streets extend from it diagonally, towards the four corners of the city. The streets, with the exception of these four, all intersect each other at right angles. They bear the names of the differ- ent states of the Union.
The State House at Indianapolis is beautifully located, in the centre of one of the 40 acre squares, handsomely laid out and enclosed. It is one of the most splendid buildings in the west. It is 180 feet long, 80 feet wide, and 40 feet high, to the top of the cornice, and is surmounted with a handsome dome. It is on the model of the Par- thenon at Athens, with the omission of the col- umns on the sides ; for which pilasters, 13 in number, are substituted. On each front there is a beautiful portico, with 10 Doric columns. The two halls for the legislature are in the second story, to which the entrance is through a hall and rotunda in the centre. The Court House, which was formerly occupied as the State House, is also a handsome building. Some of the church edi- fices are large and of fine appearance.
Indianapolis is the centre of a number of stage routes from different sections of the west, and is fast becoming a place of extensive business. It is connected by railroad with Madison, on the Ohio River, a distance of 86 miles; being by this route about 150 miles from Cincinnati, and about the same distance from Louisville, Ky. The railroad will soon be completed to connect it with Peru, on the Wabash and Erie Canal.
Indianola, la., c. h. Warren co.
Industry, Me., Eranklin co. This town borders N. W. on Sandy River, and is a valuable tract of land. It lies 32 miles N. W. from Augusta, and is bounded S. W. by Earmington. Industry was incorporated in 1803 : it has a pleasant village.
Ingham County, Mn., c. h. at Vevay. Incorpo- rated in 1838. Bounded N. by Clinton and Shiawassbe counties, E. by Livingston, S. by Jackson, and W. by Eaton co. Watered by Pine, Swampy, and Portage Lakes, and Red Cedar, Willow, Mud, and Sycamore Creeks. Surface mostly level, and soil fertile.
Ionia County, Mn., c. h. at Ionia. Bounded N. by Montcalm, E. by Clinton, S. by Eaton and Barry, and W. by Kent co. Drained by Grand River and its tributaries. Surface slightly undu- lating ; soil of excellent quality. »
Ionia, Mn., c. h. Ionia co. On both sides of Grand River. 136 miles W. N. W. from Detroit.
Iowa City, Io. Capital of the state, and seat of justice of Johnson co. It stands on the E. bank of Iowa River, 88 miles N. by W. from Bur- lington, and 50 miles W. from Davenport, these towns being on the Mississippi. This place was hunting ground for the Indian until 1839, when it was, selected by the legislature to be the seat of government. Within one year from that time it contained between 500 and 700 in- habitants, with two hotels, stores, mechanics' shops, &c., and it has continued ever since rapidly to increase. The first plateau from the river, about 100 yards in width, is reserved as a public promenade. There is then an elevation of about 12 feet, and a second elevation of about 18 feet, upon which the city is built. Upon the brow of this second natural terrace, Capitol Street is laid out, 120 feet in width, and is intersected at right angles by Iowa Avenue, of the same width. The State House, on Capitol Street, and fronting Iowa Avenue, is an elegant building, constructed of ‘birdseye marble,'' at a cost of about $120,000;
and is every way worthy of being the capitol of a great and wealthy state, such as Iowa in the future must become. It is 120 feet long by 60 feet wide, and two stories high above the base- ment. It is of the Grecian Doric order of archi- tecture, and is surmounted with a dome resting on 22 Corinthian columns. Among the other public buildings are the court house and jail, and academy, and seven very handsome church edifices. The location is a beautiful and healthy one. By an act of the Iowa legislature, the State University is to be located here.
The Davenport and Council Bluffs, and the Dubuque and Keokuk Railroads will pass through Iowa City. Steamboats frequently ascend the river to this place. About a mile above the city there is an excellent water power, which is im- proved to drive a large merchant and custom flouring mill, a saw mill, and other machinery.
Iowa County, Io., c. h. at Marengo. S. E. part. Watered by the Iowa and branches.
Iowa County, Wn., c. h. at Mineral Point. Bounded N. by the Wisconsin River, separating it from Richland and Sauk counties, E. by Dane co., S. by Lafayette, and W. by Grant co. The N. part is drained by small tributaries of the Wisconsin, and the S. part by Pekatonokee and Eever Rivers. There are some fertile prairies in this county, and lead and copper ores abound.
Ipswich, Ms., Essex co. This town was bought by John Winthrop, Jr. in 1638, of an Indian sag- amore, named Masconnomet, for 20 pounds. It was first settled in 1633, and named after the town of Ipswich, in England. Its Indian name was Agawam, signifying a fishing station. Ipswich is one of the shire towns of the county, a port of entry, and a place long noted for its enterprise in commerce and manufactures. Ipswich River pass- es through the town, and flows into a bay of the same name. The river affords a good water pow- er, and at its mouth is an excellent harbor. The surface is pleasantly interspersed with hills and vales ; the soil is of a good quality. The village of Ipswich is very pleasant. It lies on both sides of the river, which is crossed by a stone bridge, with two arches, built in 1764, at a cost of 1000 pounds. The Ipswich Eemale Seminary is situ- ated in the centre of the village. Distances, 25 miles E. from Lowell, and 25 from Boston by the Eastern Railroad.
Ira, N. Y., Cayuga co. The surface of this town is undulating, and watered by a few small streams; soil mostly sandy loam of good quality. 20 miles N. from Auburn, and 160 W. by N. from Albany.
Ira, Yt., Rutland co. This township is ele- vated ; it contains good land for rearing cattle. Castleton River and Ira Brook wash a part of the town, but afford no valuable mill privileges. The town was organized in 1779. Erom Montpelier 40 miles S. W., and 8 S. W. from Rutland.
Irasburg, Yt., Orleans co. Irasburg is some- what diversified with gentle hills and valleys. The soil is easy to cultivate, and, in general, pro- duces good crops. Black River passes through the township in a north-easterly direction, and Barton River just touches upon the eastern cor- ner. Nearly in the centre of the township is a small village. The settlement was commenced a little previous to the year 1800. Distance from Montpelier, 42 miles N. E.
Iredell Colmty, N. C., c. h. at Statesville. Bound- ed N. by Wilkes and Surry counties, E. by Davie and Rowan, S. by Mecklenburg, and W. by Ca- | |