by West Canada Creek. The surface is hilly on the N., and the soil extremely fertile along the valley of the Mohawk. 80 miles N. W. from Albany.
Hermon, Me., Penobscot co. A good township of land, 7 miles W. from Bangor. A large pond and the Sowadabscook River water its S. W. corner. Incorporated 1814.
Hermon, N. Y., St. Lawrence co. The surface of this town is rolling, and drained by a few small streams; the soil clay loam, favorable to the growth of grass. 15 miles S. from Canton, and 199 N. W. from Albany.
Hernando, Mi., c. h. De Soto co. 18 miles E. of Mississippi River, and 202 from Jackson.
Herrick, Pa., Susquehanna co. Drained by the head branches of Lackawannock River. Surface hilly, Elk Mountain lying in the S. W. part; soil clay and gravel. 20 miles S. E. from Montrose.
Hertford County, N. C., c. h. at Winton. Bounded N. and E. by the Chowan River, separating it from Gates and Chowan counties, S. by Bertie, and W. by Northampton co. Drained by branches of the Chowan River.
Hertford, N. C., c. h. Perquimans co. On the S. side of Perquimans River, near its entrance into Perquimans Bay. 194 miles N. E. by E. from Raleigh.
Heuvelton, N. Y., St. Lawrence co. On Os- wegatchie River. 7 miles from Ogdensburg, and 203 N. W. from Albany.
Hickman County, Ky., c. h. at Clinton. Bounded N. by Ballard, E. by Graves co., S. by Ten- nessee, and W. by the Mississippi River, separat- ing it from Missouri. Watered by Little Obion River and branches, and Bayou Desha Creek.
Hickman County, Te., c. h. at Centreville. Bounded N. by Dickson co., E. by Williamson and Maury, S. by Lawrence and Wayne, and W. by Perry and Humphrey counties. Watered by Duck River and its tributaries.
Hickory County, Mo., c. h. at Hermitage. S. W. central. Pomme de Terre River, a tributary of the Osage, runs N. through it.
Hicksford, Va., c. h. Greenville co. On the S. W. of Meherin River, 62 miles S. from Rich- mond. The Petersburg Railroad here crosses the Meherin, on a magnificent stone viaduct.
High Falls, N. Y., Ulster co. On Rondout Creek, 69 miles S. from Albany. It has a good water power. The Delaware and Hudson Canal passes here.
Highgate, Vt., Franklin co. The Missisco River passes through the township. About 6 miles above Swanton Falls is a fall in the river of about 40 feet, affording some excellent mill privileges. Rock River is in the N. part of the township. The soil is mostly sandy, and covered with pine, except along the course of the Missisco River, where the timber is hemlock, ash, &c., and in the S. E. comer, which constitutes a part of what is called Hog Island, and is marshy. Bog iron ore is found in great abundance. The first settlers were Germans, mostly soldiers who had served in the British army during the revolution, but the time of their settlement is not known. The town was chartered in 1763. 70 miles N. W. from Montpelier, and 12 N. from St. Albans.
Highland County, 0., c. h. at Hillsboro'. Clinton and Fayette counties bound it on the N., Ross and Pike on the E., Adams and Brown on the S., and Brown co. on the W. It takes its name from its elevated position, and has rolling land, well watered by permanent springs and the head waters of Paint, Brush, and Whiteoak Creeks, and the E. fork of Little Miami.
Highland County, Va., c. h. at Monterey. North- ern central part. On elevated table land, rough and sterile, containing the interlocking head springs of the Potomac, (S. branch,) and of the James River.
Hill, N. H., Grafton co. Watered by Pemige- wasset and Smith's Rivers, and several small streams. Eagle Pond is the only one of note. Ragged Mountain is of considerable elevation. The soil in some parts is rich and fertile; it is gen- erally good. At the S. E. section is a flourishing village, situated on a spacious street, 1 mile in length. This town was granted, September 14, 1753, to 87 proprietors, who held their first meet- ing at Chester. As most of the inhabitants be- longed to that place, it was called New Chester, until January, 1837. First settlers: Captain Cushing Favor and Carr Huse, Esq., settled in 1768. 24 miles N. N. W. from Concord, and 44 S. S. E. from Haverhill.
Hillsboro1 County, Fa., c. h. at Tampa. Bounded N. by Benton, E. by Musqueto, S. by Munroe co., and W. by the Gulf of Mexico. Watered in the N. interior by Tampa Bay, and drained by Hillsboro', Alafia, and Asterual Rivers. Soil various, being very fertile in some parts.
Hillsboro1, Is., c. h. Montgomery co. 64 miles S. from Springfield.
Hillsboro', Mi., c. h. Scott co.
Hillsboro', Mo., c. h. Jefferson co. On the E side of Big River. 132 miles E. from Jefferson City.
Hillsboro', N. C., c. h. Orange co. - On the Eno, a branch of Neuse River. 40 miles N. W. from Raleigh.
Hillsboro' County, N. H., c. h. at Amherst. Merrimac co. is on the N., Rockingham on the E., the state of Massachusetts on the S., and Cheshire co. on the W. The surface is generally uneven, though there are but few lofty mountains. Lyndeboro', Unconconock, and Cro'tched are of considerable altitude. This county is well wa- tered by Merrimac, Nashua, Souhegan, and Pis- cataquog Rivers. Massabesick Lake lies on the E. boundary of Manchester. There are numer- ous ponds here; the largest are Gregg's, Pleas- ant, Babboosuck, and Potanipo. This county possesses many advantages for manufacturing establishments. Its settlement was made at Nashua, lately Dunstable, some years before the war with King Philip, in 1665. It received its name from the Earl of Hillsboro', one of the privy council of George III.
Hillsboro', N. H., Hillsbor o' co. This town is well watered by Contoocook and Hillsboro' Riv- ers, which streams form a junction on the S. line of the town. The land is uneven, but affords many good farms. Fine plumbago is found here. Four pleasant villages are in this town. The largest is called Hillsboro' Bridge, is situated on both sides of Contoocook River, and has con- siderable trade. First settlers, Jas. M'Calley, Sam. Gibson, Robt. M'Clure, Jas. Lyon, and others, in 1741. 23 miles N. W. from Amherst, and 30 W. S. W. from Concord.
Hillsboro', N. J., Somerset co. Bounded N. by the S. branch of the Raritan, and E. by Millstone River, and drained by Roy's Brook, a branch of Millstone River. Surface level on the E., and hilly on the W; soil red shale and clay loam. | |