Hunter, N. Y., Greene co. Drained by some of the head branches of Schoharie Creek. The surface is mountainous, being covered by the Catskill range of mountains. The highest peak, called Bound Top, is elevated 3804 feet above the Hudson. Soil mostly sterile. 18 miles W. from Catskill, and 55 S. W. from Albany.
Hunterdon County, N. J., c. h. at Elemington. Bounded N. by Warren and Morris counties, E. by Somerset, S. by Mercer co., and W. by the Delaware River, separating it from Pennsylva- nia. Drained by the S. branch of the Raritan and its tributaries, and by small creeks flowing into the Delaware. Surface mountainous in the N. and level in the S. portions; soil mostly of excellent quality.
Huntingdon County, Pa., c. h. at Huntingdon. Incorporated in 1787, and bounded N. by Cen- tre co., E. by Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry, S. by Bedford, and W. by Blair co. Watered by the main and Raystown branch of the Juniata River. The Pennsylvania Canal runs parallel to the Ju- niata River through this county. Surface moun- tainous in some parts ; soil mostly fertile. Iron ore, lead, bituminous coal, alum, and salt exist here.
Huntingdon, Pa., c. h. Huntingdon co. On the W. side of the Frankstown branch, at its en- trance into Juniata River, and 92 miles W. N. W. from Harrisburg. The Pennsylvania Canal and the Pennsylvania Railroad pass through it.
Huntingdon, Pa., Adams co. Bounded W. by Bermudian Creek. Surface level; soil gravel and calcareous loam. 12 miles N. E. from Gettsyburg.
Huntingdon, Pa., Luzerne co. North Mountain lies in the N., and Knob Mountain in the S. E. part of thi3 town. The rest of the surface is un- dulating, and the soil fertile.
Huntingdon, Te., c. h. Carroll co. On the S. fork of Obion River. 98 miles W. from Nashville.
Huntington, Ct., Fairfield co. This is a town- ship of uneven surface, but well adapted to agri- cultural purposes, to which the inhabitants are principally devoted.
Huntington County, la., c. h. at Huntington. In- corporated in 1832, and is bounded N. by Whit- ley co., E. by Allen and Wells, S. by Grant, and W. by Wabash. Watered by the Wabash and its branches, Salmaina and Little Rivers. The Wabash and Erie Canal also traverses this coun- ty. Surface level or undulating.
Huntington, la., c. h. Huntington co. On the N. side of Wabash River. 105 miles N. N. E. from Indianapolis.
Huntington, N. Y., Suffolk co. A large town, extending across the widest part of Long Island, and including Oak Island Beach. It is indented by several large bays on the N., and watered on the S. by some small streams flowing into the Great South Bay. The surface is somewhat hilly; the soil various. 35 miles W. from Riverhead, and 198 S. S. E. from Albany.
Huntersville, Va., c. h. Pocahontas co. On Knapp's Creek, 6 miles from its mouth, at an ele- vation of 1800 feet above the Atlantic. W. N. W. from Richmond 190 miles. |
Huntsville, Aa., shire town of Madison co. About 180 miles N. by W. from Montgomery, and 150 N. by E. from Tuscaloosa. It is a neat and thriving place, situated in the northern part of the state, about 10 miles N. of the Tennessee River, and 30 miles from the railroad at Decatur, which runs to Tuscumbia. It is principally built of brick, and many of the houses are elegant and costly. Among the public buildings, it contains a court house of Grecian architecture, which cost $45,000 ; a banking house of hewn stone, with an Ionic portico, built at a cost of $80,000 ; a hand- some market house; a U. S. land office; an acad- emy; and several churches. The streets are McAdamized, and kept remarkably clean. The town is abundantly supplied with pure and cool water from a spring, which breaks out at the foot of a rock with force sufficient to drive a forcing pump for elevating and distributing it to all the dwellings. A fine McAdamized road, commen- cing 4 miles N. of the town, passes through it, and extends to the Tennessee River.
Hurley, N. Y., Ulster co. Esopus Creek wa- ters this town, the surface of which is hilly, and the soil fertile. 6 miles W. from Kingstown vil- lage, and 60 S. S. W. from Albany.
Huron, N. Y., Wayne co. Bounded on the N. by Lake Ontario. Port Bay lies wholly, and East and Sodus Bays partly, within this town. Surface level; soil sandy and gravelly loam. 14 miles N. from Lyons, and 195 N.W. from Albany.
Huron County, O., c. h. at Norwalk. It is bounded N. by Lake Erie, is very fertile, and is watered by the Huron and Vermilion Rivers, La Chapelle, Old Woman's, Pipe, and Cold Creeks. Sandusky Bay is on the northern boundary, and it has two excellent harbors on the shore of Lake Erie. Emigrants from Connecticut and other N. E. States were the first settlers. All the tract called fire land lies within this county. The rail- road from Cincinnati to Lake Erie passes through the county, and it is a rising, prosperous region.
Huron County, Mn., includes the projection be- tween Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron.
Huron, 0., Huron co. The situation of this town causes it to be a place of great importance; it is located on the shore of Lake Erie, at the mouth of Huron River, aud has an excellent ar- tificial harbor. Commercial business is carried on here to a large extent; it has improved rapid- ly for a few years past. 47 miles W. from Cleve- land, and 120 from Columbus.
Hyannis, Ms., Barnstable co., in the town of Barnstable. 5 miles S. E. from Barnstable court house, and 77 S. E. from Boston.
Hyde County, N. C., c. h. at Lake Landing. Bounded N. by Washington and Tyrrell counties, E. and S. by Pamlico Sound, and W. by Beau- fort co. Surface flat and marshy.
Hyde Park, N. Y., Dutchess co. On the E. bank of the Hudson. Watered by Crum Elbow Creek and some other small streams. The sur- face is somewhat hilly and uneven, and the soil of a good quality along the border of the river. 6 miles N. from Poughkeepsie village, and 68 S. from Albany.
Hydepart, Vt., c. h. Lamoille co. The La- moille, Green, and other rivers give this town a great water power. The soil is generally of a good quality, and easily cultivated. There are in the N. E. part of the town 12 ponds, containing from 1 to 50 acres, besides sever- al smaller ones. Some of them have names, such as Great, Clear, George's, Zack's, Mud Pond. Hydepark village is situated in the S. W. part of the town, on a beautiful elevated plain. This town has a valuable water power, and is surrounded by a country rich in agricultural and mineral productions. The settlement was commenced by John McDaniel, Esq., who re- moved his family here July 4, 1787. He emi- |