are two large ship houses for the protection of naval vessels of the largest class when building, together with extensive workshops, and every requisite for a great naval depot. There is con- nected with this establishment an important liter- ary institution, called the United States Naval Lyceum, formed in 1833 by officers of the service connected with the port. It contains a miner- alogical and geological cabinet, and a fine collec- tion of curiosities of a miscellaneous character. The government has constructed a dry dock here similar to that in the United States Navy Yard at Charlestown, Ms. On the opposite side of the Wallabout, about half a mile E. of the Navy Yard, is the Marine Hospital, situated upon a commanding elevation, and surrounded by about 30 acres of land under high cultivation. In this bay are always one or more large naval vessels lying in ordinary. These mark the spot where lay the Jersey and other British ships, during the revolutionary war, made use of as prison ships, for the confinement of those American, soldiers whom they had taken prisoners in battle, in which it is said that as many as 11,500 prisoners perished in the course of the war, from bad air, close con- finement, and ill treatment. These unhappy men were buried upon the shore, with little care but to put their bodies out of sight. In 1808, the bones of these sufferers were collected, as far as could then be done, and placed in 13 coffins, correspond- ing with the old 13 states, and honorably interred in a commemorative tomb erected for the pur- pose, not far from the Navy Yard.
The harbor of Brooklyn is extensive, and is capable of being very largely improved by adding to the number of its docks and slips. Vessels of the largest class can come up to its piers, to dis- charge or receive their cargoes. The Atlantic Dock is a very extensive basin for the reception of shipping, about a mile below the South Ferry, constructed by a company incorporated in 1840, at a cost of about $1,000,000. The basin within the piers covers 42% acres, with sufficient depth of water for the largest ships. The outside pier extends 3000 feet on Buttermilk Channel. The piers are furnished with spacious stone ware- houses. The terminus of the Long Island Rail- road is located near the landing from the South Ferry, which connects with New York at the S. E. corner of the Battery. From the station, the road is carried, by a long tunnel, under a number of the most important of the streets of Brooklyn, which it has to cross in its route.
Greenwood Cemetery, in the S. part of Brook- lyn, about three miles from Fulton Ferry, is an extensive and beautiful ground provided by the cities of New York and Brooklyn for the burial of their dead. It may be approached either by this ferry, from which hourly carriages run to the entrance for a trifling charge, or by another at the Battery, which passes round and lands its passengers on the S. side, in the near vicinity. Greenwood contains 250 acres of ground, one half or more of which is covered with wood of the natural forest. The grounds have a varied surface of hill, and valley, and plain. From some of the open elevations extensive views are ob- tained of the ocean, and of the cities of Brooklyn and New York. The whole cemetery is trav- ersed by about 15 miles of winding avenues and paths, leading through each shaded recess, and to every spot at once hallowed and adorned by the memorials of the dead. Great improvements are continually going on, and every year adds new beauty to this interesting place. |
The first settlement of Brooklyn was made at the Wallabout Bay, by George Jansen Rapelje, in 1625. The earliest deed for lands on record is to Thomas Besker, in 1639. October 18, 1667, Governor Nicholls granted a patent to certain inhabitants of the town BreuJcelen, for and in be- half of themselves and their associates, the free- holders and inhabitants, for all the lands in the town not taken up in severalty." This patent was confirmed by Governor Dongan in 1'6S6. In 1670, license was given by Governor Lovelace to the inhabitants to purchase the Indian title.
With Brooklyn and its immediate neighborhood is connected the memory of the bloody battle of August 27, 1776, in which the Americans were defeated, occasioning the withdrawal of the army from Long Island into New York.
Brooklyn was incorporated as a village in 1816. In April, 18-34, the whole territory of the town was incorporated under the name of the City of Brooklyn." It is divided into nine wards; and the powers of the corporation are vested in a- mayor and a board of aldermen, composed of two from each ward, all elected by the people.
Brooklyn, Pa. A southern township of Sus- quehanna co. 171 miles N. N. E. from Harrisburg.
Brooks, Me., Waldo co., 11 miles N. N. W. from Belfast, and 45 N. E. from Augusta.
Brooksville, Me., Hancock co. On the E. sid s of Penobscot Bay, opposite to Islesboro' and Castine.
Brookoille, la., c. h. Franklin co. 75 miles S. E. from Indianapolis.
Brookville, Ky., c. h. Bracken co.
Broome County. N. Y., c. h. at Chenango. On the S. border. The surface is hilly, the valleys bordering the streams large and fertile, but the soil for the most part better adapted to grazing than the raising of grain. It is watered by the Susquehanna, Chenango, and Tioughnioga Rivers, and by Nanticoke Creek. It contains several sulphur and salt springs. The Chenango Canal and New York and Erie Railroad pass through this county.
Broome, N. Y., Schoharie co. Watered by Schoharie and Catskill Creeks. The surface is hilly and mountainous; soil indifferent, except in the valleys, where it is fertile. 38 miles S. W. from Albany.
Brown County, Is., c. h. at Mount Sterling. On the W. bank of the Illinois River. Drained by McKee's and Crooked Creeks. Surface slightly uneven; soil productive.
Brown County, la., c. h. at Nashville. S. cen- tral part of the state. Watered by Salt Creek and its branches. Surface undulating and hilly; soil fertile.
Brown County, O. In the S. W. angle, bor- dering on the Ohio River. On the N. it is watered by Eagle, Red Oak, Straight, and White Oak Creeks, besides the Ohio River and the E. fork of Little Miami. The soil is fertile and good.
Brown, Pa., Lycoming co. Pine Cre.ek and its branches water this town. Surface mountainous; soil varied,
Brown County, Wn., c. h. Depere. In the E. part of the state, including Green Bay. Surface diversified ; soil of good quality.
Brownfield, Me., Oxford co. 81 miles S. E- from Augusta.
Brownstown, la., c. h. Jackson co. On the E. |