instead of being of the usual red. are of a light yellow or cream color, which gives to the ware- houses and solid portions of the town, where this material is used, a peculiarly bright and beautiful appearance. Steamboats ply continu- ally between this place and Buffalo, in the season of lake navigation ; and also to connect it with. Chicago and other ports south, on Lake Michi- gan, and with the termini of the Michigan Cen- tral and Southern Railroads. Plank roads are rapidly extending from this point into the inte- rior ; a railroad is in progress to the Mississippi, and one is proposed to Chicago.
Mina, N.Y., Chautauque co. Watered by French Creek and Finley's Lake, a small sheet of water. Surface uneven; soil gravelly loam and clay. 15 miles S. AY. from Mayville, and 348 S. by AY. from Albany.
Minden, La., c. h. Claiborne parish. 404 miles N. W. from New Orleans.
Minden, N. Y., Montgomery co. Bounded on the N. by the Mohawk River, and drained by Otsquake Creek. The surface is diversified and the soil fertile, particularly in the valley of the Mohawk, where are some rich alluvial marshes. 15 miles W. from Fonda, and 67 N. AV. from Albany.
Mineral Point, Wn., Iowa eo. On a head branch of Pekatonica River. 52 miles W. S. W. from Madison. Here are several smelting fur- naces for copper and lead.
Minersville, Pa., Schuylkill co. 66 miles N. E. from Harrisburg. In the Schuylkill coal field.
Minerva, N. Y., Essex co. The Hudson River and some of its branches water this town, the surface of which is hilly and mountainous, being partly covered by the Adirondack range, and the soil fertile in some of the valleys. 30 miles S. W. from Elizabeth, and 92 N. by AV. from Albany.
Minot, Me., Cumberland co. A large town- ship, on the E. side of the Androscoggin, opposite Lewiston, with two pleasant villages. 33 miles S. W. from Augusta, and 35 N. from Portland.
Minster, 0., Mercer co. 94 miles W. N. W. from Columbus.
Mississippi County, As., c. h. at Osceola. Bound- ed N. by Missouri, E. by the Mississippi River, separating it from Tennessee, S. by Crittenden co., and W. by St. Francis River, separating it from Poinsett and Greene counties. Whitewater River waters the interior.
Mississippi County, Mo., c. h. at Osceola. On the eastern border, opposite the mouth of the Ohio.
Mobile County, Aa., c. h. at Mobile. Bounded N. by Washington co., E. by Tombigbee and Mobile Rivers and Mobile Bay, separating it from Clarke and Baldwin counties, S. by Pas- cagoula Bay, and W. by Mississippi. Drained by branches of the Mobile River on the E., and of the Pascagoula on the W. Surface hilly in the N., and undulating in the S. portions ; soil sterile.
Mobile, Aa. City, port of entry, and seat of justice of Mobile co. Situated on the W. side of Mobile River, at its entrance into Mobile Bay, 30 miles N. of Mobile Point, at the entrance of the bay. 217 miles S. by W. from Tuscaloosa, 160 E. N.E. from New Orleans, and 55 W. by N. from Pensacola, Fa. Population in 1830, 3194; 1840, 12,672 ; 1850, 20,500.
It is the only town of much importance in the lower part of Alabama. It is pleasantly situated 58 |
on an extended plain, elevated 15 feet above the highest tides, and has a beautiful prospect of the bay, extending 30 miles, with an average width of 12 miles, to the Gulf of Mexico. Access to the town is rendered somewhat difficult by a swampy island opposite, so that vessels draw- ing more than 8 feet of water cannot come directly in, but must pass up Spanish River, six miles, round this island, into Mobile River, and then drop down to the city, into a harbor perfectly secure from winds, storms, or enemies. It has about 50 wharves, and, next to New Or- leans, is the largest cotton market in the United States. Its business and prosperity have in- creased with great rapidity since it came under the government of the United States. Although one of the earliest settled towns in the country, it never became, under the French and Spanish rigirne, which continued to 1813, any thing more than a military post. The churches of the city are of the Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, and Roman Catholic denominations. There is an academy, called Barton Academy, a court house, jail, custom house, a United States naval hospital, and a city hospital. An aque- duct, by which water is brought through iron pipes 2 miles, supplies the city abundantly with this element of life, purity, and comfort. There are many steamboats running between Mobile and the more important places above it, on the Mobile, Tombigbee, and Alabama Rivers; and also a line of communication by steamboats with New Orleans, by the way of Lake Pont- chartrain. There are also a great number of packet schooners, which run between Mobile and New Orleans; some by the way of the lake, and some by the Mississippi. The great project, now in a state of hopeful progress, of construct- ing a railroad from this city to Cairo, at the junction of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, to connect with the Illinois Central Railroad, run- ning thence, and terminating by its northern branches at Dubuque, on the Upper Mississippi, and at Chicago, on Lake Michigan, cannot fail, when accomplished, of bringing an immense in- crease of business and prosperity to Mobile.
This place was ceded to the Americans by Spain in 1813, chartered as a town in 1814, and incorporated as a city in 1819. It has suffered repeatedly by desolating fires. In 1827, 170 buildings were consumed; and in 1839, 600. But the town has been rebuilt with increased convenience and beauty.
Mohawk, N. Y., Herkimer co. On the S. side of the Mohawk River, on the Erie Canal. 79 miles W. N. W. from Albany.
Mohawk, N. Y., c. h. Montgomery co. Bound- ed on the S. by the Mohawk River. The sur- face is hilly on the N., and the soil fertile in the Mohawk valley. 42 miles N. AY. from Albany.
Moira, N. Y., Franklin co. The Little Salmon River waters this town, the surface of which is level, and the soil sandy loam. 13 miles AY. from Malone, and 225 N. N. AY. from Albany, on the Ogdensburg Railroad, from which latter place it is distant 47 miles.
Moniteau County, Mo. In the central part of the state. On the S. bank of the Missouri.
Monklon, Vt., Addison co. The western part of the town is watered by Little Otter Creek, and the eastern part by Pond Brook. Lewis Creek runs a short distance in the north-eastern part. These streams afford but few mill privi- |