. St. Clair co. On the S. E. side of Canoe Creek, 90 miles N. E. from Tus- caloosa.
Ashville, N. C., c. h. Buncombe co. On French Broad River, 256 miles W. from Raleigh.
Assumption Parish, La., c. h. at Assumption. S. central, on the S. side of the Mississippi. The Bayou La Fourche runs S. through it.
Assumption, La., c. h. Assumption Parish. On Bayou La Fourche, 89 miles W. from New Orleans.
Astoria, N. Y., Queen's co., lies at Hallett's Cove, 'just below Hurl Gate. It contains a fe- male seminary, ‘and manufactories of carpets, turpentine, and other articles. It is connected with New York by a ferry. It is distant 6 miles N. E.
Asylum. Pa., Bradford co. Watered by the Susquehanna River, on which are the Wyalusing Falls, and fby Duval's, Sugar, and Tonawanda Creeks. 145 miles N. from Harrisburg.
Atchison County, Mo., c. ii. at Linden. In the N. W. corner of the state. Watered by sev- eral confluents of the Missouri, which flow S. through it.
Athens, Aa., c. h. Limestone co. About 1 mile W. from Swan Creek, and 154 miles N. by E. from Tuscaloosa.
Athens, Ga., c. h. Clarke co. Situated on the W. bank of the Oconee River, the seat of the Georgia University. (See Colleges.) 75 miles N. by W. from Milledgeville; connected with Au- gusta by railroad.
Athens, Ky., Fayette co. On a small branch of Kentucky River, 34 miles S. E. from Frankfort.
Athens, Me., Somerset co. Watered by a branch of Kennebec River. 18 miles N. N. E. from Nor- ridgewock, 45 miles N. from Augusta.
Athens, N. Y., Greene co. On the Hudson River, opposite the city of Hudson. The surface in the W. part is hilly, but it becomes more level near the Hudson. Soil generally fertile, being a mixture of clay, sand, and loam. There is in this town a quarry of graywacke slate, from which large quantities of flagging stone are sent to market. It is 29 miles S. from Albany, and 5 N. from Catskill village.
Athens County, 0., c. h. at Athens. On the S. E. it touches the Ohio River, and the Hock- ing flows through it from N. W. to S. E. This county is very irregular in its form. Its mean breadth from N. E. to S. W. is about 20 miles, and its length, upon the longest line that can be drawn over it, is 40 miles. It contains an area of 740 square miles. The surface is broken and hilly, but the soil is good. Lime, freestone, and clay for brick, furnish abundant materials for building. The county contains bituminous coal in abundance," and in several localities iron ore is found. Salt of an excellent quality has been
manufactured from the water of wells sunk deep into the earth for that purpose. The Hocking River enters the county at its extreme north- western angle, and flows S. E. diagonally over the whole territory, falling into the Ohio River at its extreme south-western angle. The south- ern border declines to the southward, and is watered by several creeks which run into the Ohio. There are many good mill sites on the Hocking River and its branches. Two town- ships in this county, containing 46,080 acres, were granted by the United States Congress for the endowment of a state university, which has since been established at Athens, the chief town *of the County.
Athens, 0., c. h. Athens co. 72 miles S. E. from Columbus. Situated on a peninsula formed by a curve in the Hockliocking River. It is well built, generally of brick, and presents a neat and picturesque appearance. The Ohio University is located here, the buildings of which are on a slight eminence in the south part of the village. (See Colleges.) There is likewise an academy in the place. The township to which it belongs is the northernmost of the two granted by Congress for the support of the university. There are in the place a number of stores and mechanical es- tablishments, and an active business is done.
Athens, Pa., Bradford cp. Beautifully situated at the junction of the Chemung and Susquehan- na Rivers. Surface a gently-undulating plain, environed by mountains.
Athens, Pa. An eastern township of Craw- ford co.
Athens, Te., e. h. McMinn co. On Eastanalla Creek, 15 miles from its entrance into the Ten- nessee, and 154 S. E. from Nashville.
Athens, Yt., Windham co. A good township of land, particularly for grazing. 10 miles from Bellows Falls, and 98 S. from Montpelier.
Athol, Ms., Worcester co. On Miller's River, a fine stream which affords great water power. The surface is uneven; soil strong and produc- tive. There are a number of handsome villages in the town, and many large farms. 70 miles W. N. W. from Boston, and 28. N? W. from Worcester. The Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad passes through the principal village.
Athol, N. Y., Warren co. A large township on the head waters of the Hudson River, watered by several of its tributaries. The W. part is sterile, and chiefly valuable for its timber. 71 miles N. from Albany.
Atkinson, Me., Piscataquis co. On Piscataquis River. 132 miles N. E. from Portland.
Atkinson, N. H., Rockingham co. It has an uneven surface, but superior soil. The apple has been much cultivated, and the finest fruit is produced. One of the oldest academies in the state is here. 30 miles S. W. from Portsmouth, and 36 S. E. from Concord.
Atlantic County, N. J., c. h. at May's Landing, S. E. part. It embraces numerous islands, and its sea-shore is indented by many bays. Soil chiefly light and sandy.
Attala County, Mi., c. h. at Kosciusko. Central. Watered by the Big Black, which separates it from Holmes co., and by head branches of Pearl River. Surface level; soil tolerably good.
Atica, N. Y., Wyoming co. Watered by Ton- awanda Creek and its tributaries. Surface un- dulating ; soil well adapted to the growth of grass and grain. 250 miles W. from Albany. |