chiefly paved and curbed, and are neatly kept. The two principal streets are King and Queen Streets, at the intersection of which, in the cen- tre of the city, is a handsome square, containing the court house. Many buildings still remain in the ancient style, as built by the German settlers, which are principally one story brick houses, with wide roofs and dormer windows; but the houses of more recent date are lofty, and many of them elegant, with every modern con- venience and embellishment. Besides the pecu- liarities above mentioned, which had their origin in the fashions of the olden time, a stranger is struck with the number and character of the tavern signs which are hung out in the principal streets, and which, as one writer remarks, form a sort of out-doorpicture gallery,'' in which may be seen half the kings of Europe — the king of Prussia, of Sweden, and the prince of Orange; then the warriors — Washington, Lafayette, Jackson, Napoleon, William Tell, and a whole army of others; and then the statesmen — Jef- ferson, Franklin, and others; and then comes the Bed Lion of England, leading a long procession of lions, bears, stags, bulls, horses, eagles, swans, black, white, dun, and red; not to mention the inanimate emblems, the globe, the cross-keys, the plough, the wheat sheaf, the compass and square, and the hickory tree.'' These numerous inns were formerly much more in demand than at present; when the whole business of trans- portation was carried on in wagons, over the great Western Turnpike, passing through this place from Pittsburg to Philadelphia.
Lancaster is an illustration of the change made in the prospects of many an inland town in our country by the introduction of railroads. When spoken of by Governor Pownal, who vis- ited it in 1754, as already a growing town,'' with fair promise of increase, some one, in alluding to this opinion, remarked, that from its local situation, remote from water, Lancaster was not, nor could it ever possibly become, a place of busi- ness.'' Such, until recent times, would have been the natural conclusion from the fact that a place had not been located upon a large navi- gable river. But the era of internal improve- ments, especially the construction of railroads, has changed all this. Speaking of Lancaster as it now appears, a descriptive author observes, This place well deserves the title of a city; there is nothing rural in its aspect. The streets, laid off at right angles, are paved and lighted; the houses, generally of brick, are compactly ar- ranged ; and those of modern date are lofty and well built; . . . the place is supplied with wa- ter by an artificial basin and waterworks; stores, taverns, and shops abound in every quarter; railroad cars, stages, canal boats, and wagons are constantly arriving or departing; and all together there is that rattle and din that remind one of city life.''
Among the manufactories of this place are two for cotton fabrics, which employ about 900 persons. |
Lancaster has had the benefit of every species of internal improvement in the order in which they have arisen. The turnpike from this place to Philadelphia, completed in 1794, at a cost of $465,000, paved at first with stone, and since McAdamized, was the first road of the kind built in the United States. The splendid stone bridge over the Conestoga Creek, built by in- dividual enterprise, in 1799, was a work of which, at that early period, the state might have been proud, and which contributed, in no small meas- ure, to the prosperity of the place. Then fol- lowed, in 1829, the improvements for rendering the Conestoga Creek navigable from Lancaster to the Susquehanna Biver, a distance of 18 miles, which was accomplished by means of a series of 9 locks, creating slack water pools, at a cost of about $75,000. By means of this work, in connection with a tide water canal to Port Deposit, a navigable communication was opened to Baltimore. In 1834, the Philadelphia and Columbia Eailroad, passing by Lancaster, was opened; and, in 1838, the railroad from Lancas- ter to Harrisburg, since extended to Pittsburg, and in another direction to Hagarstowu, in Ma- ryland.
A college was established at Lancaster in 1787, called Franklin College,'' for which spa- cious buildings were erected; but it afterwards declined to the rank of an academy or high school.
Lancaster District, S. C., c. h. at Lancaster. Bounded N. by North Carolina, E. by Lynche's Creek, separating it from Chester district, S. by Kershaw district, and W. by Catawba Biver, separating it from Chester district. Drained by branches of Catawba Biver and Lynche's Creek.
Lancaster, S. C., c. h. Lancaster district. On a small branch of Catawba Biver. 72 miles N. N. E. from Columbia.
Lancaster County, Va., c. h. at Heathville. It is bounded N. by Bichmond co., E. by Northum- berland co. and Chesapeake Bay, and S. and W. by the Eappahannock Biver, separating it from Middlesex co.
Lancaster, Va., c. h. Lancaster co. 38 miles E. by N. from Bichmond.
Landgrove, Vt., Bennington co. This town is on elevated land, at the N. E. corner of the coun- ty. Some of the head branches of West Biver have their sources here. The lands are too rough and high for much improvement. The settlement was commenced by William Utley and family, in June, 1769, emigrants from Ashford, Ct. 33 miles N. E. from Bennington, and 70 S. from Montpelier.
Landaff, N. H., Grafton co. Wild and Great Amonoosuck Eivers pass through this town. Landaff Mountain, Cobble and Bald Hills are the principal elevations. The farmers here are very industrious, and the soil well rewards them for their labor. The town of Landaff was granted, in 1764, to James Avery and others. 12 miles N. E. from Haverhill, and 95 N. by W. from Concord.
Lanesboro', Ms., Berkshire co., was incorpo- rated on the 20th of June, 1765, and then includ- ed a large part of the present town of Cheshire. The soil is of an excellent quality, mostly clay loam. The S. branch of the Hoosic rises in the S. E. corner of the town, the W. branch of the Housatonic passes by the centre and runs through Lanesboro' Pond into Pittsfield. This pond is partly in the latter town. It abounds with fish. The scenery, from various points, is picturesque and delightful. This town affords iron ore, and extensive beds of beautiful white and clouded marble, and graphic slate. There is in Lanes- boro' a large rock, so equally balanced upon another that it can be easily moved. The set- tlement of this town commenced in 1754. 5 |