miles N. from Pittsfield, from which, by the Western Railroad, is 151 miles to Boston.
Langdon, N. H., Sullivan co. The principal village is 3 miles E. from Connecticut River, and 6 from Bellows Falls. A branch of Cold River passes S. W. through the town, and unites with the main branch, near the S. line. Langdon was named in honor of Governor Langdon. First settlers, Seth Walker, Nathaniel Rice, and Jona- than Williard, in 1773. 18 miles S. S. W. from Newport, and 56 W. by S. from Concord.
Lanier, Ga., c. h. Macon co. On the W. side of Flint River. 76 miles S. W. from Milledge- ville.
Lanier, 0., Preble co., was named for a citi- zen of the county, Alexander C. Lanier, Esq. The township was organized in 1811, and has well-cultivated, well-watered lands.
Lansing, Mn. Capital of the state. Situated on Grand River, about 55 miles N. from Jackson, which is on the Michigan Central Railroad, and 132 miles W. by N. from Detroit, via Jackson. In 1847 the place upon which it stands was covered with a thick forest. Now there are about 400 buildings, including several large hotels. Both steam and water power are used for driving several flouring mills and saw mills. The state house is finely situated upon an emi- nence about 50 feet above the river, overlooking the town. It is a large and handsome edifice, and is surrounded by an ample enclosure, to be tastefully laid out and ornamented. Many things, in a town so recent, must be yet rough aud in- complete ; but their outline is sufficiently de- veloped to indicate the beauty which will speedi- ly adorn the new capital of this rich and enter- prising state.
Lansing, N. Y., Tompkins co. Drained by Salmon Creek and its branches. Surface hilly ; soil productive. 8 miles N. from Ithaca, and 166 W. from Albany.
Lansingburg, N. Y., Rensselaer co. On the E. bank of the Hudson; the surface is hilly, ex- cept on the border of the river, where is an ex- tensive plain ; the soil mostly gravelly and clay loam, of good quality. 3 miles N. from Troy, and 9 N. N. E. from Albany.
Lapeer County, Mn., c. h. at Lapeer. Bounded N. by Tuscarora and Sanilac counties, E. by St. Clair, S. by Macomb and Oakland, and W. by Genesee co. Watered by Flint River and branches, Belle River and Mill Creek. Surface slightly uneven; soil fertile.
Lapeer, Mn., c. h. at Lapeer co. Situated at the junction of Flint River and Farmer's Creek. 61 miles N. from Detroit.
La Pointe County, Wn. In the N. W. comer of the state, on the S. shore of Lake Superior.
La Porte County, la., c. h. at La Porte. Bound- ed N. W. by Lake Michigan, N. by Michigan, E. by St. Joseph co., S. by Stark, and W. by Porter co. Drained by Kankakee, Little Kankakee, and Gallien Rivers and Trail Creek.
Laredo, Ts., c. h. Webb co.
Larissa, Ts., Cherokee co. This pleasant and thriving town is situated in Eastern Texas, 25 miles N. from Rusk, in the same county, and 30 miles E. from Palestine, in Anderson co. It is decidedly the most prosperous inland village in Eastern Texas. It is situated in the centre of a large body of fertile lands, well watered and densely populated by thrifty farmers, The state of society is one of the chief attractions of the place. In a population of about 400, there are three regularly-organized churches — a Presby- terian, a Cumberland Presbyterian, and a Baptist.
Larue County, Ky. Central part. Washed on the N. by the Rolling Fork of Salt River.
La Salle County, Is., c. h. at Ottawa. Incorpo- rated in 1831. Bounded N. by Lee and De Kalb counties, E. by Kendall and Grundy, S. by Liv- ingston and Woodford, and W. by Putnam and Bureau counties. Drained by Illinois, Fox, and Vermilion Rivers, and their branches, which afford water power. Land mostly fertile prairie. The Illinois and Michigan Railroad traverses this county.
La Salle, Is., La Salle co., at the head of navi- gation on the Illinois River, 213 miles from its mouth, where the Illinois and Michigan Canal ter- minates by a conjunction with the river. This is a new place, created entirely by its being made the terminus of the canal, and is destined from this circumstance to become a place of considerable importance. Steamboats on the river, and canal boats from the lake, are continually arriving and departing; and a number of steamers are almost always lading and unlading at the wharves. The distance on the canal, from this place to Chica- go, on Lake Michigan, is 102 miles.
Latimore, Pa., Adams co. This is a level town, watered by Bermudian Creek and branches. Soil red shale. About two miles S. from the village are York Sulphur Springs. 15 miles N. E. from Gettysburg.
Lauderdale County, Aa., c. h. at Florence. Bounded N. by Tennessee, E. by Limestone co., and S. and W. by the Tennessee River, separating it from Lawrence and Franklin counties and Mis- sissippi. Drained by Blackwater, Shoal, Sec- ond, Cypress, and other creeks flowing into the Tennessee. Surface uneven ; soil of excellent quality. A canal here extends around the Mus- cle Shoals in the Tennessee River.
Lauderdale County, Mi., c. h. at Marion. Bound- ed N. by Kemper co., E. by Alabama, S. by Clarke, and W. by Newton co. Watered by Oktibbeha River and branches.
Lauderdale County, Te., c. h. at Ripley. Bound- ed N. by Dyer co., E. by Gibson, S. by Hay- wood and Tipton counties, and W. by the Mis- sissippi River. Soil very fertile, and watered by Forked Deer and Big Hatchee Rivers and Coal Creek.
Laurel County, Ky., c. h. at Loudon. Bounded N. by Madison co., E. by Clay, S. by Knox and Whitely, and W. by Rockcastle. Creek, a head branch of Cumberland River. In the S. E. part of the state. Watered by several tributaries of the Cumberland, namely, South Fork, Little Rockcastle, and Laurel Creeks. The surface is hilly.
Ljxurens County, Ga., c. h. at Dublin. Bounded N. E. by Emanuel, S. E. by Montgomery, S. W. by Pulaski, and N. W. by Wilkinson and Washing- ton counties.
Laurens, N. Y., Otsego co. Watered by Ote- go Creek. The surface is elevated and hilly; soil rich sandy loam. 15 miles S. W. from Cooperstown, and 84 W. from Albany.
Laurens District, S. C., c. h. at Laurensville. Bounded N. E. by Ennoree River, separating it from Spartanburg and Union districts, S. E. by Newberry district, S. W. by Saluda River, sepa- rating it from Abbeville district, and N. W. by Greenville district. |