here. 12 miles N. from Charlestown, and 47 N. N. W. from Concord. A railroad from Boston to Burlington, Yt., passes through this town,
Clarence, N. Y., Erie co. Watered by Ran- som's and Tonawanda Creeks. Surface undu- lating; soil adapted to the growth of grain. 16 miles N. E. from Buffalo, and 265 N. W. from Albany.
Clarendon, N. Y., Orleans co. The surface of this town is high and broken. The soil consists of calcareous loam. 10 miles S. E. from Albion, and 248 N. W. from Albany.
Clarendon, Yt., Rutland co. Otter Creek passes through the town; this, with its branches, Mill and Cold Rivers, and Furnace Brook, supply the town with water. The E. part of the town borders on the Green Mountains, but the princi- pal elevations are the range of hills between Otter Creek and Furnace Brook, and between the latter and Ira Brook, on the west line of the town. The alluvial flats on Otter Creek are very productive. The uplands are a gravelly loam. Marble is found here. There are two small villages, one in the eastern and the other in the western part. Clarendon Springs, celebrated in cutaneous and scrofulous diseases, are situated near Furnace Brook and Clarendon Cave, on the south-esisterly side of a mountain, in the westerly part of the town. The healing ingre- dient in the springs is-nitrogen in chemical com- bination. The water is cold, transparent, and free from any mineral taste; the supply from the spring is abundant. It has become a fash- ionable resort. The settlement was commenced in 1768, by Elkanah Cook. The first settlers were mostly from Rhode Island. 85 miles S. W. from Montpelier, and 7 S. from Rutland. The great southern railroad passes through this town.
Clarendon Springs, Yt., Clarendon, Rutland co. 70 miles S. S. W. from Montpelier. See Clarendon, Yt.
Clarion County, Pa., c. h. at Clarion. N. cen- tral. Watered by the Alleghany and Clarion or Toby's Rivers and Red Bank Creek. Surface rough, and abounding with iron on the N., but more level and fertile on the S.
Clarion, Pa., c. h. Clarion co. Watered by Piney, Licking, and Mill Creeks, and Laurel Run, branches of the Clarion River. Surface somewhat hilly; soil loamy. 184 miles W. N. W. from Harrisburg.
Clark County, 0., c. h. at Springfield. S. W. central. It was organized in 1818, and has a very fertile, well-cultivated soil, abundantly sup- plied with water by Mad River, Buck and Bea- ver Creeks, and several springs This county is in a very flourishing condition, and has the national road crossing it from E. to W. The Cincinnati and Sandusky Railroad passes through it.
Clarksburg, Ky., c. h. Lewis co. On Salt Lick Creek. 4 miles S. from the Ohio River, and 107 E. N. E. from Frankfort.
Clarksburg, Ms., Berkshire co. The soil is hard and stony. About two thirds of it lie on the Hoosic and Bald Mountains, which is cold and rocky, but covered with valuable timber. Be- tween the mountains the soil is good for grazing. The town is well watered by Hoosic River and Hudson's Brook. It was first settled by persons of the names of Ketchum, from Long Island, and Clark, from R. I., in 1769. 25 miles N.
from Pittsfield, and 120 W. N. W. from Boston. |
Clarksburg, Va., c. h. Harrison co. On Mo- nongahela River. 253 miles N. W. from Rich- mond.
Clarkson, N. Y., Monroe co. On the shore of Lake Ontario. Watered by Sandy and Little Salmon Creeks. The surface is generally level; the soil sandy and gravelly loam. 16 miles N. W. from Rochester, and 233 N. W. from Al- bany.
Clarkstown, N. Y., c. h. Rockland co. On the W. bank of the Hudson River, and contains a small lake, the waters of which flow into the Hackensack River. Surface mostly hilly; soil fertile in the valleys. 248 miles S. from Albany.
Clarksville, Aa., c. h.. Clarke co. 134 miles S. from Tuscaloosa.
Clarksville, Ga., c. h. Habersham co. 138 miles N. from Milledgeville.
Clarksville, N. H. Coos co. On the E. bank of Connecticut River. The soil is hard. 156 miles N. from Concord.
Clarksville, Ts., c. h. Red River co.
Clarksville, Te., c. h. Montgomery co. At the junction of Red and Cumberland Rivers. 45 miles N. W. from Nashville.
Clarke County, Aa., c. h. at Clarkesville S. W. part of the state. In the angle formed by the junction of the Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers. Surface uneven; soil generally rather sterile.
Clarke County, As., c. h. at Greenville. S. W. central. In the W. angle, at the junction of the Washita and Little Missouri Rivers. Surface hilly and mountainous ; soil sterile, except on the borders of the streams.
Clarke County, Ga,, c. h. at Watkinsville. ST. E. central. On the upper waters of the Oco- nee River. The Athens Branch Railroad con- nects the N. part with Augusta.
Clarke County, Is., c. h. at Marshall. On the E. frontier, on the Wabash. Fox and Crane Creeks, and the N. branch of Embarrass River, water this county.
Clarke County, la., c. h. at Charleston. On the S. E. border. On the Ohio River. Surface undulating, and watered by some small branches of the Ohio.
Clarke County, Io., c. h. at Oceola. Southern paVt.
Clarke County, Ky., c. h. at Winchester. N. E. central. The Kentucky River runs along its S. border.
Clarke County, Mi., c. h. at Quitman. On the S. E. border. Surface mostly level, and drained by the Chickasaw River and branches.
Clarke County, Mo., c. h. at Waterloo. In the N. E. corner between the Mississippi and Des Moines. Fox and Wyaconda Rivers traverse this county.
Clarke County, On., c. h. at Columbia city.
Clarke County, Ya., c. h. at Berryville, in the N. of the valley. The Shenandoah River waters this county. Surface varied, having the Blue Ridge on the E.; soil very fertile.
Clarkesville, N. Y., Alleghany co. Drained by Dodge's Creek and some other small streams. The surface is high and undulating, being mostly covered with a dense pine forest. 278 miles S. W. from Albany, and 15 from Angelica.
Clatsop County, On. At the mouth of the Oregon.
Claverack, N. Y., Columbia co. Claverack Creek waters this town. The surface is hilly in parts, and the soil generally productive. 4 miles E. from Hudson, and 34 S. from Albany.
Clay County, Is., c. h. at Maysville. S. E. cen- |