Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 374

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374    COUNTIES,    CITIES,    TOWNS,    VILLAGES,    &c,

Franklin County, la, c. h. at Brookville. Bound-
ed N. by Fayette and Union counties, E. by Ohio,
S. by Dearborn and Bipley counties, and W.
by Decatur co. Drained by branches of the
White Water River, which afford fine mill privi-
leges. Surface level or undulating ; soil fertile.
The White Water Canal crosses this county.

Franklin, la., c. h. Johnson co.. occupies a
high bluff, on the E. side of Young's Creek,
20 miles S. from Indianapolis.

Franklin County, Ky., c. h. at Frankfort. Bound-
ed N. by Henry and Owen counties, E. by Scott,
S. by Woodford and Anderson, and W. by Shelby
co. Surface hilly, and watered by Kentucky and
Elkhorn Rivers ; soil fertile.

Franklin, Ky., c. h. Simpson co. On the W.
side of Drake's Creek, a branch of Barren River.
164 miles S. W. from Frankfort.

Franklin Parish, La., c. h. at Winnsboro'. N.
E. central. Between Bayou Bceuf of Red River,
and Bayou Macon, the W. branch of the Tensas.

Franklin, La., c. h. St. Mary's parish. Located
on the W. side of the Bayou Teche. 144 miles
W. by S. from New Orleans.

Franklin County, Me., c. h. at Farmington. In
the W. part of the state, including the height of
land between the Androscoggin and Kennebec.
Undulating, with mountainous tracts, with nu-
merous ponds and mill streams. Soil generally
good. The northern part bordering on Canada
is still unsettled.

Franklin, Me., Hancock co. At the head of
Taunton Bay, the most northerly part of French-
man's Bay. 15 miles E. from Ellsworth.

Franklin County, Ms., c. h. at Greenfield. This
was a part of Hampshire co. until 1811. The
surface is elevated; the Green Mountain range
intersects it from N. to S., presenting some of the
wildest and most picturesque scenery in the
state. The soil is exceedingly fertile; its rich
alluvial valleys produce the finest crops of grain
and grass, while its mountain sides afford rich
pasturage. Few sections of our country equal
the county of Franklin in the extent and value
of its hydraulic power. The noble Connecticut
pierces its centre from N. to S., the romantic and
powerful Deerfield pours its volume of water
from the W., while Miller's River comes in from
the E., with its rapid current, joins the two former
near the heart of the county, and passes to the
ocean. These rivers, combined with their nu-
merous tributaries, watering every section of the
county, produce a water power of great extent
and usefulness.

Franklin. Ms., Norfolk co. Charles River and
several of its branches meander through this
town, and give to it fine mill seats and a con-
stant flow of water. This town was a part of
Wrentham until 1778. There are in the town
some very pleasant villages, and some eminences
from which are fine views of the surrounding
country. This town was named in honor of the
celebrated Dr. Franklin. Soon after its incorpo-
ration, a hint was given to the doctor, then in
France, that a present of a bell would be accept-
able to the town for the honor conferred. The
doctor sent the town some valuable books, and
observed that he presumed the people of Frank-
lin were more fond of sense than sound. 27
miles S. W. from Boston, and 17 S. W. from

Franklin County, Mi., c. h. at Meadville.
Bounded N. by Jefferson and Copiah counties,

E. by Lawrence and Pike, S. by Amite and Wil-
kinson, and W. by Adams co. Watered by tribu-
taries of the Homochitto and the head branches
of Amite River. Surface undulating; soil ster-
ile, except on the margins of the rivers.

Franklin County, Mo., c. h. at Union. The
Missouri River bounds this county on the N.,
separating it from Warren and St. Charles coun-
ties. St. Louis and Jefferson counties bound it
on the E., Washington and Crawford on the S.,
and Gasconade on the W. Drained by the Ma-
ramec and Bourbeuse Rivers, the latter being a
good mill stream, and by some smaller tributaries
of the Missouri. Surface undulating; soil mostly

Franklin County, N. C., c. h. at Louisburg.
Bounded N. by Warren co., E. and S. E. by
Nash, S. W. by Wake, and W. by Granville co.
Tar river traverses the middle of this county,
and Fishing Creek forms part of its N. boundary.
Surface level; soil productive.

Franklin, N. H., Merrimac co., is a place of
considerable and increasing business. The junc-
tion of the Winnipiseogee and Pemigewasset
Rivers, in this town, form the Merrimac, creating
on both streams an extensive and valuable water

A famous peat bog is in this town. Plumbago,
&c., has been found here. The Northern Rail-
road passes through the centre. This town was
taken from the towns of Salisbury, Andover,
Sanbornton, and Northfield. 19 miles N. by N. W.
from Concord by the Northern Railroad.

The descent of the Winnipiseogee branch, from
the lake to its junction with the Pemigewasset,
is 232 feet. The confluent stream bears the name
of Merrimac, and pursues a S. course, 78 miles,
to Chelmsford, Ms.; thence an E. course, 35
miles, to the sea at Newburyport. On the N.
line of Concord, the Contoocook discharges its
waters into the Merrimac. The Soucook be-
comes a tributary in Pembroke, and the Suncook
between Pembroke and Allenstown. The Pis-
cataquog unites in Bedford; the Souhegan in
Merrimac; and a beautiful river, called Nashua,
in Nashua. The tributaries which enter in Mas-
sachusetts are the Concord at Lowell, the Spiggot
at Methuen, the Shawsheen at Andover, and
the Powow, between Amesbury and Salisbury.
The principal tributaries are on the W. side of
the river, all, except the Concord, rising in the
highlands between the Connecticut and Merri-
mac. There are numerous falls in this river, the
most noted of which are Garven's in Concord,
Bow Falls in Hooksett, Amoskeag Falls in Goffs-
town and Manchester, Pawtucket Falls at Low-
ell, and the falls at Lawrence. The river was
formerly much used for boat navigation, in con-
junction with the Middlesex Canal, aided by
canals round the principal falls; but since the
introduction of railroads, this method of trans-
portation has been abandoned, and the water is
now employed solely for propelling machinery.
Already upon the banks of this river have risen
the flourishing and fast-growing cities of Man-
chester, Lowell, and Lawrence, and there is still
a large amount of water power unemployed.
The Lake Winnipiseogee, the outlet from which
is under the control of the water power compa-
nies, furnishes an inexhaustible reservoir for keep-
ing up the supply of water in the driest seasons.
Pemigewasset River.

The Merrimac, whose fountains are nearly on

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