tawba and Caldwell counties. Watered on the S. W. border by Catawba River, and drained by branches of the South Yadkin.
Irondequoit, N. Y., Monroe co. Bounded on the N. by Lake Ontario, E. by Irondequoit Bay, and W. by the Genesee River. The surface is chiefly level; soil gravelly and sandy loam. 5 miles N. from the city of Rochester, and 220 W. by N. from Albany.
Iroquois County, Is., c. h. at Montgomery. Bounded N. by Will co., E. by Indiana, and S. and W. by Vermilion co. Watered by the Iroquois River and branches, Kankakee River, and Sugar and Spring Creeks. Much of the land is fertile prairie.
Irvine, Ky., c. h. Estill co. On the N. side of Kentucky Hiver. 68 miles S. E. from Frankfort.
Irwin County, Ga., c.h. at Irwinville. Bounded N. by Dooly, Pulaski, and Telfair, E. by Telfair and Ware, S. by Lowndes, and W. by Baker and Lee counties. Watered by the head branches of Santilla, Alapahaw, Withlacoochee, and Oclock- ony Rivers ; the Ockmulgee River also runs along its N. E. boundary.
Irwin, Pa., Venango co. This is a level town, watered by Scrub Grass Creek; soil loam. 12 miles S. W. from Franklin.
Irwinsville, Ga., c. h. Irwin co. On the E. side of Alapahaw River. 105 miles S. from Milledgeville.
Irwinton, Ga., c. h. Wilkinson co. 4 miles W. from the Oconee River, between Commissioner's and Big Sandy Creeks, and 20 miles S. from Mil- ledgeville.
Isle La Motte, Vt., Grand Isle co. An island in Lake Champlain, in the western part of the county. It was chartered by this name to Ben- jamin Wait and others, October 27, 1789. The settlement was commenced about the year 1785, and the town was organized about the year 17 90. There are no streams on the island. A marsh extends across it, which abounds with excellent cedar. The rocks are limestone. 28 miles N. W. from Burlington, and 13 nearly W. from St. Al- bans.
Isle of Wight County, Va., c. h. at Isle of Wight. Bounded on the N. by Surry, and on the E. by Nansemond counties, on the N. E. by James Riv- er, separating it from Warwick, and W. by Black- water River, separating it from Southampton.
•Islesboro\ Me., Waldo co., comprises several isl- ands in Penobscot Bay. 56 miles E. from Augusta.
Islip, N. Y., Suffolk co. Washed on the S. by the Great South Bay. Surface level; soil light and sandy. 28 miles W. from Riverhead, and
197 S. S. E. from Albany.
Issaquena County, Mi., c. h. at Tallulah. New.
Italy, N. Y., Yates co. Watered by Flint Creek, aud on the N. W. by Canandaigua Lake. Surface somewhat hilly; soil clay loam upon a basis of slate. 15 miles W. from Penn Yan, and
198 from Albany.
Itasca County, Ma., includes the sources of the Mississippi.
Itawamba County, Mi., c. h. at Fulton. Bounded N. by Tishamingo co., E. by Alabama, S. by Mon- roe co., and W. by Pontotoc. Surface slightly uneven, and watered by the head branches of the Tombigbee River; soil fertile. |
Ithaca, N. Y., shire town of Tompkins co., lies at the head of Cayuga Lake, 170 miles W. by S. from Albany, and 277 miles, by railroad, N. W. from New York. The lake extends S. into the town about 2 miles. Around its head are fine alluvial flats, containing about 3000 acres. Back of these flats the hills rise gradually, on three sides, to an elevation of about 500 feet, exhibiting some of the most magnificent scenery, especially as the landscape presents itself to the eye upon the lake. Back of the hills the surface is undu- lating, and the soil of excellent quality. Several considerable streams, which drain the township, pour their waters over the hills in their course towards the lake : and by their beautiful cascades and stupendous cataracts, add much to the pic- turesque features of the scenery. The largest of these are the Cascadilla, Fall Creek, and Six Mile Creek. The Cascadilla, in one place, tum- bles over a succession of ledges, in the form of a gigantic stairway, through a descent of 100 feet. Near the N. end of the village, Fall Creek de- scends over rocks, within a distance of one mile, 438 feet; in the course of which the whole sheet of water is at once precipitated over a perpendic- ular fall of 116 feet.
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The village of Ithaca, founded about 1800, by Simeon De Witt, surveyor general of the state, and incorporated in 1821, is very beautifully sit- uated, about a mile and a half above the head of the lake. Small vessels and steamboats can come up to the village by the Cayuga Inlet. It lies partly on the alluvial plain, and partly on the rising acclivities behind it. It is handsomely laid out, having two or three fine avenues running from the lake to and through the village, and forming a part of the streets, which are numerous, and cross each other at right angles. The houses are tastefully and neatly built; and many of the streets are lined with beautiful shade trees, form- ing vistas which open charming views of the ad- jacent hills. That portion of the place which lies upon the hill commands a fine view of the lake, the valley, the inlet, and the surrounding country, which is highly cultivated.
Within the chartered limits of Ithaca, there ex- ists hydraulic power equal to any in the state, for extent and facility of application. The water power on Fall Creek alone, it is said, is capable of operating 133,000 spindles, at all seasons of the year. There are at present on this and the other streams which pass by Ithaca into the lake, sev- eral large manufacturing establishments, among which are cotton and woollen mills, flouring mills, furnaces and machine shops, plaster mills, and mills for the manufacture of paper, sashes and blinds, oil, tobacco, &c.
This place is very advantageously situated for trade. By means of Cayuga Lake, and the Cayu-' ga and Seneca Canal, it communicates with the Erie Canal. A beautiful steamboat for conveying passengers, runs daily on the lake, from Ithaca to Cayuga Bridge, a distance of 42 miles, where it meets the railroad from Albany to Buffalo. A railroad extends S. 29 miles to Owego, on the Susquehanna River, where it intersects the Great Erie Railroad, and thus opens a continuous rail- road communication from Ithaca to Jersey City, opposite New York.
Izard County, As., c. h. at Athens. Bounded N. by Fulton co., E. and S. by Lawrence, Inde- pendence, and Yan Buren, and W. by Searcy co. Watered by White River and its tributaries, and by some streams flowing into the Big Black.
Jacinto, Mi., c. h. Tishamingo co. At the head of Tuscumbia Creek. 233 miles N. N. E. from Jackson. |