are the principal public buildings and churches. State Street, also a broad avenue extending from Main Street E. to Connecticut River, contains many elegant buildings, and is the seat of an active business. Near its junction with Main Street, it divides into two branches, enclosing the State House and the Public Square. Com- merce Street runs along the bank of the river, is connected by a branch track with the several railroads entering the city, and has a large and commodious freight depot upon the wharf, at the terminus of the branch track, substantially built of brown freestone and brick. Asylum Street, extending W. from Main Street to the general railroad depot, is compactly occupied by large brick and freestone edifices, and is the seat of a very extensive and heavy business, chiefly in. cotton and woollen domestic fabrics. The city, as a whole, is substantially and compactly built, of brick and stone, and exhibits a larger number of elegant edifices and more elaborate architect- ure than most cities of its size.
Hartford Bridge, which connects the city with East Hartford from the foot of Morgan Street, is a substantial wooden structure, 1000 feet in length.
Among the public buildings, the State House is conspicuous. It stands in the centre of the city, enclosed in a beautiful park surrounded by an ornamental iron railing, and adorned with fine shade trees. It is built of stone and brick; order Roman Doric, length 114 feet, width 76 feet, height of walls 54 feet, with 'two porticoes each 38 by 17 feet. On the basement a hall ex- tends through the building from E. to W., having on the N. side a court room, and on the S. the public offices of the comptroller, treasurer, and school commissioner, and the governor's room. On the second floor, on the N. side of a cor- responding hall, is the House of Representatives chamber, on the S. the Senate chamber, and in the western portico the office of the state secre- tary. In the Senate chamber is one of the best original paintings of Washington ever executed, painted by Stewart. The State House was erected in 1792. The cupola of this building commands one of the richest and most exten- sive landscape views in the country, embracing the scenery of the Connecticut River with its broad alluvial valley, crowned with luxuriant vegetation for many miles in every direction, and terminating only with the far distant blue high- lands.
The City Hall, on Market Square, is an ele- gant structure of Grecian architecture; the base- ment occupied as a city market, the second floor as the city and police court rooms and other public offices, and the third floor as the public city hall.
Wadsworth Athenaeum, standing on the W. side of Main Street, is a noble building, of light- gray granite, in the castellated Gothic style of architecture, devoted to historical and literary purposes. The north compartment is occupied by the Young Men's Institute," the basement as lecture rooms, and the second floor for their library, containing some 10,000 volumes; the centre compartment contains a gallery of paint- ings, and other rooms devoted also to the fine arts and sculpture; the south compartment is appropriated to the use of the Connecticut His- torical Society, and contains in its archives a large and highly interesting collection of histori- cal antiquities, besides some 5000 volumes, and multitudes of ancient documents, pamphlets, and manuscripts. This building derives its name from the late Daniel Wadsworth, Esq., who gave the site upon which it stands. |
Trinity College is situated on a gentle emi- nence in the S. W. part of the city. See Colleges.
The American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb is in the immediate vicinity of the city, though outside of the corporate limits, as is also the Retreat for the Insane. The Asylum was the first institution for the instruction of deaf mutes ever established in this country. It was founded in 1817, phiefly through the instrumentality of the late Rev. Thomas II. Gallaudet, LL. D., its first principal, who visited Europe for the pur- pose of obtaining the requisite information. On his return in 1816, he was accompanied by Mr. Laurent Clerc, a deaf mute, who had been a suc- cessful teacher for several years in Paris, under the Abbe Sicard. He was at once secured as an associate instructor with Mr. Gallaudet, and the institution rose rapidly into public favor and confidence — the number of 7 deaf mutes, with which it commenced, soon increasing to 140, from all sections of the Union. Congress, in 1819, granted to the Asylum a township of land in Alabama, which has since been invested in a permanent fund. The main building was erect- ed in 1820. It is 130 by 50 feet, and 4 stories high. Several other buildings, workshops, &c., have been since erected. The number of pupils averages about 200. This institution is an orna- ment to the city, the state, and the country, and an enduring monument of the Christian philan- thropy and wisdom of its now departed founder.
The Retreat for the Insane, but little less interesting in the scale of human benevolence, stands on a commanding but easy eminence half a mile S. W. of the city. The site is admi- rably chosen, overlooking one of the most serene and lovely landscapes which can any where bo found. In one direction, the eye embraces the city, with its spires, turrets, and towers ; in others, extensive views of the Connecticut Valley and River, with its floating burden of steamers and other vessels ; in others still, a number of thriv- ing farming villages, embowered amid orchards and deep foliage, from whence the numerous white cottages and farm houses seem to peep forth ; and in . the immediate foreground the scenery is enriched by the ornamental and taste- ful lawns and gardens of the institution, embra- cing some 17 acres, beautifully adorned with shrubbery and trees, and diversified with serpen- tine walks and carriage ways. The main build- ing is about 410 feet long, consisting of a centre building 50 feet square, 3 stories above the base- ment, flanked with wings extending N. and S. 2 and 3 stories high, 144 by 30,feet, and termi- nating with two angular end buildings or halls, one at each end, 120 by 36 feet. The males occupy the north, and the females the south wings and halls, exclusively, except such patients, of both sexes, as have separate attendants, and rooms in the centre building. The institution accommodates 200 patients, and is considered a model one of its highly-beneficent class. It was founded in 1822.
The celebrated Charter Oak " is among the objects of interest in Hartford. The original charter which it concealed and saved is still in a good state of preservation, in the office of the |