of business, and has perhaps as much trade as any other place of its population in the country. The country back of Augusta is very rich, and a great amount of cotton, tobacco, and other pro- duce is brought here and sent down the river. There are 10 or 12 large commission houses en- gaged in foreign trade, with a capital of about $250,000. Augusta enjoys excellent facilities for commercial intercourse with the interior by the several railroads which centre here, and others connected with them. Charleston and Savan- nah, Milledgeville and Macon, Fort Gaines on the Chattahoochee, Athens in Te., Montgomery, the capital of Alabama, and other important places are connected by railroad with Au- gusta.
Augusta, Ky., c. h. Bracken co. 73 miles N. E. from Frankfort.
Augusta, Me., c.h. Kennebec co. City, and cap- ital of the state. Situated at the head of sloop navigation on the Kennebec River. 43 miles from the sea. It was first settled in 1771, and incor- porated as a town in 1797. Population in 1820 2475; 1830,3980; 1840,5314; 1850,8231. Au- gusta lies on hoth sides of the Kennebec, rising each way by an easy ascent from the river. The bridge, uniting the E. and W. parts of the town, is a fine structure, 520 feet in length, built in 1799, at a cost of $28,000. The town is well laid out, neatly built, and contains many handsome struc- tures. |
There are nine or ten churches of the vari- ous denominations. The state house in Augusta is a spacious and elegant structure, located upon a beautiful eminence about half a mile from the vil- lage, on the road towards Hallowell, and com- mands an extensive and very delightful prospect. It is built of hammered granite, or rather gneiss, of a white color, and very much resembles marble at a distance The material of which it was built was quarried near the spot on which it stands. In front is an extensive common, adorned with trees tastefully arranged, which, when grown into shades, will afford a delightful promenade.— The United States arsenal buildings are situated upon the E. bank of the river, in view of the village, and are chiefly constructed of stone, and present a very fine appearance. The grounds are extensive, beautifully arranged, and sur- rounded by a costly iron fence. There are at present about 2000 stand of arms deposited here, besides cannon and other munitions of war.— The state insane hospital, a splendid granite edi- fice, an honor to the state and to humanity, occu- pies a plat of elevated ground of seventy acres, on the east side of the river. Its situation is un- rivalled for the beauty of its scenery. It is much admired for its external architecture and internal arrangement. The centre building and wings are 262 feet long; the centre building being 82 feet in length, 46 feet wide, 4 stories high, be- sides the basement and attic, having a chapel in the attic 80 by 40. The wings are 90 feet long in front, and 100 in the rear, 38 feet wide, and 3 stories high, divided into 126 rooms, 120 of which are designed for patients, with halls between the rooms 12 feet wide running the entire length of each wing, and communicating with the dining rooms in the centre building. — The Cony Fe- male Academy was incorporated in 1818, owing its origin to the liberality of Hon. Daniel Cony. The building is a commodious and handsome edifice upon the east side of the river. At a short distance is a large boarding house connected with the institution. It has a fund of about $10,000, and a well-furnished laboratory and li- brary.— There are excellent public houses in Augusta, the chief of which are the Augusta House, near the state house, and the Mansion House. — About half a mile above the village, a massive dam has been erected across the Ken- nebec, with locks, for the purpose of improving the navigation of the river above, and of creating a water power of great capacity. The length of this dam, exclusive of the stone abutments and lock, is 584 feet, and the height 15 feet above ordinary high water mark, forming a pond of the average depth of 16 feet, and 16j miles in extent. The immense body of water, and the great and unfailing supply thus brought into ap- plication for manufacturing purposes, are almost unsurpassed. The first cost of this great work was about $300,000. This water power is al- ready used to a very considerable extent in pro- pelling various kinds of machinery. Several saw mills, a large flouring establishment, sash, door, and blind manufactories, machine shops, and a cotton factory, with 10,000 spindles, are in successful operation. — Augusta presents ad- vantages for manufacturing establishments equal, if not superior, to any in New England. It is located in the heart of a large and powerful state, rapidly increasing in population and wealth, surrounded by a fertile country, rich in every necessary agricultural product, and stored with granite, clay, lumber, lime, iron ore, and every building material. The facilities afforded here for transportation are of inestimable value to a large manufacturing town. Cotton and other raw materials, and manufactured goods, may be transported by water to and from the very doors of the mills. The great Eastern Railroad from Boston and Portland passes through this town, in its course to Bangor. Steamboats pass from Augusta to Boston in eleven hours. A steam- boat plies daily on the river above the dam to Waterville. This place cannot fail of becoming, at no distant day, the site of very extdjyve and profitable manufacturing operations.
Augusta, Mi., c. h. Perry co. On Leaf River, 173 miles S. E. from Jackson.
Augusta, N. Y., Oneida co. The W. part of this township is watered by Oneida Creek and its tributaries, and the S. E. part by Oriskany Creek, which has a fall of 30 feet, affording a fine hydraulic power. The Chenango Canal also passes through the town. Surface rolling; soil tolerably good. 110 miles N. of W. from Alba- ny, and 18 S. W. from the city of Utica.
Augusta, Pa., Northumberland co. Watered by Great and Little Shamokin Creeks. Surface diversified ; soil, gravel, red shale, and alluvion. 65 miles N. from Harrisburg.
Augusta County, Va., c. h. at Staunton. Be- tween the Blue Ridge and the central ridge of the Alleghanies. Watered by branches of James and Shenandoah Rivers. Surface uneven and mountainous; soil fertile, yielding large crops of wheat.
Auraria, Ga., Lumpkin co. On the ridge be- tween Chestatee and Etowah Rivers, in the best part of the gold district, 135 miles N. N. W. from Milledgeville.
Aurelius, N. Y., Cayuga co. Watered by Owasco outlet, and several streams flowing into Cayuga Lake, which bounds it on the W. Sur- |