May 14, the town voted to discontinue all com- merce with Great Britain. On the 17th of June, 1775, the memorable battle of Bunker Hill was fought. March 17, 1776, the British were com- pelled to evacuate Boston, and the American troops, under General Washington, entered it in triumph. Independence having been established, and peace declared in 1783, Boston, with other cities of the Union, entered upon a rapid career of commercial enterprise and prosperity.
Boston continued a town, and its affairs were administered by selectmen, like other towns in Massachusetts, until February 23, 1822. At this time the population was about 45,000. The intention to make Boston a city had occasion- ally been entertained since 1651 ; but the people had not hitherto felt the necessity of a more effi- cient municipality than that of the town. They had continued in a remarkable degree, notwith- standing the admixture of foreign elements, to justify the early encomium of Winthrop: They were generally of that understanding and moderation, as that they would be easily guided in their way by any rule from Scripture or sound reason."
The city is divided into 12 wards, and is gov- erned by a mayor, 8 aldermen, and 48 common councilmen, 4 from each ward. The mayor and aldermen constitute one board, and the com- mon councilmen another, who hold their sessions separately, excepting when they meet in joint ballot. Two persons besides from each ward are chosen to act with the mayor and president of the common council, as a school committee; and one from each ward to constitute a board of overseers of the poor. The term of all these offices is one year.
In bringing this article to a conclusion we may adopt the words of Hon. Josiah Quincy, late president of Harvard University, in his ad- dress delivered at the close of the second cen- tury from the settlement of the city: —
As our thoughts course along the events of past times, from the first settlement of Boston, they trace the strong features of its charac- ter indelibly impressed upon its acts and in its history—clear conceptions of duty; bold vindications of right; readiness to, incur dan- gers and meet sacrifices in the maintenance of liberty, civil and religious. Early selected as the place of chief settlement of New England, it has through every subsequent period, main- tained its relative ascendency. In the arts of peace and in the energies of war, in the virtues of prosperity and adversity, in wisdom to plan and vigor to execute, in extensiveness of enter- prise, success in accumulating wealth and lib- erality in its distribution, its inhabitants, if not unrivalled, have not been surpassed by any simi- lar society of men. Through good report and evil report, its influence has at all times been so distinctly seen and acknowledged in events, and been so decisive on the destinies of the region of which it was the head, that the inhab- itants of the adjoining colonies of a foreign na- tion early gave the name of this place to the whole country; and at this day among their descendants the people of the whole United, States are distinguished by the name of Bos- tonians." Amidst perils and obstructions, on the bleak side of the mountain on which it was first cast, the seedling oak, self-rooted, shot upward with a determined vigor. Now slighted and now assailed; amidst alternating sunshine and storm ; with the axe of a native foe at its root, and the lightning of a foreign power at times scathing its top, or withering its branches; it grew, it flourished, it stands — may it ever stand — the honor of the field."
Sicut patribus sic Deus nobis.
As Gob was with our fathers, so may He be with us.
Boston Corner, Ms. This tract, in the S. W. corner of the state, though politically attached to the township of Mount Washington, is cut off from it by a mountain 2000 feet in height.
Boston. N. Y., Erie co. Watered by Cauquaga Creek and other small streams. The surface is undulating; the soil good. 18 miles S. E. from Buffalo, and 289 W. from Albany.
Bastrop County, Ts., c. h. at Bastrop. South central. On the Colorado.
Botetourt County, Va., c. h. at Fincastle. South central. Between the Blue Ridge on the E. and the main branch of the Alleghanies on the W. The Upper James River flows through it. Surface elevated and mountainous.
Bound Brook, N. J., Somerset co. 33 miles N. E. from Trenton. On the Delaware and Raritan Canal.
Bourbon County, Kv., c. h. at Paris. N. E. central. The S. branch of Licking River waters this county. Soil very productive.
Bovina, N. Y., Delaware co. The surface is hilly, and is watered by Little Delaware River. Soil adapted for grazing. 69 miles S. W. from Albany.
Bow, N. H., Merrimac co. Soil uneven and hard, but productive. Turkey River empties into the Merrimac at Turkey Falls. About a mile below are Garvin's Falls. Bow Canal is situ- ated on the Merrimac, 3 miles below Concord; the fall it overcomes is 25 feet; length a quarter of a mile. 7 miles S. E. from Concord. On the Concord and Nashua Railroad.
Bowdoin, Me., Lincoln co. An interior town. 37 miles N. N. E. from Portland.
Bowdoinham, Me., Lincoln co. On the west side of Kennebec River. Here is considerable business in the lumber trade and ship building. 12 miles N. from Bath.
Bowie County, Ts., c. h. at De Kalb. In the N. E. corner between Red River and Caddo Lake.
Bowling Green, la., c. h. Clay co. On Eel, a branch of White River. 60 miles S. by W. from Indianapolis.
Bowling Green, Ky., Warren co. On Big Bar- ren, a branch of Green River, and accessible by steamboats of 200 tons at all seasons. 144 miles S. W. from Frankfort. The principal ex- port is tobacco.
Boydton, Va., Mecklenburg co. 109 miles S. S. W. from Richmond. Seat of Randolph Ma- con College, the buildings of which are about 1 mile W. of the village. See Colleges.
Boyle County,■ Ky., c. h. at Danville, Central. Watered by branches of Salt and Dick's Rivers. Soil very productive.
Boylston, Ms., Worcester co. Hilly and bro- ken, but the soil is strong and productive. It is watered by the S. branch of Nashua River. 40 miles W. from Boston, and 7 N. from Worcester.
Boylston, N. Y., Oswego co. Little Sandy and Trout Creeks water this town, which has a some- |