ductive. Two small streams afford the town some water power. Its Indian name was Nor- nottock. Hadley was a retreat for the celebrated Goffe and Whalley, two of the judges who con- demned Charles I. 88 miles W. from Boston.
Hadley, N. Y., Saratoga co. Situated at the junction of Sacandaga and Hudson Rivers. A branch of the Kayaderosseras Mountains crosses this town. 26 miles N. from Ballston Spa, and 56 N. E. from Albany.
Haerlem, N. Y., New York co. 1h miles N. from New York. See New York City.
Hagerstown, Md., c. h. Washington co. On the W. bank of Antietam Creek. 101 miles N. W. from Annapolis, and 26 N. W. from Frederick.
Hague, N. Y., Warren co. Bounded on the E. by Lake George. The surface is broken by the Kayaderosseras Mountains, which cover a large part of the town. 28 miles N. from Caldwell, and 90 N. N. E. from Albany.
Haim, Pa., Centre co. Watered by 2 small creeks, which disappear among the crevices of Limestone Rock. Surface mountainous ; soil calcareous loam in the valleys. 19 miles E. from Bellefonte.
Half Moon, N. Y., Saratoga co. Bounded on the E. by the Hudson River. The surface is mostly level; soil sandy loam and clay of good quality. 15 miles S. E. from Ballston Spa, and 18 N. from Albany.
Half Moon, Pa., Centre co. Bald Eagle Creek and Half Moon Run water this town. Surface mountainous, a ridge of the Alleghany Moun- tains forming the W. boundary; soil calcareous loam in the valleys. 99 miles N. W. from Har- risburg.
Halifax, Ms., Plymouth co. Halifax was for- merly part of Plympton, Middleboro', and Pem- broke. Its Indian name was Monponsit. Two branches of Taunton River, the Winetuxet and another, give this town a water power. There are 2 villages in the town, and several ponds, which cover about 1700 acres. The Monponsit, a small part of which lies in Hanson, is a beau- tiful sheet of water, more than 2 miles long, and half a mile wide. Pickerel have been taken from this pond weighing more than 7 pounds each. The Old Colony Railroad passes through the town. 28 miles S. S. E. from Boston, and 9 N. W. from Plymouth.
Halifax County, N. C., c. h. a.t Halifax. Bounded N. and E. by the Roanoke River, separating it from Northampton and Bertie counties, S. by Edgecombe and Nash, and W. by Warren co. Watered by Roanoke River and Fishing Creek and branches. Soil fertile.
Halifax, N. C., c. h. Halifax co. Situated on the W. bank of Roanoke River, at the head of sloop navigation, and 6 miles below the great falls. 80 miles N. E. from Raleigh. A canal round the falls renders the river navigable for boats 130 miles above this place.
Halifax, Pa., Dauphin co. Located on the E. bank of the Susquehanna River, and drained by Armstrong Creek. Surface hilly, having Peter's Mountain on the S.; soil red shale. 23 miles N. from Harrisburg. |
Halifax, Vt., Windham co. This township is watered by North and Green Rivers. They are Doth large and commodious mill streams. In the branch of North River is a succession of cas- cades, extending about 100 rods. The falls are from 15 to 20 feet each. The surface is uneven, but there are no mountains worthy of notice. On the margin of North River is a cavern, called Woodwards Cave, or Dun's Den. The soil is generally of a good quality, well adapted to the production of grass. The settlement was com- menced in 1761, by Abner Rice, from Worcester co., Ms. 125 miles S. from Montpelier, and 15 S. from Newfane.
Halifax County. Va., c. h. at Halifax. Bounded N. by Staunton River, separating it from Camp- bell and Charlotte counties, E. by Mecklenburg co., S. by North Carolina, and W. by Pittsylva- nia co. Watered by Dan and Bannister Rivers and their tributaries. Soil fertile.
Halifax, Va., c. h. Halifax co. On the S. side of Bannister River. 127 miles S. W. from Richmond.
Hall County, Ga., c. h. at Gainesville. Bounded N. by Habersham co., E. by Habersham and Jackson, S. by Gwinnett, and W. by Forsyth and Lumpkin counties. Watered on the W. border by the Chattahoochee River, and N. W. by its two head branches, the Sooque and Chestatee. Surface hilly and mountainous; soil very fertile in some portions.
Hallowell, Me., Kennebec co. This city is situ- ated on both sides of the Kennebec River, between Augusta and Gardiner, 2 miles below the former, and 4 miles above the latter. The houses are mostly on the W. side of the river. The streets run parallel with the river, and the ground ascends 200 feet from the lower street or business part of the city. On this street are numerous stores, con- structed principally of brick. Most of the dwell- ing houses are on the back, or elevated streets ; they are built, as are the churches, with good taste, and being surrounded by beautiful groves, make a fine appearance. The varied views of the river, of the neighboring towns, and of a fertile country of hills and vales, presented from the high grounds on each side of the village, furnish an exhibition of scenery of uncommon beauty. Hallowell is about 3 miles in width, aud extended back, on each side of the river, 5 miles, but the part on the eastern bank became, in 1850, the town of Chelsea. Incorporated in 1771, and then included all the ter- ritory of Augusta, and a part of Gardiner. From this place the brave but traitorous Arnold inarched on an expedition against Canada, in 1776.
There are 6 or 7 churches in Hallowell, of as many different denominations. There exists a flourishing academy here, which has held a preem- inent rank ever since it was incorporated, in 1791..
About 4 miles from the village, and on the E. side of the river, is the Togus Mineral Spring,'* which, within a few years past, has become much frequented by invalids and others seeking health, or amusement and relaxation. The waters, which are impregnated with sulphur, have been found very efficacious. A spacious house of en- tertainment has been erected near the spring, which is often thronged in the summer mouths. The principal public house, in the centre of Hal- lowell, is the Hallowell House, which is a large* and elegant granite building, furnishing every desirable accommodation.
Steamboats ply from this place to Portland and Boston during the season of navigation. The: Eastern Railroad, from Boston and Portland, extends through it as far as Augusta. A num- ber of vessels, owned here, are engaged in the freighting business, and others run as packet* to various places. Vessels drawing 9 feet a£ |