iron foundery, with several mills and shops, with various 'kinds of machinery, propelled by steam power. There are also several establish- ments for the manufacture of coaches and other vehicles. Some are very distinguished for their superior skill and workmanship, and employ a large amount of labor and capital. In the Con- cord portion of Fishers ville, near the junction of the Contoocook River with the Merrimae, six miles N. of the main village, about half of which is in Concord and the other half in Bos- cawen, there are a large cotton factory, various other manufacturing establishments, and sites for two other factories equal to the one already completed. This village, on both sides the Con- toocook, has grown up rapidly, and is still increas- ing. It is traversed by the Northern and Clare- mont Railroads, which afford great facilities for transportation.
The W. village, better known as the West Par- ish, is situated about half way between Fishers- ville and the main village. Here are manufac- tured some of the finest flannels and blankets in the country. The Concord and Claremont Rail- road passes through this place.
The E. village, situated on the easterly side of the Merrimae River, distant about 2 miles from the State House, is a very thrifty and growing place, connected with the main village by Federal Bridge; also by the Boston, Concord, and Mon- treal Railroad.
Concord, N. Y., Erie co. Situated on the N. side of Cattaraugus Creek, and watered by sev- eral small streams. The surface is quite hilly, the soil favorable to the growth of grass. 282 miles W. from Albany, and 25 S. from Buffalo.
Concord, Pa., Delaware co. Watered by Paint- er's Creek, which affords good hydraulic power. 20 miles W. from Philadelphia.
Concord, Pa., Franklin co. At the head of Tuscarora Creek. 12 miles W. from Harrisburg.
Concord, Pa.. Erie co. Watered by branches of French and Broken Straw Creeks. Surface hilly, and well suited to grazing.
Concord, Vt., Essex co. Hall's Pond, lying near the centre of the town, is about a mile long, and about 100 rods wide. Miles's Pond is about the same size, and lies near the N. E. corner of the town. This town is watered by Moose and Connecticut Rivers, also by several small streams. The surface is uneven, and in the N. E. parts very stony. It is an excellent grazing township, and has some good tillage land. The first set- tlement was commenced in 1788, by Joseph Ball. 24 miles S. W. from Guildhall, and 44 N. E. by E. from Montpelier.
Concordia Parish, La., c. h. at Vidalia, E. part, between the Washita and the Mississippi. Sur- face flat, and mostly liable to inundation; soil extremely fertile, producing large crops of cotton.
Conecuh County, Aa., c. h. at Sparta. On the S. border. Watered by Conecuh River and its tributaries.
Conemaugh, Pa., Cambria co. Situated at the junction of Conemaugh River and Stone Creek. Hilly; soil of clay and calcareous loam.
Conemaugh, Pa., Indiana co. Watered by Black- leg's Creek and Conemaugh River. Surface hilly; soil a rich loam. Salt is found here on the banks of the Conemaugh.
Coneseus, N. Y., Livingston co. Between Cone- seus and Hemlock Lakes. Hilly ; the soil hardly of the medium quality. 221 miles W. from Albany. |
Conesville, N. Y., Schoharie co. Drained by the Manor Kill, a branch of Schoharie Creek. Hilly; the soil sandy loam. 42 miles S. W. from Albany.
Conewago, Pa. A township of Adams co.
Conewago, Pa. A township of York co.
Conequenessing, Pa., Butler co. Conequenessing, Breackneck and Yellow Creeks water this town. Surface undulating; soil clay, gravel, and loam.
Conestoga, Pa., Lancaster co. 5 miles S. from Lancaster.
Conhocton, N. Y., Steuben co. Conhocton River and some of its branches water this town, the sur- face of which is hilly, and the soil moist clay loam, favorable to the growth of grass. 225 miles W. from Albany.
Conklin, N. Y., Broome co. The Susquehan- na River flows through this town. The surface is rather hilly, with the exception of a deep val- ley on the banks of the river. 5 miles S. E. from Binghampton, and 152 S. W. from Albany.
Conneaut, Pa., Erie co. Surface hilly; watered by Conneaut Lake and Creek; soil loam and gravel.
Conneaut, Pa., Crawford co. This town has an undulating surface and gravelly soil.
Conneaut, 0., Ashtabula co. Township and town, formerly called Salem. On the shore of Lake Erie, at the mouth of Conneaut Creek.
ConnellsviUe, Pa., Fayette co. 180 miles S. from Harrisburg.
Connemaugh, Pa. A township of Somerset co.
Connersville, la., c. h. Fayette co. On the W. side of Whitewater River. 60 miles E. S. E. from Indianapolis.
Connewango, N. Y., Cattaraugas co. Watered by Connewango and Little Connewango Creeks. The surface is high and broken ; the soil fertile. 302 miles W. by S. from Albany.
Connewango, Pa., Warren co. Bounded on the S. by the Alleghany River, and drained by Cone- wago Creek. Surface uneven; soil fertile, es- pecially in the S. part.
Conquest, N. Y., Cayuga co. On the N. side of Seneca River, in which is Howland's Island, belonging to this town. It also contains Duck Lake. The surface is rolling; the soil sandy and clay loam. 162 miles N. W. from Albany, and 15 N. from Auburn.
Constable, N. Y., Franklin co. Trout River waters this town, which is bounded by Canada on the N. The surface is level; soil sandy loam. 218 miles N. N. W from Albany, and 6 N. from Malone.
Constantia, N. Y., Oswego co. Watered by Scriba's Creek and other small streams flowing into Oneida Lake, which bounds it on the S. The surface is level; soil sandy. 30 miles S. E. from Oswego, and 140 N. of W. from Albany.
Constantine, Mn., St Joseph co. On St. Joseph River, at the mouth of Fall River, 149 miles W. S. W. from Detroit. A place of extensive business, having excellent water power. Steam- boats pass the mouth of the St. Joseph.
Contoocook Village, N. H. In the town of Hop- kinton, Merrimae co. On Contoocook River, which affords extensive hydraulic power. W. from Concord 10 miles.
Contra Costa County, Ca., c. h. at Martinez. In the south angle, between San Francisco Bay and the outlet of the Sacramento.
Conway County, As., c. h. at Lewisburg, Central. On the N. bank of the Arkansas. |