Mount Pleasant, Pa., Wayne co. Watered by the head branches of Lackawaxen, Dyberry, and Great Equinunk Creeks.
Mount Sterling, Ky., c. h. Montgomery co. On a small branch of the S. fork of Licking River. 59 miles E. from Frankfort.
Mount Tabor, Vt., Rutland co. Otter Creek rises in this town, by a branch on each side of a mountain. Most of the land is unfit for cultiva- tion, it being so high on the Green Mountain range. Although the surface is elevated and un- even, it affords good pasturage for cattle. The town was chartered in 1761. A part of Danby was annexed to it in 1848. 66 miles S. by W. from Montpelier, and 19 S. by E. from Rutland.
Mount Vernon, Aa., Mobile co. 3 miles W. from Mobile River, and 184 miles S. by W. from Tuscaloosa.
Mount Vernon, Ga., c. h. Montgomery co. 112 miles S. E. by S. from Milledgeville.
Mount Vernon, Is., c. h. Jefferson co. 129 miles S. S. E. from Springfield.
Mount Vernon, la., c. h. Posey co., occupies very high land on a N. bend of Ohio River. 188 miles S. W. by S. from Indianapolis.
Mount Vernon, Ky., c. h. Rock Castle co. 75 miles S. S. E. from Frankfort.
Mount Vernon, Me., Kennebec co. This town lies W. of Belgrade, E. of Vienna, and 15 miles N. W. from Augusta. Incorporated 1792. There are three pleasant villages in the town; the soil is remarkably good, and is watered by a number of beautiful ponds and small streams.
Mount Vernon, N. H., Hillsboro' co. There is but one stream of any note, and this was called by the Indians QuohquinapassaJcessananagnog. The situation is elevated, and on the highest point is a flourishing village. This town was taken from Amherst in 1803. First settlers, see Amherst. 3 miles N. W. from Amherst, and 29 S. W. from Concord.
Mount Vernon, O., seat of justice of Knox co. Situated 45 miles N. E. of Columbus, on ground slightly ascending from Vernon River, which is one of the best and most durable streams in the state, affording at this place a good hydraulio power. The town is substantially and compact- ly built, and some of the structures are elegant. The principal business street is about a mile long, on which there are many brick blocks 3 stories in height. The court house is a superior building of its kind. The Episcopal Church is an elegant stone edifice, near the public square. Besides this church, the town contains churches of the Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic denominations. A railroad, to connect Sandusky with Columbus, is completed as far as Mount Vernon. A canal has been con- structed about half the distance, to connect this place with the Grand Ohio Canal at Roscoe. This town, with the country around it, has always been considered as among the most healthy sec- tions of the state. Population in 1840. 2363 ; in 1850,3710.
Mount Washington, Ms., Berkshire co. See Fashionable Resorts.
Muhlenburg County, Ky., c. h. at Greenville. Bounded N. and E. by Green River and one of its branches, separating it from Owen, Ohio, and Butler counties, S. by Logan and Todd counties, and W. by another branch of Green River, sepa- rating it from Madison co.
Muncietown, la., c. h. Delaware co. On the S. |
bank of White River, at an elevation of 30 feet. 58 miles N. E. from Indianapolis. There is a good water power here.
Muncy, Pa., Lycoming co. Bounded E. by Muncy and W. by Loyalsock Creek. Surface mountainous; soil diversified. Situated 13 miles N. E. from Williamsport.
Muncy Creek, Pa., Lycoming co. Drained by Big and Little Muncy Creeks, tributaries of the W. branch of Susquehanna River. Surface hilly; soil clay. Distance S. E. from Williamsport 13 miles.
Munfordsville, Ky., c. h. Hart co. On the N. bank of Green River. Ill miles S. W. from Frankfort.
Murfreesboro1, Te., c. h. Rutherford co., occu- pies an elevated position in a fertile country, on a branch of Stone Creek. S. E. from Nash- ville 34 miles. It was once the capital of the state.
Murphy, N. C., c. h. Cherokee co. At the junc- tion of Hiawassee and Valley Rivers, 367 miles W. by S. from Raleigh.
Murray County, Ga., c. h. at Spring Place. Bounded N. by Tennessee, E. by Gilmer co., S. by Cass, and W. by Floyd and Walker counties. Drained by Oostanula River and tributaries. Sur- face mountainous; soil productive.
Murray, N. Y., Orleans co. Watered by Sandy Creek. It is a level town, with a good soil. 8 miles E. from Albion village, and 245 N. N. W. from Albany.
Muscogee County, Ga., c. h. at Columbus. Bound- ed N. by Harris and Talbot counties, E. by Marion, S. by Stewart co., and W. by the Chattahoochee River, separating it from Alabama. Upotoi Creek and branches, tributaries of the Chattahoochee, drain this county.
Muscatine County, Io., c. h. at Bloomington. Bounded N. and E. by Cedar and Scott counties, S. E. by the Mississippi River, separating it from Illinois, S. by Louisa, and W. by Johnson co. Drained by Red Cedar River and its branches, and Pine Creek, a good mill stream. Soil rich, particularly in the E. portions, and in the Mis- sissippi is a large, fertile island, belonging to this county, and called the Muscatine Slue.
Muskingum County, 0., c. h. at Zanesville. Sit- uated towards the S. E. part of the state, hav- ing Coshocton county on the N., Guernsey on the E., Morgan on the S., Perry on the S. E., and Licking on the W. It is about 27 by 28 miles in extent. It was organized in 1804. Persons began to settle in several places in this county as early as 1798, and after the lands came into the market, in 1801, the county was rapidly set- tled by emigrants, principally from the Eastern States. Its principal streams ar& the Muskin- gum and Licking Rivers, which unite at Zanes- ville, and several other smaller streams or creeks. The whole county lies in the coal region of Ohio; but in the neighborhood of the Muskingum River that mineral is found jn great abundance and in great purity. Pipe clay, and also a peculiar kind of clay suitable to be used for crucibles, cellula- quartz, of which the burr-millstones are made, and iron ore, are found in different sections of the county. Salt is manufactured to a consider- able amount from water obtained by boring into a stratum of whitish sandstone, which lies at the depth of from 350 to 700 feet, dipping from the N. in a southerly direction.
The national road passes through this county, and crosses the river at Zanesville. Upon this road |