This water is remarkable for the very small quantity of solid matter which it contains, and its great freedom from foreign substances. Indeed, Professor Silliman remarks, it is “ almost good enough for any chemical purpose whatever." “ A water," he adds, “ which will dissolve nitrate of silver without cloudiness, and will produce no precipitate with a salt of baryta, must be allowed, on all hands, to be very pure, although not abso-. lutely so."
As a commercial port, and also as a place of internal trade, especially since the completion of her great lines of railroad communication, Boston possesses preeminent advantages. Previous to the revolution, and for a long time afterwards, this was the most extensive mart of foreign com- merce in the country; and, even to this day, Boston has more than one half of the East India trade carried on from the United States, and of the Russia trade three quarters. She has also an extensive trade with the Mediterranean the West Indies, South America, and every part of the commercial world. In 1851, the arrivals from foreign ports were 2877, of which 75 were from the Cape of Good Hope and beyond. Besides these, a large number of the foreign vessels, be- longing to Boston, arrive and discharge their merchandise at New York, for the advantages of a more central and extensive market.
The foreign commerce of this country may be said to be controlled by the cities of Boston and New York. The aggregate value of their imports amounts to about $185,000,000, of which about $35,000,000 comes direct to Boston. The im- mense wealth of these two cities, amounting in the aggregate 'to $500,000,000, enables them al- most entirely to command those great branches of commerce which require a heavy capital for their operations. The East India and Pacific trade, without 'including the vessels bound to California, employs, at the present time, 338 ships and barks, which, with the exception of a few vessels owned in Salem, is controlled entirely by Boston and New York; New York having a majority of the China trade, and Boston control- ling nearly all the trade with Calcutta, Manilla, Batavia, Sumatra, the Cape of Good Hope, Chili, and Peru.
“ Those," says an early historian of Boston, “ who were formerly forced to fetch most of the bread they ate, and beer they drank, a thousand leagues by sea, are, through the blessing of the Lord, so increased, that they have not only fed their elder sisters, Virginia, Barbadoes, and many of the Summer Islands, that were preferred be- fore them for fruitfulness, but also the grand mother of us all, even the fertile isle of Great Britain. Beside, Portugal hath had many a mouthful of bread and fish from us in exchange for their Madeira liquor, and also Spain; nor could it be imagined that this wilderness should turn a mart for merchants in so short a space. Many a fair ship had her framing and finishing here, besides lesser vessels, barks, and ketches. Many a master, besides common seamen, had their first learning in this colony. Boston, Charlestown, Salem, and Ipswich, our maritime towns, begin to increase roundly, especially Bos- ton, the which, of a poor country village, in twice seven years, is become like unto a small city, and is in election to become a mayor town suddenly, chiefly increased by trade by sea." This quaint and lively sketch of the infant com- merce of Boston, so interesting on other ac- counts, reveals the early development of many of those great sources of wealth which have made it one of the richest cities of this country. It has been the mother of the maritime intei'est in America, has continued the training of “ many a master, besides common seamen," not only for her own, but for the other great ports of the country, and is now a chief mart for the expor- tation of “ bread and fish," in exchange for the commodities of Europe. |
But as other considerations besides the facili- ties of trade had an influence, and even a con- trolling influence, in the original settlement of Boston, its situation was not selected upon the principle which has generally governed the lo- cation of our large cities, viz., the confluence of some large navigable river with the sea, thus uniting the greatest1 natural advantages for for- eign and internal traffic. Consequently, for a time after the vast resources of the country west of the Alleghany Mountains began to be largely developed, and to seek a channel to the. foreign market, the trade of Boston suffered, relatively, from the want of better communication with the more remote interior, and her ships had to seek freight in the southern ports. But, happily, in her large accumulations of capital, and in the in- domitable enterprise of her citizens, she found the means of completely obviating this natural disadvantage, through the construction of the several great lines of railroad by which she has become connected with the most distant sec- tions of the country lying east, west, north, and south. This great achievement of science, in- dustry, and art has effected a most surprising advancement in the commercial prosperity and prospects of Boston. Her internal trade, which was formerly limited to the coast, and to the space circumscribed by the nearest ranges of ele- vated mountains, is now opened to the farthest boundaries of the valleys of the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence; and her merchants now think as lightly of extending their traffic beyond the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California, as they once did of reaching the opposite slopes of the Green Mountain and Alleghany ranges.
There are now seven great lines of railroad diverging in different directions from Boston, most of which are annually increasing in extent. It will give some idea of the magnitude to which this interest has grown, when it is stated that the aggregate distance travelled to and from Boston daily, upon the railroads now in operation, dis- regarding many of the shorter trips of the nu- merous accommodation trains around the city, is over 12,000 miles, and that the number of per- sons arriving and departing daily is upwards of
10,000. Another route is now nearly completed, to meet the great Erie Railroad, by the way of Hartford, Ct., and Fishkill on the Hudson River. But the greatest further improvement now in progress is the extension of the Fitchburg Rail- road beyond its present terminus at Greenfield, by tunnelling the Hoosic Mountain, and passing to the city of Troy on the Hudson River oppo- site the Erie Canal. As the highest grade on this road between the Connecticut and Hudson Rivers is only 31 feet to the mile, and the dis- tance between the two cities only about 175 miles, this improvement, when completed, can- not fail to give to Boston a large increase of the almost boundless commerce of the west. |