very rich on the streams. Gold dust of a superior quality is found here.
Lunenburg, Ms., Worcester co. This was originally a part of Turkey Hills,'' or Fitch- burg, and was so called in compliment to George II, or to his title of Duke of Lunenburg. Many of the first settlers were emigrants from Scot- land and Ireland. The soil is fertile. Though the land is generally high, yet by reason of its cohesive texture, and having a clayey stratum within a few feet of its surface, it retains moisture sufficient for vegetation through the whole sum- mer, unless in seasons of severe drought, There are 3 handsome ponds, but the town is singularly destitute of water power. Lunenburg is a flour- ishing town, with a pleasant village near its cen- tre. This village is 5 miles N. W. from Shirley depot, on the Fitchburg Railroad, and 37 from Boston.
Lunenburg. Vt,, Essex co. On the W. side of Connecticut River, and watered by Neal's Branch and Pond, and Catbow Branch, good mill streams. Some of the land is very good, but the most of it is stony. It is good for grazing. This town was probably settled as early as 1770. 13 miles S. from Guildhall, and 55 N. E. by E. from Montpelier.
Lunenburg County, Va, c. h. at Lewistown. It is bounded N. by Nottoway River, separating it from Prince Edward and Nottoway counties, E. by Dinwiddie and Brunswick counties, S. by Meherin River, separating it from Mecklenburg, co, and W. by Charlotte co. Drained by small 6treains flowing into Nottoway and Meherin Rivers.
Lunenburg, Va, c. h. Lunenburg co. 78 miles S. W. from Richmond.
Lurgan, Pa, Franklin co. Watered by the N. and S. branches of Conedogwinit Creek. Sur- face mostly slaty valley land. 13 miles N. from Chambersburg.
Luray, Va, c. h. Page co. It is situated on Ilawksbill Creek. 130 miles N. W. from Richmond.
Luzerne, N. Y, Warren co. On the E. side of the Hudson River, and watered by a chain of small lakes extending from Lake George to the Hudson. It is a hilly town, the E. part being covered by the Palmertown Hills. 6 miles S. W. from Caldwell, and 55 N. from Albany.
Luzerne County, Pa, c. h. at Wilkesbarre. Bounded N. by Wyoming and Susquehanna counties, E. by Wayne and Monroe, S. by Car- bon and Schuylkill, and W. by Northumberland, Columbia, and Lycoming counties. Watered by Susquehanna and Lehigh Rivers. The surface is much diversified, and anthracite coal is abun- dant ; soil fertile in the valleys.
Luzerne, Pa, Fayette co. In the great bend of the Monongahela River, which bounds it N. and W. It is also watered by Dunlap's Creek. Sur- face level; soil calcareous loam. 12 miles N. W. from Uniontown.
Lycoming County, Pa, c. h. at Williamsport. Bounded N. by Tioga and Bradford counties, E. bv Wyoming and Luzerne, S. by Columbia, Nfortliumberland, and Union, and W. by Clinton co. Watered by the W. branch of the Susque- hanna and its tributaries. A canal passes through this county, and unites with the Penn- sylvania Canal at the mouth of the Juniata. Surface rough and mountainous; soil fertile in the valleys. |
Lycoming, Pa, Lycoming co. Watered bj Lycoming Creek, a branch of the Susquehanna River. Surface mostly mountainous; soil rich calcareous loam in the valleys.
Lykens, Pa, Dauphin co. Wiconisco, Little, and Mahantango Creeks water this town. Sur- face mountainous, containing coal; soil red shale. 26 miles N. from Harrisburg.
Lyman, Me, York co. This is a pleasant town, watered by several ponds, which empty, some into the Saco, and others into the Kennebunk and Mousum. It lies 87 miles S. W. from Au- gusta, 5 E. from Alfred, and 6 N. N. W. from Kennebunk.
Lyman, N. II, Grafton co, is situated on Con- necticut River. Lyman's Mountain is in this town: from it the N. W. branch of Burnham's River has its source. There are several ponds in the E. part of Lyman, through the largest of which Burnham's River has its course. The lower bar of Fifteen Mile Falls is in this town. Carleton's Falls are several miles below; and below these is Stevens's Ferry, which communi- cates with Barnet. The scenery in this town is wild and romantic. Lyman was granted, in 1761, to a number of proprietors, of whom was Daniel Lyman, from whom it probably received its name. 13 miles N. from Haverhill, and 100 N. E. from Concord.
Lyme, Ct, New London co. Lyme is situated at the mouth of Connecticut River, on the E. side, opposite to Saybrook. It is a pleasant town, generally of good soil, but greatly diversi- fied in regard to surface ; some parts are moun- tainous and rocky, while others are level, with large tracts of salt meadow. The town is watered by several streams and ponds, and the shores on the sound and river are indented by small bays and harbors, which afford the town some naviga- ble privileges. There are several neat villages in the town. Incorporated 1667. Its Indian name was Nehantic. Among the first settlers was Mat- thew Griswold, the ancestor of .two governors, and of a numerous and highly respected family in the state. 40 miles S. E. from Hartford.
Lyme, N. H, Grafton co. The soil here is similar to that of other towns on Connecticut River, with this difference, that there is a less proportion of intervale, and a less difference be- tween that directly adjoining the river and the other parts of the town. Three small streams pass through the town. There are two small ponds; the largest is called Port's. Here is an elevation called Smart's Mountain. The town received its name from Lyme, Ct. First settlers, Walter Fairfield, John and William Sloan, and others, from Connecticut. 20 miles S. from Haverhill, and 55 N. W. from Concord.
Lyme, N. Y, Jefferson co. Watered by Chau mont and St. Lawrence Rivers, and comprises Fox and Grenadier Islands, lying in Lake On- tario, which bounds the town on the S. Surface slightly uneven; soil fertile sandy and marly loam. 12 miles W. from Watertown, and 17S N. W. from Albany.
Lynchburg, Ya., Campbell co. On the S. side of James River, 20 miles below its passage through the Blue Ridge, and 116 W. from Richmond. The Janies River and Kanawha Canal is in operation between this place and Richmond, with five pack- et boats for passengers, leaving and arriving every day except Sundays. The town is handsomely situated, on ground ascending from the river in |